Contoh Soal Informal Congratulations
Contoh Soal Informal Congratulations - In this lesson, you will learn about how to express informal congratulation in the daily conversation.
Informal Congratulation
Do you remember the time when people come to you to congratulate for your success or achievement? Or, did you recall when your family and social followers congratulate you on your birthday? You may often receive expressions of congratulations from your friends, teachers, parents, or relatives.
Congratulations is an expression that other people give to you, to show they are happy for you. Expressions of congratulations can be used in several special occasions such as birthday party, new born baby, wedding party, or even at work when someone has got job promotion. However, you should pay attention to the situation below:
- To congratulate someone’s achievement, people commonly use the following phrases:
Good Job! - You can also use “congratulations on ….” for specific achievements. For examples:
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Congratulations on getting the title.
Congratulations on passing the exam.
Congratulations on your job promotion.
Congratulations on getting a scholarship. - You can use the word “Happy” to congratulate others informally. This context is more general and shorter. However, the meaning is still the same. For example, “Happy Birthday” has same meaning with “Congratulation on your birthday.” You can also use the word “Happy” in certain special day or religions, people commonly say:
Happy Wesak Day!
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Happy led Day! - To respond the expressions of congratulation, you can say "thank you" or tell that you are pleased for it. Here are some expressions to use:
Thank you!
I really appreciate it!
I am honored.
It’s very kind of you.
Do You Understand?
To understand how to use the expressions above, read the conversation below:**
Conversation 1 :
(Situation: two best friends are talking about university admission)
Doni: Hi Adhi! I heard that you were admitted to study at UNPAR through PMDK selection. Is it true?
Adhi: I think I just have big luck.
Doni: Your study results are awesome. Your personality is also great. As the smartest student in our class, you deserve it!
Adhi: Thanks Don. I appreciate it!
Doni: You’re welcome. By the way, congratulations on the acceptance!
Adhi: Thanks Don.
Doni: Don’t mention it.
Adhi: I think I just have big luck.
Doni: Your study results are awesome. Your personality is also great. As the smartest student in our class, you deserve it!
Adhi: Thanks Don. I appreciate it!
Doni: You’re welcome. By the way, congratulations on the acceptance!
Adhi: Thanks Don.
Doni: Don’t mention it.
Conversation 2 :
(Situation: Fanny has got a new born baby sister. )
Denny: Fan, you look so happy. Anything I should know about?
Fanny: Of course. I just had a baby sister two days ago and I feel super happy.
Denny: I’m happy to hear that you already had a baby sister! Congratulations on your new born sister. You are not all alone now at home.
Fanny: Thanks Den. Yea, I’m very excited about it! She is so tiny and cute.
Denny: Great to hear that!
Fanny: Of course. I just had a baby sister two days ago and I feel super happy.
Denny: I’m happy to hear that you already had a baby sister! Congratulations on your new born sister. You are not all alone now at home.
Fanny: Thanks Den. Yea, I’m very excited about it! She is so tiny and cute.
Denny: Great to hear that!
Congratulations expression is an expression which expressed the following, except ....
Congratulations can be expressed in these following occasions, except ….
The right phrase to respond to congratulations is ....
Choose an expression that does not show one’s good wishes on a happy event: ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 5, 6, and 7
Jimmy : Trisno, I heard that you got the TOEFL test result already. How was the score?
Trisno : I’ve just got 500.
Jimmy : Wow, that’s a high score.
Trisno : I don’t think so. I envy you.
Jimmy : Me? Why? How was my score?
Trisno : You got more than 550. It means you can get scholarship to study abroad.
Jimmy : Really? It’s unbelievable. I’m so glad.
Trisno : Yes. .... You did it well.
The suitable phrase to complete the dialogue is ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 5, 6, and 7
Jimmy : Trisno, I heard that you got the TOEFL test result already. How was the score?
Trisno : I’ve just got 500.
Jimmy : Wow, that’s a high score.
Trisno : I don’t think so. I envy you.
Jimmy : Me? Why? How was my score?
Trisno : You got more than 550. It means you can get scholarship to study abroad.
Jimmy : Really? It’s unbelievable. I’m so glad.
Trisno : Yes. .... You did it well.
If Jimmy wants to respond to Trisno’s expression of congratulation, he would likely say ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 5, 6, and 7
Jimmy : Trisno, I heard that you got the TOEFL test result already. How was the score?
Trisno : I’ve just got 500.
Jimmy : Wow, that’s a high score.
Trisno : I don’t think so. I envy you.
Jimmy : Me? Why? How was my score?
Trisno : You got more than 550. It means you can get scholarship to study abroad.
Jimmy : Really? It’s unbelievable. I’m so glad.
Trisno : Yes. .... You did it well.
Another possible response that Jimmy may say is ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions 8, 9, and 10
Fikry : Where were you last week, Indy? I didn’t see you.
Willy: Yes, we missed you. None knew where you were.
Fikry : We thought you were sick.
Indy : You think so?
Willy: Yes. We were worried about you. Where were you?
Indy : I went to Jakarta.
Willy: What for?
Indy : One of our teachers chose me as a language ambassador for our school delegation.
Fikry : Really? Congratulations! You deserve it. You speak English very fluently and accurately!
Indy : Thank you very much for saying so.
Fikry congratulated Indy for ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions 8, 9, and 10
Fikry : Where were you last week, Indy? I didn’t see you.
Willy: Yes, we missed you. None knew where you were.
Fikry : We thought you were sick.
Indy : You think so?
Willy: Yes. We were worried about you. Where were you?
Indy : I went to Jakarta.
Willy: What for?
Indy : One of our teachers chose me as a language ambassador for our school delegation.
Fikry : Really? Congratulations! You deserve it. You speak English very fluently and accurately!
Indy : Thank you very much for saying so.
The phrase “Congratulations!” can be replaced with ….
Read the conversation below to answer questions 8, 9, and 10
Fikry : Where were you last week, Indy? I didn’t see you.
Willy: Yes, we missed you. None knew where you were.
Fikry : We thought you were sick.
Indy : You think so?
Willy: Yes. We were worried about you. Where were you?
Indy : I went to Jakarta.
Willy: What for?
Indy : One of our teachers chose me as a language ambassador for our school delegation.
Fikry : Really? Congratulations! You deserve it. You speak English very fluently and accurately!
Indy : Thank you very much for saying so.
The following are the reason why Fikry thought that Indy deserved to be a language ambassador: ....