Contoh Soal Expressing Possibilities in Problem Solving Discussion

Contoh Soal Expressing Possibilities in Problem Solving DiscussionHave you ever had problems and you asked suggestions on how to solve them? Or have you ever been in a discussion with your friends to solve a problem? In a problem solving, you might think about what way is possible and what way is not. Those are called possibilities.
In this topic you will learn about how to express possibilities. This topic is important especially if you want to learn how to state your opinion. This will be very useful when you are involved in a discussion or debate. First, we are going to start with the definition and some phrases that you can use to express possibilities, and later there are some dialogues about expressing possibilities in problem solving discussion for you to learn.
Possibility means a chance that something may happen or be true. When you say a possibility, it doesn’t mean that what you say is true, but it can be.
“There’s a possibility of rain today. You might want to bring an umbrella.”
It also means something that you can choose to do in a particular situation. So, possibility also means option that you can take.
“Have you decided yet?”
“No, I am still considering the possibilities.”
Now, how to express possibilities in problem solving discussion?
Let’s start with words that show possibilities. They are ….
  1. It may be dangerous for us to go camping in this weather. Let’s do something else.
  2. You might want to spend a day or two on holiday so that you won’t be so stressful like this.
  3. If your parents are still out of town, you can stay in my house tonight.
  4. You could finish your job alone, but I think it would be better to get some help.
  5. Maybe we should follow the GPS, except we want to get lost.
  6. This bag is really expensive. Perhaps you want to buy something else.
  7. He probably didn’t read our message. We should call him.
Those are words that show possibilities. You can also use phrases to state possibilities.
Here are some phrases you can learn:
It is possible that ….
It could ….
It might be .…
It may be ….
It looks possible (that) ….
It seems possible (that) ….
In all probability, ….
It is going to be possible for me to ….
That will probably ….
It’s (quite) possible ….

I think it is possible …. 
There is a (good) chance of (gerund)
There is a (good) chance that ….

Do you understand?

Read the following dialogues
Dialogue 1
Danu : “Are you going to see the new Avengers movie?”
Gilang : “Of course. I’ve been waiting for a long time to see the sequel.”
Danu : “Me too. But, I am afraid I can’t get the ticket. There must be a lot of people who

want to see it.”
Gilang : “You could wait until it is not really crowded.”
Danu : “Excuse me? No. I want to see the premiere.”
Gilang : “It’s possible to buy the ticket in advance.”
Danu : “Is it? How?”
Gilang : “Maybe you can buy it online.”
Danu : “That’s a good idea. There is a good chance that I get the ticket.”
Gilang : “There will be probably a lot of empty seats too.”
Dialogue 2
Susan : “I heard that your sister is coming back from US.”
Mita : “That’s true. I want to make a surprise party for her.”
Susan : “That’s great. Is there anything that I can help?”
Mita : “Well, I am not sure who I must invite.”
Susan : “You might want to ask her close friends.”
Mita : “Yeah, but I don’t have their numbers.”
Susan : “It’s quite possible for you to find them on Facebook.”
Mita : “You mean I have to talk to them via Facebook?”
Susan : “That will probably awkward, but I think they will understand.”
Mita : “O.K. I’ll try it.”
In conclusion, we can express possibilities when we give suggestions or solutions to a problem. The possibilities can also mean opportunities that we can take.

Contoh Soal Expressing Possibilities in Problem Solving Discussion

Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

should1 - you2 - rest3 - perhaps4 - Take5 - rest6 - some7

Complete the dialogue.
Gian: How many people are in our group?
Desi : Four. Why did you ask that?
Gian: I feel sorry for Karin. She doesn’t belong to any group.
Desi : .... for her to join us. Five people are still O.K.
The correct phrase to fill in the blank is ....
Fill the blank with the best option
Yuda : Tomorrow we’re going to Bali.
Arum : Yay! Is everything ready?
Yuda : We still need a car to go to the airport.
Arum : Let me ask my father. ....
The suitable words to complete the dialogue is ....
The following dialogue is for question 4 and 5.
Derry : The volleyball match was delayed until next week.
Ferdi : Why? The announcement says it is tomorrow.
Sarah : That is .... (4) because there are a lot of tests this week.
Derry : I think we should tell the volleyball team.
Ferdi : .... (5)
Sarah : They did. I told them just now.
The correct phrase to complete the sentence is ....
The following dialogue is for question 6 and 7.
Arrange this jumbled dialogue into a correct arrangement.
Clara : That’s a good idea. Maybe we should pick up Winda first. (1)
Dian : If we take taxi, there is a good chance of arriving earlier.
Clara : Fine. Let’s go now before we’re late.
Dian : She will, in all probability, have left before we arrive.
Clara : The traffic is terrible. How can we arrive on time?
The correct arrangement is ....

The following dialogue is for question 4 and 5.
Derry : The volleyball match was delayed until next week.
Ferdi : Why? The announcement says it is tomorrow.
Sarah : That is .... (4) because there are a lot of tests this week.
Derry : I think we should tell the volleyball team.
Ferdi : .... (5)
Sarah : They did. I told them just now.
The correct phrase to complete the sentence is ....

The following dialogue is for question 6 and 7.
Arrange this jumbled dialogue into a correct arrangement.
Clara : That’s a good idea. Maybe we should pick up Winda first. (1)
Dian : If we take taxi, there is a good chance of arriving earlier.
Clara : Fine. Let’s go now before we’re late.
Dian : She will, in all probability, have left before we arrive.
Clara : The traffic is terrible. How can we arrive on time?
The correct arrangement is ....
The following dialogue is for question 8 to 10.
Hilda : Do you have any plan for our long holiday?
Jon : I want to visit my family in Medan, but they said there were only a few tickets left.
Hilda : If you hurry, there is still a chance of .... (8) a ticket.
Jon : It may be difficult for me since I’m very busy now.
Hilda : But …. (9) to ask someone to buy it for you.
Jon : My plan is to ask my brother.
Hilda : .... (10) work.
The following dialogue is for question 8 to 10.
Hilda : Do you have any plan for our long holiday?
Jon : I want to visit my family in Medan, but they said there were only a few tickets left.
Hilda : If you hurry, there is still a chance of .... (8) a ticket.
Jon : It may be difficult for me since I’m very busy now.
Hilda : But …. (9) to ask someone to buy it for you.
Jon : My plan is to ask my brother.
Hilda : .... (10) work.
The following phrase can fill in the blank no 9 except ....
The following dialogue is for question 8 to 10.
Hilda : Do you have any plan for our long holiday?
Jon : I want to visit my family in Medan, but they said there were only a few tickets left.
Hilda : If you hurry, there is still a chance of ... (8) a ticket.
Jon : It may be difficult for me since I’m very busy now.
Hilda : But ... (9) to ask someone to buy it for you.
Jon : My plan is to ask my brother.
Hilda : ... (10) work.
The suitable phrase to complete the dialogue is: ....

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