Contoh Soal Expressing Arguments

Contoh Soal Expressing ArgumentsPay attention to the following dialogue between three students in the classroom while waiting for the teacher.
Pay attention to the following utterances stated by Lian and Diana respectively:
"I strongly agree with your opinion that the improper garbage disposal into Cikapundung River caused the flood. I often see many people dispose their garbage into the Cikapundung River"
"Well. It makes sense. Especially on Saturday night, many teenagers hang out in Cikapundung Park. They buy snacks but I often see they throw the garbage not in the garbage in. They just throw it into the river. I think I really believe in your opinion, Diana"
The underlined utterances are commonly used in expressing stance. In those expressions, the underlined utterances are the stance where you are. The stance is generally followed by an argument (before or after the stance). The arguments are given to strengthen why Liana and Danu agree with Diana’s opinion.
What is a stance?
It is a way of thinking about something/someone’s position about an issue.
What is argument?
Argument(s) is a reason or reasons why someone supports or opposes an idea or suggestion, or the process of explaining them
The following are some utterances might be used to express arguments:

Do you understand?

Pay attention to the following utterance:
Well. That police might be good, but I believe the student can use cellphone at school wisely. Sometimes we need cellphone to browse important information or we need it to keep contact with our parents.
The above utterance shows the expression of students 1’s stance. Here, student 1 does not agree with the school’s policy. Then, student 1 gave his argument why he does not agree with the school’s policy.He does not agree with the school’s policy because cellphone can be used for browsing important information. Then he also does not agree with the school’s policy because by using cellphone, the students can keep contact with their parents.
I surely believe in you. I am positive that the students can use cellphone for many positive uses. To limit the use of cellphone not in appropriate time, maybe the school can make a policy to forbid the students to use cellphone when we are learning.
In the above utterance, the underlined sentence shows the expressions’ of student 2’s stance. Here, student 2 agrees with the student 1’s arguments. Then, student 2 explains her argument why she agrees with student 1.


  • In expressing stance and arguments, a speaker needs to be clear.
  • Express your stance (position) first, then followed by arguments.
  • Having different standing points (point of views) and different arguments does not mean you are fighting with other friends. It is simply having a different perspective about an issue or towards something.
Contoh Soal Expressing Arguments

The reason when someone gives an argument is ....
The best function of stances is ....
The following are the examples of how you express an argument, EXCEPT....
The following are the examples of how you express an argument against, EXCEPT ....
The following are the examples of how you express an argument for, EXCEPT ....
Pay attention to the following dialogue and answer question number 6 & 7.
Terra : I think we should make a rule in our boarding house. No one can turn on music after 10 p.m
Wida : ....
If Wida has the same point of view with Terra, Wida would respond ....
Pay attention to the following discussion between a coach and his students.
Coach : I call you all to come here to discuss our schedule. I have to reschedule the time for use to practise basketball. I propose the change from 4 p.m until 6 p.m everyday into 7 p.m until 9 p.m everyday. We should practise a lot before the competition.
Student 1 : I agree with your idea, Sir. We have just finished learning from school at 3 p.m, if we practise at 7 p.m, we have time to taka a rest at home first.
Student 2 : Yes. So do I. 
Student 3 : I certainly have the same idea with you, Sir
From the dialogue above, the conclusion of the discussion might be ....
If Wida opposes the ban of music after 10 p.m stated by Terra, her response would be ....
Pay attention to the following discussion between a coach and his students.
Coach : I call you all to come here to discuss our schedule. I have to reschedule the time for use to practise basketball. I propose the change from 4 p.m until 6 p.m everyday into 7 p.m until 9 p.m everyday. We should practise a lot before the competition.
Student 1 : I agree with your idea, Sir. We have just finished learning from school at 3 p.m, if we practise at 7 p.m, we have time to taka a rest at home first.
Student 2 : Yes. So do I. 
Student 3 : I certainly have the same idea with you, Sir
If all the students do not have the same idea as the coach, the following are arguments might be uttered by the students, EXCEPT ....
Pay attention to the following dialogue between Rafi, Berty, and Irfan in a highway.
Rafi : Our destination is still far from here. It is important for us to take a rest for one or two hours.
Berty : I have the same idea as you, Rafi. Driving in a sleepy condition will cause accident.
Irfan : Yeah! I do too. I agree with you, Rafi. Besides sleepy, I also feel hungry.
From the dialogue above, Rafi, Berty, and Irfan will ....

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