Contoh Soal Understanding Conversational Texts , Formal vs Informal Congratulations

Contoh Soal Understanding Conversational Texts , Formal vs Informal Congratulations In this lesson, you will learn to understand formal and informal expression of congratulation.

Formal vs Informal Congratulation

To congratulate someone’s achievement, you may express it in various ways. For example, when one of your relatives has a newborn baby, you may give a congratulations card or present. When your friends just won a competition, you must praise their achievement too.
       Congratulation is an expression of happiness which aims to show our care and appreciation on someone's special moment.Commonly, people express it by giving something such as presents or cards or saying it directly.

Formal Congratulations

Formal situation can happen in several places such as at work or at school. This context is usually used to appreciate older people. For example, when your teacher has a newborn baby, you could use formal expression. When you want to congratulate someone formally, you can congratulate them by saying the following phrases:
Please accept my warmest congratulations.
I’d like to be first to congratulate you.
I’d like to congratulate you on…..

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I must congratulate you on …. 
May I congratulate you on….
Congratulations on ….

Informal Congratulations

Informal situation can happen almost anytime, anywhere. You can use informal expression to your friends, or your siblings. There are several phrases to congratulate others in informal context. You can use the following phrases:
Well done!
Good Job!

Responding to congratulation

When you want to respond to expression of congratulation, you can say the following phrases: 
Thank you very much for saying so.
It’s very good of you to say so.
I’m glad you say so.
Thank you so much.
Oh, thanks.
Thank you.

Do You Understand?

To understand how to use the expression of congratulation formally, read the conversation below.
(Situation: Your teacher has a new born baby)
You: I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on your new born baby.
Teacher: It’s very kind of you.
You: She is very beautiful and cute.
To understand how to use the expression of congratulation informally, read the conversation below.
Nanda: How was your SNMPTN test?
Ayunda: I'm so glad, I passed the test.
Nanda: That’s awesome. Congratulations, you did well!
Ayunda: Thank you very much.

Contoh Soal Understanding Conversational Texts , Formal vs Informal Congratulations

Which is the phrase to express congratulations in informal context? Choose one of the following:....
Which is the phrase to express congratulations in formal context? Choose one of the following:....
The following are responses to congratulations, except ....
When one of your friends just won Chemistry Olympiads, the best phrase to congratulate him formally is....
Richard : I heard that you went to Jakarta last week.
Jeanice : Yes, that’s right.
Richard : What did you do?
Jeanice : I participated in singing contest audition.
Richard : How was the result?
Jeanice : I passed to the grand final.
Richard : ….
The best phrase to complete the conversation above is....
Read the conversation below to answer question 6 and 7
Andre: .... you on basketball competition.
Lusi: It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.
The suitable phrase to complete the conversation is....
Read the conversation below to answer question 6 and 7
Andre: .... you on basketball competition.
Lusi: It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.
By saying "It’s very kind of you to say so", Lusi wants to....

“Happy Birthday!”

The formal expression of the phrase above is …
From the following situations, the suitable occasion to express informal situation is....
From the following situations, the suitable occasion to express formal situation is....

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