Contoh Soal Using Expressions of Curiosity and Arguments in the Context of Formal Discussions

Contoh Soal Using Expressions of Curiosity and Arguments in the Context of Formal DiscussionsHave you ever heard the proverb above? What does it mean?
Well, the proverb means asking too many questions will not be good. However, from the proverb, we also can infer even a cat has a curiosity. If a cat has curiosity, human should have more, right? Now, what is curiosity? Is it bad?
Curiosity means eager to learn and to know something. It is not a bad thing anyway. Curiosity will be beneficial for our learning process.
Do you know how to express your curiosity, especially in formal occasions such as meeting and presentation? Remember, proper way in expressing curiosity is important. Curiosity killed the cat! Don’t worry, in this session, we will get into that.
Rani is learning English subject in classroom with Ms. Yanti. While Miss Yanti is explaining about explanatory text, she suddenly gets an inquiry in her mind. Read the following conversation. Then, find what she asked to the teacher and why.
Miss Yanti: So, that is about explanatory text. Do you have any questions?
Rani: Pardon me, Miss. I am very interested to know more about the explanatory text, especially the difference between explanatory text and report text.
Miss Yanti: Well, that’s a very good question, Rani. Does somebody want to answer? No? Okay, explanatory text and report text are explaining something. However, they are different. Report text explains general term of something, while an explanatory text explains more about the process of the things. Do I answer your question, Rani?
Rani: Yes, Miss. Thank you.
You have read the conversation between Rani and Miss Yanti. So, what does Rani ask? Rani asks a question about the difference between report text and explanatory text because she is curious about that. Look at the following elaboration.

Try it!

  • What Rani is curious about : The difference between explanatory text and report text.
  • How Rani expresses her curiosity: I am very interested to know more about the explanatory text, especially the difference between explanatory text and report text.
In expressing curiosity in formal context, you can firstly say “I am very interested to know more about” then say what you are curious about. In expressing curiosity you can also begin by asking for permission such as pardon me and excuse me. The following table shows other expressions to express curiosity in formal context..
  • I am very interested to know more about .... (very formal)
  • I’d like to know about .... (very formal)
  • I wonder .... (can be both in formal and informal)
  • Would someone tell me .... (can be both in formal and informal)
Now, read the situation and the conversation below. Then find out:
  • What Galih is curious about
  • How Galih expresses his curiosity
  • The context in which Galih expresses curiosity
Dyah and Vania are presenting their poster project in front of the class. Galih really wants to know more about their project. So, he decides to express his curiosity when Dyah and Vania open question and answer session.
Dyah: Well, that is our presentation. Do you have question about our project?
Vania: Yes, Galih.
Galih: Your poster is very interesting. I’d like to know about the tips in making such a great poster?
Vania: First of all, thank you Galih. Sure, we are willing to tell the tips. In making a poster, we need to use effective sentence. We can start to use effective sentence by selecting appropriate words. Do you want to add something Dyah?
Dany: Yes, using effective sentence is important. Besides that, applying appropriate layout is also important, so people are interested to read. Is it enough, Galih?
Galih: Yes, it is. Thank you.
From the conversation, we can find some information. Galih is curious about the tips to make a good poster. He expresses his curiosity in formal context, classroom presentation. Look at the following identification.
Moreover, in responding to curiosity, people usually give argument. The two previous texts contain argument. For example:
Argument in Conversation 1
Miss Yanti: .... Okay, explanatory text and report text are explaining something. However, they are different. Report text explains general term of something, while an explanatory text explains more about the process of the things.
Argument in Conversation 2
Vania: .... In making a poster, we need to use effective sentence. We can start to use effective sentence by selecting appropriate words. Do you want to add something Dyah?

Contoh Soal Using Expressions of Curiosity and Arguments in the Context of Formal Discussions

The following is the appropriate expression to express curiosity about writing class schedule in formal context: ....

I am very interested to know more about the term and condition of the next seminar.

