Contoh Soal Complimenting Formally

Contoh Soal Complimenting Formally  - In our life, we might want to praise someone on how they look, what they do, or what they have. It is the moment when we compliment other people. Complimenting someone is a nice thing to do. People love to hear good things about themselves. Compliments on good grades, good outfits, or good sports skills can boost someone’s confidence.
There are two ways of giving compliments; formally and informally. We use formal compliments to people like teachers, or older person. Meanwhile, informal compliments are used to talk to our close friends or family. 
When we want to give a compliment, we need to pay attention to the situation. The language choice is quite important in complimenting someone. We don’t want our compliments to offend people, do we?
Read the following conversation between Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Parker : Hello Mrs. Brown! Welcome to my house.
Mrs. Brown : Oh, what a nice house you have. It looks very cozy.
Mrs. Parker : Thank you. You look beautiful today.

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Mrs. Brown : Oh, thank you very much. So, what do you think about my dress?
Mrs. Parker : I couldn’t help but notice your dress. It’s gorgeous.
Mrs. Brown : Really? I designed it myself.
Mrs. Parker : I must admit that you really know how to design a beautiful dress.
There are many expressions of complimenting on the conversation between Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Brown. As you can see, Mrs. Brown praises Mrs. Parker’s house by saying “Oh, what a nice house you have. It looks very cozy.” In reply to Mrs. Brown’s compliment, Mrs. Parker shows her gratitude and admiration by saying “Thank you. You look beautiful today.” Can you identify the other expressions of complimenting from the conversation above? 

Let's see it!

Here are some phrases you can use to give compliments:
When you want to compliment someone on their ability, you can use these phrases:
I have to admit that you are very talented
You are the best (musician) I’ve ever known
I must say that you really know how to (swim).
The (painting) is gorgeous. I give my compliment to the (painter).
You are an amazing (speaker).
When you want to compliment someone on their look, you can use these phrases:
You look pretty today.
You look so beautiful in that dress.
You look good in yellow.
I must admit that the suit fits on you.
When you want to compliment someone on what they have, you can use these phrases:
I really love your earrings.
What a nice house you have.
It’s such a beautiful garden.
I couldn't help but notice your dress. It’s lovely.
Responding to compliment
In responding compliment, you can thank the person who gives you compliments.
Thank you, I appreciate the compliment.
Thank you very much.
That’s very kind of you.
Thank you. That’s very encouraging 

Do you understand?

To enhance your understanding, study the following conversation.
(Situation: Andi won a national science competition and he is about to give his speech. His parents, teachers, and all of his friends congratulate him)
Bella: Congratulation, Andi. You’re such a brilliant man.
Andi : Thank you, Bella. I really appreciate that.
Dimas: That’s remarkable! I know that you’ll be a great scientist in the future.
Andi : Thanks, Dimas. That’s very encouraging.
Maria: Congratulation, Andi. You are the most amazing students I’ve ever known.
Andi : That’s so kind of you. Anyway, you look marvelous today.
Maria: Really? Thank you for saying.
Andi : Okay, everyone. I just want to say this. Thank you for everything you have done for me. This achievement is credited to all of you. To Mom and Dad, thank you for everything. You’re the most wonderful thing in my life. To Mr. Adam, you’re the best teacher I’ve ever have. Thank you for always guiding to where I stand now. Finally to all my amazing friends, thank you for being there to support me. Thank you for sharing laughs and tears. You all will always be in my heart.

Contoh Soal Complimenting Formally

The following explanation about complimenting is correct, except ....
I must admit that you are very talented.
The expression above is ….
Gia: It’s a really good painting. You are such a .. painter
Helmi: Thank you, Gia. I appreciate your compliment.
According to the context, the word … is suitable to fill the blank.
You can say ..., as a compliment to your teacher who is really good at badminton.
Mona: ...., please give my compliment to the chef.
Waiter: Thank you, lady. He will appreciate that.
According to the conversation, the suitable compliment to fill the blank is...
Lucas: Is that your new car, Mr. Lee?
Mr. Lee: Yes. What do you think?
Lucas: .....
Mr. Lee: Thank you, Lucas.
Choose the best phrase to complete the conversation.
Dini: I’m not quite confident wearing this pink dress.
Julia: .....
Dini: Really? Thank you for saying that.
Choose the best response from the following option:
Coach: Scott, I must admit that you really know how to score goals.
Scott: Thank you, Coach. It’s great to know you think so.
What does the Coach think about Scott?
Putri: Hi, Dinda. Did you write the short-story on today’s newspaper?
Dinda: Yes, I did. What’s the matter?
Putri: That’s great! I must admit that you are an amazing writer
Dinda: ....
It is not appropriate for Dinda to reply the compliment by saying ....
Anna: I made this purse by myself. What do you think?
Elsa: It’s fantastic. I know that you are a talented designer.
Anna: “Thank you Elsa. That’s very encouraging.
The following compliments have similar meaning, except ....

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