Contoh Soal Responding to Advice and Warning (Politely and Casually)

Contoh Soal Responding to Advice and Warning (Politely and Casually) On the previous lesson we have learnt the expressions of giving advice and warning. In this lesson, we are going to discuss about how to respond those expressions of advice and warning, but before we learn the new material, let’s review the previous lesson about how someone can express advice and warning.
A warning means giving information about something bad that may happen if someone does something. The reason for giving warnings is the people who give warning wants the person become more careful.
The following are the example of expressions of giving warning:

Expressions of Giving Warning:

  1. Make sure you turn off all the electricity before leaving the house.
  2. Do not play your cellphone when you are in a gas station.
  3. Do not step on the grass!
  4. Beware of the dog!
  5. Be careful with the glasses.
  6. Watch out! And so on
An advice means an opinion offered by someone about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation. The following are the example of expressions of giving advice.

Expressions of Giving Advice

  1. You’d better (you had better) not to go to school today, you are sick.
  2. You’d better to be at home this evening.
  3. You should ask for permission to the teacher first if you want to go to the toilet.
  4. If I were in your place, I would find another street to go to the school.
  5. If I were you, I would take a rest tonight.
  6. I think you should stop smoking.
Now let us learn the new lesson. We are going to learn how to respond when someone gives you advice or warning.

Responding Advice

Pay attention to the following dialogue between Alika and Diana.
I have to go back to Bandung today because tomorrow I have to face an examination, but this morning I watched the news, It said that some part of Jakarta flooded when Ciliwung river burst its banks, including the highway generally used by me when I have to be back to Bandung.
You’d better to go back to Bandung after the floodwater has receded. If you still want to go back right now, you will be stuck in a traffic jam in Jakarta.
Yes, but how about my exam tomorrow?
You can contact your lecturer to ask for permission for not following exam tomorrow due to the flood. I am sure your lecture will understand your problem.
Good idea! Thank you, Alika.
From the dialogue, Diana gave advice to Alika for coming back to Bandung after the floodwater has receded. She also advised Alike to ask for permission to the lecturer for not following exam on the following day. To respond Diana’s advice, then Alika responded it with utterance “Good idea!”. That response is generally used by people who have known each other (or their relation is someone who is talking to his friend). That response is categorized as casual response.
The following are the expressions used to respond advice both politely and casually (note: casually does not means the respond is impolite, the difference of both responses is the casual responses are generally used for responding friends/close friends).

Responding Warning

The following are the expressions used to respond warning both politely and casually (note: casually does not means the respond is impolite, the difference of both responses is the casual reponses are generally used for responding friends/close friends).

Contoh Soal Responding to Advice and Warning (Politely and Casually)

Pay attention to the dialogue
Lia : Next week I will have a vacation to Jogjakarta with my friends. Will you join us?
Dika : Well, I think you can not go there.
Lia : Why?
Dika : Have you eead the news on the internet, it said that there is volcanic eruption in Jogja. Mount Merapi has been erupting since last night. Seismic activity around the volcano is increasing and culminating in repeated outburst of lava and ashes. Therefore, I think you and your friends should find another place to spend the holiday.
Lia : Alright, We will change our destination. Thank you for the advice.
From the passage, the expression of responding the advice is....
Pay attention to the following dialogue between Ana and Rida in a gas station.
(Ana is playing a cellphone in a gas statiin where they are queueing to getthe fuel for their car).
Rida : Put down your cellphone, Ana! It can be very dangerous if you use cellphone in a gas station.
Ana : Well, I don't know about it. Thank's for reminding me, Rida.
Rida : You are welcome. I hope you will not do that again.
From the passage, the expression of responding the warning is....
Pay attention to the following utterances stated by the teacher in a biology class and answer question number 3 and 4.
Teacher : There are several factors causing wildifres in our forest. 80 percent of wildfires in Indonesia are caused by humans. The wildfires happened when human left the unattended campfires, the burning debris. Wildfires are also caused when human forgot to discard their cigarettes. Therefore, when you go camping and make a campfire, do not forget to extinguish the fire.
From the text above, the following is the warning given by the teacher.
Pay attention to the following utterances stated by the teacher in a biology class and answer question number 3 and 4.
Teacher : There are several factors causing wildifres in our forest. 80 percent of wildfires in Indonesia are caused by humans. The wildfires happened when human left the unattended campfires, the burning debris. Wildfires are also caused when human forgot to discard their cigarettes. Therefore, when you go camping and make a campfire, do not forget to extinguish the fire.
The following is the most appropriate response given by the **students toward the teacher’s warning.
Pay attention to the followinf conversation between mom and her children.
Egy : Mom, could I go to the movie tonight to watch a movie?
Mom : Well. I think you should learn tonight because you will face an exam tomorrow. What about watching the movie tomorrow afternoon after the exam?
Egy: ....
From the dialogue, the following are appropriate choices to respond the advice, EXCEPT...
The following are responses for advice, EXCEPT....
The following are expressions to respond advice casually, EXCEPT....
Lucky has to go practise basketball with his team at school today, suddenly it looks like rain. One of Lucky’s friend gave advice to postpone the practise until tomorrow.
The following are the best response given by Lucky when he agreed with the idea, EXCEPT....
From the following condition, make the most appropriate dialogue containing warning’s utterance including its response.
Situation: Didik threw a disposed garbage in the river.
Tiara has been infected by chickenpox since this morning, therefore her mommy warned her not to go to school although she has to face a swimming test.
The following is the best response given by Tiara to her mom if Tiara agreed with her mom’s warning.

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