The expression above express curiosity about ....
Read he dialogue and answer the question
Diana: ....
Ms. Fitri: Well, the result of the examination will be announced on Monday.
The appropriate expression to complete the conversation is ....
Read the conversation below. Then, answer questions number 4-6.
Kesya: That is all our meeting about the next class-meeting. Do you have any questions?
Ginan: Kesya, … 4 when the registration will be opened?
Kesya: Unfortunately, I do not know about that. I wonder if someone in this class ….5
Mirna: I heard from the chairperson of Class B that the registration will be opened next week.
Kesya: Thank you, Mirna.
The appropriate expression to complete the blank number 4 is ....
Read the conversation below. Then, answer questions number 4-6.
Kesya: That is all our meeting about the next class-meeting. Do you have any questions?
Ginan: Kesya, … 4 when the registration will be opened?
Kesya: Unfortunately, I do not know about that. I wonder if someone in this class ….5
Mirna: I heard from the chairperson of Class B that the registration will be opened next week.
Kesya: Thank you, Mirna.
The appropriate expression to complete the blank number 5 is ....
Read the conversation below. Then, answer questions number 4-6.
Kesya: That is all our meeting about the next class-meeting. Do you have any questions?
Ginan: Kesya, … 4 when the registration will be opened?
Kesya: Unfortunately, I do not know about that. I wonder if someone in this class ….5
Mirna: I heard from the chairperson of Class B that the registration will be opened next week.
Kesya: Thank you, Mirna.
The appropriate statement according to the conversation is ....
Read the following conversation. Then, answer question number 7-10.
Miss Dinda: That is all for today class. Do you have questions about .... 7?
Tiara: Excuse me, Miss. .... 8 the moral lesson of a Narrative text. I wonder if the moral lesson is always explicitly stated in the text.
Miss Dinda: Well, it’s such a good question. The answer is no. The moral lesson is not always explicitely stated in the Narrative text. Any other questions about narrative text? Yes, Fauzi?
Fauzi: Miss, I’d like to know .... 9.
Miss Dinda: No, you can’t. Remember, narrative text should be written in past tense. The present tense could only appear in form of conversation between the characters in the text. It10 also depends on the setting in the conversation. Any other questions? No? Well, if not, that’s all for today. Thank you.
The correct answer to complete the question is ....
Read the following conversation. Then, answer question number 7-10.
Miss Dinda: That is all for today class. Do you have questions about .... 7?
Tiara: Excuse me, Miss. .... 8 the moral lesson of a Narrative text. I wonder if the moral lesson is always explicitly stated in the text.
Miss Dinda: Well, it’s such a good question. The answer is no. The moral lesson is not always explicitely stated in the Narrative text. Any other questions about narrative text? Yes, Fauzi?
Fauzi: Miss, I’d like to know .... 9.
Miss Dinda: No, you can’t. Remember, narrative text should be written in past tense. The present tense could only appear in form of conversation between the characters in the text. It10 also depends on the setting in the conversation. Any other questions? No? Well, if not, that’s all for today. Thank you.
The appropriate expression to complete the conversation is ....
Read the following conversation. Then, answer question number 7-10.
Miss Dinda: That is all for today class. Do you have questions about .... 7?
Tiara: Excuse me, Miss. .... 8 the moral lesson of a Narrative text. I wonder if the moral lesson is always explicitly stated in the text.
Miss Dinda: Well, it’s such a good question. The answer is no. The moral lesson is not always explicitely stated in the Narrative text. Any other questions about narrative text? Yes, Fauzi?
Fauzi: Miss, I’d like to know .... 9.
Miss Dinda: No, you can’t. Remember, narrative text should be written in past tense. The present tense could only appear in form of conversation between the characters in the text. It10 also depends on the setting in the conversation. Any other questions? No? Well, if not, that’s all for today. Thank you.
The appropriate expression to complete the conversation is ....
Read the following conversation. Then, answer question number 7-10.
Miss Dinda: That is all for today class. Do you have questions about .... 7?
Tiara: Excuse me, Miss. .... 8 the moral lesson of a Narrative text. I wonder if the moral lesson is always explicitly stated in the text.
Miss Dinda: Well, it’s such a good question. The answer is no. The moral lesson is not always explicitely stated in the Narrative text. Any other questions about narrative text? Yes, Fauzi?
Fauzi: Miss, I’d like to know .... 9.
Miss Dinda: No, you can’t. Remember, narrative text should be written in past tense. The present tense could only appear in form of conversation between the characters in the text. It10 also depends on the setting in the conversation. Any other questions? No? Well, if not, that’s all for today. Thank you.
The word it in the text refers to ....

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