Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Poster and Graphs
Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Poster and Graphs -

When you walk on the street, there are various advertisements and announcements you might see. One of them is in the form of poster. Can you understand the message of those posters well?You might also have read charts in your books. Can you comprehend the information easily? Well, both of poster and chart contain information. Through this lesson, we will learn how to understand poster and chart easily. So, you can get and interpret the information properly.
Look at the following picture. In your opinion, what picture is it? What information can you get?

The picture above is the example of a poster. From the poster, we can get some information. The poster informs a seminar named The Mother Earth Seminar. The poster also informs venue or place (The Aksana Hall), time (29 June 2015), and charge of the seminar (Free). To make it remarkable, a poster is usually supported by jargon and interesting design. To get a better understanding, see the following identification:

By seeing the poster above, we know that the function of a poster is to convey a message or information. The message can be in form of announcement or advertisement. Jargon and interesting design are usually involved in a poster to persuade the readers. Moreover, a poster is usually written in present tense.
Now, look at the following chart. What type of chart is it? What information do you get from the chart?

There are various types of chart. Chart above belongs to a column chart type. The chart informs book preference of Class XII Science 3 year 2015. The information can be seen in the chart title. From the chart, we can see that most of the students prefer Hunger Games book (12 students). Meanwhile, Divergent book is less preferable for the students (8 students only).
There are four common types of chart. They are column chart, pie chart, bar chart, and line chart. All of the chart types have similar content –information. The title usually gives the information of the topic. Meanwhile, the content of the chart usually gives the specific information. Look at the following identification:

Do you understand?
Look at the pie chart below. Then, answer the following questions:
- What does the chart tell about?
- What specific information can you get?

Here is the answer:
- The chart tells about students’ time preference of learning.
- From the chart we can get three specific information (1) 52% of students prefer to learn in the morning (2) 38% of students prefer to learn in the evening (3) 10% of the students prefer to learn in the afternoon. So, we can conclude that most of the students prefer to learn in the morning.
Read the following poster. Then answer questions number 1-4.

If we attend the event in the poster, we will have to ....
Read the following poster. Then answer questions number 1-4.

The function of statement, “Giving is a gift for your soul” is ....
Read the following poster. Then answer questions number 1-4.

When we have questions regarding to the event, we should contact ....
Read the following poster. Then answer questions number 1-4.

The word charity in the text has a similar meaning with ....
Read the line chart below. Then, answer questions number 5-7.

From the chart, we can conclude that ....
Read the line chart below. Then, answer questions number 5-7.

The chart above tells about ....
Read the line chart below. Then, answer questions number 5-7.

The correct statement according to the text is ....
Read the following chart. Then, answer questions number 8-10.

The chart tells about ....
Read the following chart. Then, answer questions number 8-10.

From the data of the chart, we can conclude that ....
Read the following chart. Then, answer questions number 8-10.

The correct statement according to the chart is ....