Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Various Advertisement Texts

Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Various Advertisement TextsHave you ever read an advertisement in a newspaper where someone is selling a car or motorbike? Have you ever seen an advertisement in the internet where you can find various job vacancies? So, what is advertisement? What is the function of an advertisement?
Advertisement can be in form of pictures, short films, short songs, short passages, or etc. The function of that advertisement is to make something known generally or in public, it can be a product or service sold by a particular institution, or jobs offered by a particular institution.
The advertisement can be published through printed media (magazine, newspaper, banner, poster, pamphlet) or through internet.
Now pay attention to the following advertisement in the newspaper:
The above advertisement is the example of advertisement put in a newspaper. The aim of the above advertisement is to look for employees for the mentioned position (English tutor, EYL Tutor, IELTS tutor, TOEFL tutor, and BIPA’s tutor).
Now pay attention to the following poster advertising Michael Buble’s Concert in Bandung:
The above advertisement is an example of poster that advertises Michael’s Buble’s Concert. The aim of above poster is to inform public that Michael Buble is going to have a concert on 31 October 2015. So, what is poster?
Poster is a large printed picture/photograph/notice that someone sticks or pins onto a wall or board. One of the aims of making poster is to advertise something (poster is part of advertisement).
Now pay attention to another example of advertisement:
The above advertisement is called pamphlet. Pamphlet is a thin book with only a few pages which gives information or an opinion about something. The above pamphlet contains information about a language course located in Serpong Banten. A pamhplet is also known as a brochure or a leaflet or a booklet, or a cilcular, or a flyer, or a fact sheet. A pamphlet is also part of advertisement which function is to inform the people about a particular goods or service.

Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Various Advertisement Texts

The following is part of an advertisement, EXCEPT ....
The following are functions of advertisement, EXCEPT....
The following are the synonyms of a flyer, EXCEPT....
Pay attention to the following job vacancy and answer question number 4-7
The above job is offered to....
Pay attention to the following job vacancy and answer question number 4-7
The word urgently refers to the following meaning....
Pay attention to the following job vacancy and answer question number 4-7
The following is offer by the employer of the above advertisement to the employee.
Pay attention to the following job vacancy and answer question number 4-7
Based on the advertisement, the nanny later might take care of....
Pay attention to the following poster and answer question number 8-10
The half price in above advertisement can be replaced by....
Pay attention to the following poster and answer question number 8-10
The date of the sale is....
Pay attention to the following poster and answer question number 8-10
The following is the probable time of the sale, EXCEPT....

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