Contoh Soal Giving Advice and Expressing Warnings (Context ,Natural Disaster)

Contoh Soal Giving Advice and Expressing Warnings (Context  ,Natural Disaster)Pay attention to the following dialogue.
This is a discussion about flood in a biology class between the students and the teacher.
Now, pay attention to the underlined sentences:
  • Make sure we dispose the garbage in the proper places.
  • Do not throw your garbage in the wrong place.
Those two sentences were used by the teacher to warn the students not to do something. The sentences are called warningsA warning means giving information about something bad that may happen if someone does something.
The reason for giving warnings is the people who give warning wants the person become more careful. On the text, the teacher warns the students not to throw the garbage in the wrong place because the improper garbage disposal will cause flood.
The following are utterances generally used to give warning:
  • Be careful of ....
  • Don’t ....
  • Beware!
  • Beware of ....
  • Look out!
  • Watch out!
  • Watch out for ....
  • Make sure + subject + verb ....
Now pay attention to the underlined sentences. Those sentences were used by Wina to advise Tony that if Tony went through Diponegoro street, he would get trapped in the traffic jam due to the landslide happening in Diponegoro street. You can use the following expression if you want to give advice to someone.

Contoh Soal Giving Advice and Expressing Warnings (Context  ,Natural Disaster)

From the conversation above, the teacher’s advice when an earthquake occurs when you are inside a room is....
The one who gave advice about what you should do when an earthquake occurs and you are outside the room is....
People should be calm when earthquake happens because....
The following are warnings which are found on the text, EXCEPT....
The following are included as advice, *** EXCEPT....***
The following are included as warning, EXCEPT....
Pay attention to the following dialogue.
A : What should we do when an earthquake occurs?
B : You should be calm....
The underlined sentence can be replaced by the other advices. The following are advices can be used to replace the sentence,*** EXCEPT....***
Pay attention to the following dialogue.
A : The water of Banten River is overflowing its bank. I cannot pass Tirtayasa street. What should I do?
B : ....
From the dialogue, the best advice to complete the dialogue is....
Situation: Diana has to go to the airport when suddenly a blizzard made her cannot go out.
The following are appropriate advices given by Luna to Diana, EXCEPT....
From the following situation, make the most appropriate warning.
Situation: Ari was throwing garbage not in the appropriate place and the teacher warns him. The following is the best warning expressed by the teacher.

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