Contoh Soal How to Thank and Express Gratitude Informally

Contoh Soal How to Thank and Express Gratitude InformallyIn this lesson, you will learn how to express gratitude in informal situation. Most languages have formal and informal style of speaking. Most people speak formally to those who are older than themselves, to their boss, or to their teacher, while people speak informally to their close friends or family. Informal also means casual. You can also hear casual speech on television or radio.
The important thing of speaking good English is knowing when and where you have to use the right phrase to be polite to other people and make them feel appreciated. As most of you know, “thank you” is very important word to use in English. People say this word in everyday life to express their gratitude.
However some people only say “thanks” or some other people sometimes say “thanks a lot.” Those phrases basically mean a same thing but people say those phrases in different situations.
If you say “thank you" and "thanks" over and over again even though you know there are other ways to say thank you and that sometimes it would be better to express your gratitude using different words, improving your vocabulary is a good idea. You might need to learn other phrases to express your gratitude.
Here are some expression of saying thank you informally.
“Thanks so much for helping me shopping.”
“You’re looking beautiful today.” 

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“Thanks a lot for the dinner.”
“Thanks very much for fixing my car.”
Here are some phrases you can say to express your gratitude informally:
"Thanks so much."
"Thanks for (your help)."
"Thanks a million." 
"Thanks a lot, this has been very helpful."
"I appreciate (your help). Thanks a lot."
"I didn't expect that, thanks a lot." 
"Great, thank you."
"Wow, that's so nice of you." 
"You read my mind, thanks."

"I don't know how to thank you." 
"I can't thank you enough."
“You shouldn't have.”
“Thanks anyway.”
“Thank you though.”
Read the following scenarios for more understanding what phrase to use in such situations.
• Today is your birthday and your friends come to your house to give you a surprise.
“I didn’t expect that. Thanks a lot.” (You didn’t know that they will give you a surprise.)
• You are sleepy and your friend brings you coffee.
“Oh, you shouldn't have.” (Because you want to drink coffee)
• You ask for your friend’s assistance but he cannot help you.
“That’s okay. Thanks anyway.”
• Your friend offers you some meal but you are already full.
“I am already full. Thank you though.”
Here are some phrases to accept gratitude
“No problem.”
“Sure thing.”
“My pleasure.”
”It’s no big deal.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“No need to thank me.”
“Not at all.”
“It’s no bother."

Contoh Soal How to Thank and Express Gratitude Informally

Daniel : Would you like some water?
Nia  : That’d be great. ...
The right phrase to fill in the blank is …
Tedi : Here’s your phone that you left at school.
Tiara: .... I thought I lost it.
The phrases below are suitable to fill in the blank except
Bima: I know you’re busy now. Let me pick your brother from school.
Arya: ...
Bima: It’s no big deal. I am going to pick up my brother to.
Arya's response is probably ....
Hera: If you need some help with math homework, just call me.
Jihan: Great! ....
The suitable phrase to fill in the blank is....
The following conversation is for question no 5 and 6.
Gina : I will celebrate my birthday next Tuesday. Here’s your invitation.
Vina : ....(5) for inviting me. I bought you an early birthday gift.
Gina : Oh, ....(6)
The best phrase to complete Vina's response is.....
The following conversation is for question no 5 and 6.
Gina : I will celebrate my birthday next Tuesday. Here’s your invitation.
Vina : ....(5) for inviting me. I bought you an early birthday gift.
Gina : Oh, ....(6)
It is proper for Gina to response....
Keisha : It will be nice to watch some movies.
Berna : I have some DVDs. You can borrow them.
Keisha : ...., thanks.
The best phase to complete Keisha's response is....
Erna : I want to return the book I borrowed last week.
Manda : Have you finished reading it?
Erna : Yes, I have. Thank you, ....
.... is the right phrase that Erna possibly says.
Rio: Can I borrow your bike?
Yana: My brother is using it. You can wait until he returns.
Rio : I guess I’ll just take a bus. ....
According to the text, Rio would say....
Tria: The soup is already cold. I can heat it up for you.
Iva: That’s okay. I like it cold. Thank you though.
According to what Iva says, she means that....

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