Contoh Soal Listening , English Debates

Contoh Soal Listening , English DebatesListen to the following recording:
In Indonesia, there are many debate competitions held for senior high school students. The debate is called parliamentary debate. There are three forms of parliamentary debate: Asian parliamentary, Australian parliamentary and British parliamentary debate. In this session, we are going to focus on the most commonly used form in Indonesia; Asian parliamentary debate. Unlike the debate that we have just listened, parliamentary debate has some rules.
  1. The topic that’s going to be debated is called motion.
  2. There will be two teams in a debate: government/affirmative team (supporting the motion) and opposition/negative team (opposing the motion).
  3. Each team consists of three speakers. There are first, second, and third speakers. There is also a reply speaker whose roles can be taken by the first or second speaker.
  4. The first/second/third speaker has seven minutes to deliver their speech, while a reply speaker has four minutes. Additional 20 seconds are given if speakers cannot finish their speech in the given time.
  5. The turn in the debate is: First speaker of government team > first speaker of opposition team > second speaker of government team > second speaker of opposition team > third speaker of government team > third speaker of opposition team > reply speaker of opposition team > reply speaker of government team. Note that the one giving reply speech firstly is the opposition team.
  6. Interruption or Point of Information (POI) can be asked to the speaker delivering speech in minute 01-06. The time to give POI is only 15 seconds.
  7. Content of the arguments, structures (delivery and strategy), and manner are what counts to win the debate.
To get better understanding of how a parliamentary debate runs. Let’s listen to the example of a debate. The motion of the debate is “This House Would Criminalize Parents whose Children Commit Crime”. The phrase ‘this house’ means the government. Due to the limited time, only some speakers are selected and the speech is not delivered completely.
Listen to the following recording.
Supporting arguments
Opposing arguments
If you listen carefully, you will find that each speaker has their own role. Now, let’s learn about the role of each speaker.
  • The roles of the first speaker of the government team are setting the debate (in terms of scope, settings, stakeholders and definition), giving the background of the debate, and delivering the supporting argument.
  • The roles of the first speaker of the opposition team are giving rebuttals (responses/negations) to the first speaker’s arguments and giving arguments from the negative views.
  • The roles of the second speaker of the government/opposition team are similar to the roles of the first speaker of opposition team. They should give rebuttals toward the previous speaker’s arguments and extend the debate by bringing new arguments or supporting the arguments of their previous speakers.
  • The roles of the third speaker of the government/opposition team are giving rebuttals toward all previous speakers’ arguments and sum-up the debate. The third speakers should wrap the main arguments, compare them, and then show adjudicators why they deserve the upper hand.
  • The roles of the reply speakers of both teams generally are similar to the role of the third speaker. However, a reply speaker is not allowed to give new responses or rebuttals.

Do you understand?

To get a better understanding of Asian parliamentary debate, let’s practice debating. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.
  1. The speaker delivering the speech in the debate is….
  2. The motion of the debate is….
  3. The background the speaker brought to portray the current condition is….
  4. The argument the speaker brought to support his position is….
  5. If I am the next speaker, my rebuttal will be….
  1. The first speaker of the government.
  2. This house would ban zoo.
  3. Madagascar movies.
  4. His argument is related to the right of animals.
  5. The answer for this question may vary. Yet, a good rebuttal should engage with the argument delivered by the opponent. The opponent explained that animals, especially wild animals have right to live in the open. The counter should be related to this point. We can rebut by saying that:
Yes, they have the right to live in the open, but keeping some animals in zoos don’t violate the right of wild animals in the open. Zoos only take some animals for people to learn. Zoos try to make the place of the animals to stay as similar as possible with condition in the open. Zoo keepers try to make animals in zoo as comfortable as possible. Hence, the existence of zoos doesn’t violate the right of animals to live.

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Contoh Soal Listening , English Debates

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The following recording is for question no.5-7.
It is out of the question that smoking [5_____________]. In the current status quo, smoking is not allowed in the public space. Those who want to smoke are [6_____________]. Actually, besides in the place provided by the government, people still can smoke at their own house. Yet, our team believes that this condition should be changed. We believe that the [7__________________]. We believe that the government should also be responsible for the health of people in the house.
The following recording is for question no.5-7.
It is out of the question that smoking [5_____________]. In the current status quo, smoking is not allowed in the public space. Those who want to smoke are [6_____________]. Actually, besides in the place provided by the government, people still can smoke at their own house. Yet, our team believes that this condition should be changed. We believe that the [7__________________]. We believe that the government should also be responsible for the health of people in the house.
The following recording is for questions no.8-10
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