Contoh Soal Expressing Sadness and Pain (Formally and Informally)

Contoh Soal Expressing Sadness and Pain (Formally and Informally)
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Expressing Sadnes and Pain

There are times when we feel sad about things in our life. Sadness is the feeling of being unhappy. It is a normal feeling, because everyone feels sad sometimes. You may feel sad for many reasons. It happens when you lose something important, or when you haven’t achieved your goals. Being ignored, rejected, or disappointed, can also make you feel sad.
Being sad can be painful. If you cannot handle it well, your feeling will get even worse. When you are sad, you can help yourself by telling your problems to others. You can tell it to your family, friends, or teachers. Expressing sadness can heal you feelings and relieve your burdens.
Before we learn about how to express sadness in English, please read the following conversation.
Gian: Hi, friend. How are you doing?
Juna : Well, not good.
Gian: What’s the matter?
Juna : I failed on math exam. I have studied hard I don’t know why I failed. I am so sad.

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Gian: I feel you. Maybe you have to relax for a while. Don’t stress yourself out.
Juna : Yes, It will be nice. Thanks for your suggestion.
Gian: Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are for.
To express your sadness, you can use these phrases:
I can’t believe what’s going on.
I am very sad about…
I am so sad.
It makes me so sad.
I can’t hold my tears on it.
I just don’t know what to do.
How sorrowful it is.
Please leave me alone.
I’m feeling blue.
Sadness can also be caused by pain or physical suffering. When you get hurt or feel pain on your body, you may express by saying.
(Ouch!) That hurts!
It’s really painful.
I feel sick.
It really hurts me
The pain hurts me really bad.
It’s killing me!

Contoh Soal Expressing Sadness and Pain (Formally and Informally)

Carla: You look so sad, Lucy.
Lucy: My cat just died. It makes me so sad.
Carla: I am sorry to hear that.
From the conversation above, we know that Lucy is....
Nabila: I’ve got a really bad headache.
Josie: That’s awful!
Nabila: Yes. It’s really painful.
From the conversation, we know that Nabila is....
Fiona: I am really sad.
Kean: What happened?
Fiona: My mother’s car was stolen last night. ....
The right phrase to complete the conversation is....
Marla: Why do you look so pale?
Wisnu: I have a stomachache.
Marla : It must be bad.
Wisnu: Yes, ....
The correct words to fill in the blank is....
Chandra: Why are you crying?
Ida: I think my leg is broken.
Chandra: Oh my God! How come?
Ida : I don’t know but....
Choose the right phrase to complete the conversation above.
Naufal: Why are you so quite?
Berna: I lost my money. I would use it to buy a gift for my mother
Naufal: I am sorry to hear that.
Berna: ….
The right phrase to fill in the blank is ....
The following conversation is for question no 7 and 8.
Anggara: I heard your football team didn’t make to the final.
Radit: That’s right. …. (7)
Anggara: Cheer up! You’ve done your best.
Radit: I know. Thanks. I heard your hand is injured.
Anggara: Yes….(8)
Radit: That’s too bad.
Choose the right phrase to fill in the blank no 7
The following conversation is for question no 7 and 8.
Anggara: I heard your football team didn’t make to the final.
Radit: That’s right. …. (7)
Anggara: Cheer up! You’ve done your best.
Radit: I know. Thanks. I heard your hand is injured.
Anggara: Yes….(8)
Radit: That’s too bad.
Choose the right phrase to fill in the blank no 8
The following conversation is for question no 9 and 10.
Wulan: Why do you look so sad?
Sheila: My father canceled our holiday trip because my grades are bad.
Wulan: I am sorry to hear that.
Sheila: .... (9)
Wulan : What can I do for you?
Sheila : .… (10)
Wulan : OK. I’ll give you time to be alone.
The following phrases are correct to fill in the blank no 9 except
The following conversation is for question no 9 and 10.
Wulan: Why do you look so sad?
Sheila: My father canceled our holiday trip because my grades are bad.
Wulan: I am sorry to hear that.
Sheila: .... (9)
Wulan : What can I do for you?
Sheila : .… (10)
Wulan : OK. I’ll give you time to be alone.
The right phrases to complete the blan number 10 is....

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