Contoh Soal Analyzing Various Manuals and Recipes
Contoh Soal Analyzing Various Manuals and Recipes - Manuals and recipes have the same language features of procedures. They use simple present tense, imperatives, action verbs, adverbials, and connectives.
Further, manual is set of instructions on how to arrange or operate something, while recipe is more specifically used to refer to the instructions of making food. Besides, the structure of manuals and recipes are quite different, where in the recipe it usually mentions the material that is rarely found in manuals.
Procedure text such as manuals and recipes commonly begins with aims or goals. This is about what the set of instructions tells you about. The next part is materials. In recipes, this part consists of the ingredients and tools, while in manuals it is only the tools provided. Then it is followed by the main part of any procedure text, the steps. The steps refer to a set of actions or instructions to do to reach the goal. Conclusion usually takes part as the end of procedure text, but sometimes we find some procedure text without any conclusion; it is okay since conclusion mostly recalls the goals and all.
Do you understand?
To see the difference in the generic structure between recipe and manual, the following table will help you to analyze the difference between recipe and manual in general.

The example of a short recipe and manual above shows you how alike but different a recipe and a manual could be. Recipe is most likely a set of instructions on how to produce something new, while a manual is more like a set of actions to do to overcome some issues; it is a set of instructions to operate things.
Try it!
To deepen your understanding, please listen to these two recordings and decide whether it is a recipe or a manual.
The first recording gives instruction about uploading a video on a media social. The purpose is to inform people who do not know the way uploading video on media social so they could deal with the problem.
- The first recording presents a manual. Meanwhile the second recording tells about the benefits of oatmeal for healthy life, and the ways to make some food from oatmeal is also provided.
- The second recording delivers a recipe. In the second recording, the materials to make the food is also mentioned. Both in the first and second recording, the steps of action ns do not end with conclusion.

The word trim in the picture can be replaced by….
Listen to the recording to answer question number 2.
We will need a glass of __________.
The most appropriate to complete the sentence according to the recording is….
The following set of actions can be found in ….
- To set date unscrew and pull out one time.
- To change the time you must pull out the screw twice.
- To initiate timing sequence, turn the screw to the left.
Tap the center button on the bottom navigation bar on the phone screen.
The sentence above can be found in ....
The appropriate instruction to represent the following picture is….

Listen to the recording to answer question 6.
To make a pizza, you will need….
Listen to the continuation of recording in question 6 to answer question 7.
In the process of making pizza, the time needed to bake the pizza is ….
Complete the following steps in an instruction manual of setting phone alarm.
- Download the alarm app
- ..... (8)
- Once you entered the alarm app, look for the ‘+’ to create new alarm
- Set the time and the sound
- Tap the save button
The best step to fill the missing part is ….
The following is NOT the action in the instruction manual of scientific calculator….
The followings are the actions in an instruction manual.
Arrange them based on the recording.
- Charging is completed in about 3 hours at most.
- Make the Bluetooth connection from the Bluetooth device
- Place the Bluetooth device within 1 meter of the unit.
- Slide the power switch to turn on the unit.
- Charging starts when the unit and the computer are connected.