Contoh Soal Using Expressions of Curiosity and Arguments in the Context of Casual Discussions

Contoh Soal Using Expressions of Curiosity and Arguments in the Context of Casual Discussions Through this section, you will learn:
• How to express curiosity and argument in casual discussions
In daily conversation, we usually get involved in a discussion. Through discussion, we can attain new knowledge. However, to attain new knowledge, we have to eagerly wish to know about something. That is what we call curiosity, our strong willing to know or learn new things. To express curiosity, there are many expressions that we can use. However, the formal and casual context of discussion requires different expressions. Don’t worry, we will learn about it. In this session, we will learn how to express curiosity in casual contexts.
Danny, Nina, Kartika, and Daniel are going to spend their holiday by watching movie in a cinema. However, they have different preference of movie. Therefore, they are now involved in a discussion to discuss new box office movies. Read the conversation among Danny, Nina, Kartika, and Daniel. Then, find the following information:
  1. The curiosity of each person
  2. The preference of each person
  3. The arguments in convincing their preference
Danny: Guys, what movie are we going to watch this weekend?
Nina: Actually, I’m so curious to watch Minions. What if we watch it on the weekend. I think they are cute.
Kartika: I agree with Nina. I wonder about what the Minions will do in this movie.
Daniel: But, I don’t think I want to watch Minions. I had watched it last weekend with my little sister. It would be useless if I watch it again.
Danny: Well, because Daniel had watched Minions, it would be better if we watch other movies. What about Jurassic Park? I’m interested to know the storyline of that movie.
Nina and Kartika: No! We would not enjoy the movie that shows how a human is chased by a T-rex.
Danny: I don’t think it’s that scary. So, what if we watch Avengers? I want to know more about that movie.
Daniel: I think I agree with Danny. What about you, guys?
Nina: Well, it’s a good choice. 
Kartika: I agree with Nina. Let’s book the ticket.
Have you got the information yet?
Well, from the conversation, we can get information related to curiosity, preference of movie, and how Nina, Kartika, Danny, and Daniel were having arguments.


The conversation shows that Nina and Kartika are curious about Minions. The curiosity is expressed by saying, “I’m so curious about Minions” and “I wonder what the Minions will do in this movie.” Meanwhile, Danny is curious about Jurassic Park and The Avengers. He expresses his curiosity by saying, “So, what if we watch Avengers? I want to know more about that movie.” and “What about Jurassic Park? I’m interested to know the storyline of that movie.”
From their expressions, we can figure out some expressions to express our curiosity in casual conversations. The following table contains various expressions of curiosity in casual context.
  • I’m so curious about ....
  • I wonder ....
  • I’m interested to know ....
  • I want to know more ....
  • etc.

Arguments and Preference

From the text, we can find different preferences and arguments to support the preferences. Nina and Kartika prefer to watch Minions. They give arguments by saying, “I think they are cute.” Danny prefers to watch Jurassic Park and The Avengers. He argues by saying, “I don’t think it’s that scary.” However, at the end, Kartika, Nina, Daniel, and Danny prefer to watch The Avenger.
The example of the argument shows that if we have a preference, we have to give arguments to support it. Moreover, in an argument, expressions of agreement/disagreement such as “I don’t think”, “I agree ....” and expression to state opinion such as “I think ....” are usually involved.
To make it clear, let’s see the following identification.

Contoh Soal Using Expressions of Curiosity and Arguments in the Context of Casual Discussions

The appropriate situation to give a casual expression of curiosity is ....
To support our argument, we can express it by giving ....
The expression that expresses curiosity is ....
Read the dialog between Anne and Jane. Then, answer questions number 4-7.
Jane: Anne, ... 4. What if we go there this afternoon.
Anne: I have read some reviews of the The NN Cafe. I think we should not go there. ... 5.
Jane: Really? But my brother said that it was a nice cafe to hang out.
Anne: Well, I wonder why ... 6. What if we check it out this afternoon?
Jane: Sure.
Jane: Anne, ... 4. What if we go there this afternoon?
The correct answer to complete the conversation is ....
Read the dialog between Anne and Jane. Then, answer questions number 4-7.
Jane: Anne, ... 4. What if we go there this afternoon.
Anne: I have read some reviews of the The NN Cafe. I think we should not go there. ... 5.
Jane: Really? But my brother said that it was a nice cafe to hang out.
Anne: Well, I wonder why ... 6. What if we check it out this afternoon?
Jane: Sure.
The correct answer to complete the blank number 5 is ....
Read the dialog between Anne and Jane. Then, answer questions number 4-7.
Jane: Anne, ... 4. What if we go there this afternoon.
Anne: I have read some reviews of the The NN Cafe. I think we should not go there. ... 5.
Jane: Really? But my brother said that it was a nice cafe to hang out.
Anne: Well, I wonder why ... 6. What if we check it out this afternoon?
Jane: Sure.
The correct answer to complete the blank number 6 is ....
*Read the dialog between Anne and Jane. Then, answer questions number 4-7.**
Jane: Anne, ... 4. What if we go there this afternoon.
Anne: I have read some reviews of the The NN Cafe. I think we should not go there. ... 5.
Jane: Really? But my brother said that it was a nice cafe to hang out.
Anne: Well, I wonder why ... 6. What if we check it out this afternoon?
Jane: Sure.
The correct statement according to the text is ....
Read the conversation below between Dion and Kemal. Then, answer questions number 8-10.
Kemal: Dion, what do you think of the footbal champion last night.** .... 8**
Dion: The champion was awful. The players did not perform optimally. I don’t know what’s going on with them.
Kemal: I do agree with you. I wonder why they performed that way.
The appropriate expression to complete the blank number 8 is ....
Read the conversation below between Dion and Kemal. Then, answer questions number 8-10.
Kemal: Dion, what do you think of the footbal champion last night.** ... 8**
Dion: The champion was awful. The players did not perform optimally. I don’t know what’s going on with them.
Kemal: I do agree with you. I wonder why they performed that way.
The word them in the conversation refers to ....
Read the conversation below between Dion and Kemal. Then, answer questions number 8-10.
Kemal: Dion, what do you think of the footbal champion last night.** ... 8**
Dion: The champion was awful. The players did not perform optimally. I don’t know what’s going on with them.
Kemal: I do agree with you. I wonder why they performed that way.
The correct statement according to the conversation is ...

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