Contoh Soal Listening , Monologue of Report Texts (Natural Phenomena)

Contoh Soal Listening , Monologue of Report Texts (Natural Phenomena) When watching the television, you might have ever heard about weather forecast within news report. You might also have watched the television program about amazing phenomena in our world such as frog rain and the waves of hot wind attacking in other parts of the world, such as in Italy. If the news is delivered in English, can you get the information clearly? Yes? No? Well, in this section, we will try to understand the content of natural phenomena report. Therefore, you can easily accessing any knowledge in English language. Let’s get started!
No, it is not the sunset. It is the picture of sunrise. Sunrise is not only beautiful to watch from the top of mountain, but from practically from anywhere we live, isn’t it? 
So, what do you know about sunrise? Is it beautiful? Doe it happen in the morning? Or is it just something common that you see and experience every morning? What else? There are so many things we do not know about natural phenomena around us. That is why, searching for the information about it will be useful. 
Now, try to find out about sunrise from the recording. Then, find out the following information:
  • What is sunrise?
  • How does sunrise happen?
  • What are scientific facts you can find about sunrise?
Monologue Transcript 1
Sunrise is a daily moment when the sun appears over eastern horizon. The sun rises every morning. This phenomenon occurs as the result of the Earth’s rotation. Sun rises in different time throughout the year.
From the recording, we can hear statement, “Sunrise is a daily moment when the sun appears over eastern horizon.” So that, we know that sunrise is a moment when the sun appears over eastern horizon. It happens daily.
Moreover, we also know that sunrise happens as the result of Earth’s rotation. It is relevant with the statement, “This phenomenon occurs as the result of the Earth’s rotation.”
Besides that, scientific fact can be found from the monologue, such as sunrise is the result of the Earth’s rotation and sun rises in different time throughout the year.
The monologue you listened is about sunrise.
By identifying the monologue, we know that the monologue you listened belongs to a report text. Do you still remember the characteristics of a report text?
Well, see the following explanation:
  • A report text gives information of general things such as sunrise.
  • A report text contains general information such as sunrise is the daily moment when the sun appears over eastern horizon.
  • A report text contains bundles of specific information to support the general information such as sun rises every morning.
  • A report text uses present tense such as sunrise is the daily moment ...
  • A report text uses general nouns such as the sun.
  • The monologue of sunrise fulfills the characteristics of a report text. The text gives information of general things. The text contains general thing and bundles of specific information.
  • The general information: sunrise is the daily moment when the sun appears over eastern horizon.
  • The bundles of specific information: sun rises every morning, etc.
  • Moreover, the text uses present tense (is, occurs, etc.) and general nouns (the sun).


In this section, you have practiced to understand monologue of a report text and to get information of it. To recall your understanding of a report text, you have to remember some important points.
  • A report text gives information of general things
  • A report text contains general information
  • A report text contains bundles of specific information to support the general information
  • A report text uses present tense
  • A report text uses general nouns
Contoh Soal Listening , Monologue of Report Texts (Natural Phenomena)

Listen to the recording, then, answer questions number 1-4.
The recording is telling about ....
Listen to the recording, then, answer questions number 1-4.
According to the recording, the Christmas Island Red Crab can grow up to ...
Listen to the recording, then, answer questions number 1-4.
The correct statement according to the text is ....
Listen to the recording, then, answer questions number 1-4.
The word bigger in the recording has a close meaning with ....
Listen to the recording
According to the recording, Yellow Crazy Ant is ....
listen to the recording
The Christmas Island Red Crabs migrate ....
Listen to the recording
The Christmas Island Red Crab is well-known for ....
Listen to the recording. Then answer questions number 8-10.
According to the recording, another name of relief rain is ....
Listen to the recording. Then answer questions number 8-10.
The relief rain occurs when ....
Listen to the recording
The word occurs in the text has a close meaning with ...

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