Contoh Soal How to Write Folk Tales

Contoh Soal How to Write Folk TalesWell, you can combine those you have to write folktales. It is also an interesting way to escape from your routine school schedule. To write folktales, there some characteristics of folktales which you need to know.
  1. Folktales are traditional stories that are told orally through many generations. It contains moral advices which people can apply in their own life. So, if you want to create folktales, do not forget to insert moral advices in the stories. The theme of the folktales should be related to people`s life, such as honesty, parents & children, love, kindness, patience, and so on.
  2. The plot of the folktales is actually pretty simple. It's mostly about how the good defeats the evil. In writing your folktales, keep the plot simple and easy to follow so that your readers will not lose their attention in the middle of the story and your great moral advice not to get wasted. You can also keep the readers` attention by giving interesting beginning and engaging conflict.
  3. The characters of a folktale are people who play roles in the story. In writing a folktale, it is better for you to start it with finding out the main characters and their personalities. You need to put characters with different personalities.
  4. Since folktale is a traditional story that parents have passed on to their children through speech (verbally) over many years, the tense used in folktales is past tense (simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect continuous tense). Check the explanation of simple past tense below.
  5. Folktale is one type of narrative text, so the generic structure is exactly the same with the generic structure of narrative text. Below is the generic structure of a folktale:

Simple past tense

Mostly, you will find in a folktale is simple past tense. This basic form of past tense is used to talk about events in the past.To make sentences in past tense form, you need to use past form of verb, the regular past form of verbs is –ed form and the irregular past form of verbs is in different forms. In making sentences in negative and interrogative, auxiliary did is needed. Look at the following structure:

Subject + Past verb + Complement

Contoh Soal How to Write Folk Tales

Folktales are ….
The generic structure of a folktale consist of ….
The following themes can be the themes of folktales, except ….
We can find the following tenses in folktales, except ….
The plot of the folktale is pretty simple and easy to follow in order that ….
The following sentence which is written in correct simple past tense form is ….
Part of a folktale where the writer puts an exciting conflict is .…
Part of a folktale where the writer tells the readers how the conflict in the story is resolved, found after … stage.
The correct rearrangement of the following words is ….

upon - the woods - who - once - a time - a beautiful - princess - lived - was- in - there

The following sentence with the correct written simple past tense form is ….

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