Contoh Soal Reading Highlight , Understanding Fairy Tales
Contoh Soal Reading Highlight , Understanding Fairy Tales - Have you ever read a narrative story about some magic folks or any other imaginary creatures? Do you like that kind of story? Well, here is a fairy tale to read. Not to mention the kind of story, in this session you are focusing on the expressions used by the characters in the story.
It is said there was a kingdom of fairy far deep in a tropical forest of Kalimantan. The kingdom was famous for their beauty; all of the people in the kingdom were beautiful, both the men and the woman.
There was another thing the people of the kingdom were proud of, in addition to their outstanding natural beauty, namely the fairy crown, the icon of the kingdom. What so special was that the crown was made of fairy-deer tears thousand years ago. They really took the best care of it since there were so many parties trying to steal it.
“Protect it with your life,” the king gave instruction to all his people every now and then.
One day a charming man arrived at the kingdom. He claimed to be a crown prince from a big kingdom far away who went hunting and ended up getting lost. He was badly injured and nearly dead when finally he found the kingdom of fairy. So there, he was requesting for help from the king.
“Would you mind letting this dying man take a rest here for a second, you Highly Kindness?” said the man.
Well, fairies were naturally kind-hearted creatures, yet the king as the leader of the kingdom had to make sure that his kingdom was free from any threat. He wondered what the injured man’s real intention to come. Then, the king asked the queen, the wisest of all, for some suggestions.
“My advice would be to let him stay here for quite a moment, and send some people to treat his wounds, My Lord”, said the queen.
“Do you think so? But I do not know whether he is a real prince or just any other burglar going to take the fairy crown away”, worried the king.
“After he gets better we could ask more. For now you could send some guards to watch him, I suggest”, the queen added.
“I guess you are right, My Lady. I will do so”, replied the king.
Allowed by the king, the queen asked her maids to make preparation to serve their guest.
The queen commanded, “Take our guest to the room, and make sure he is pleased with the service”
Well, the story is not over yet. But first, let’s identify the dialog within the story. What expressions are shown through the dialogues? Look at the first dialog when the king asked his people to protect the fairy crown,
“Protect it with your life,” and when the queen asked her maids to do guest preparation,“Take our guest to the room, and make sure he is pleased with the service”.
What do you find from the expressions? They were asking someone to do something, weren’t they? Yes, the dialogues contain the expressions of giving instruction; it means you order someone to do what you tell.
Then note this phrase, and identify what expression is used.
“Would you mind letting this dying man take a rest here for a second, you Highly Kindness?”
Clearly, the expression above is a polite expression of requesting.
Now, look at the part when the king asked for some advice to the wise queen, and then the queen gave some suggestion to follow,
“My advice would be to let him stay here for quite a moment, and send some people to treat his wounds, My Lord.”“After he gets better we could ask more. For now you could send some guards to watch him, I suggest.”
Pay attention. The bolded words are the key words to those expressions.
Do you understand?
Here are the phrases you can use when giving suggestion, requesting, and giving instructions.

- Sometimes people come asking for some advice or suggestion, and you could use the expression of giving suggestion to tell them your ideas. Or opinion about what is better.
- When you politely or officially ask for something from someone, it means you made a request to that man.
- The expression of giving instruction is used you ask or order someone to do what you tell.
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 1 and 2
As told in the beginning that the people of the kingdom were all (1) ... Above all, the first daughter of the king of the kingdom, Rengganis, is claimed to be the most beautiful fairy ever lived back then.
The best to fill the missing in the story is ….
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 1 and 2
As told in the beginning that the people of the kingdom were all (1) ... Above all, the first daughter of the king of the kingdom, Rengganis, is claimed to be the most beautiful fairy ever lived back then.
The inappropriate verb used in the paragraph above is ….
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 3 and 4.
Not only physically beautiful, and in appearance, Rengganis also had beautiful voice and beautiful heart; what a perfect combination. She was admired by almost all the men in the kingdom, and the men from kingdoms in neighborhood, and from far far away. There came so many proposal.
Rengganis is very beautiful in terms of these followings, except ....
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 3 and 4.
Not only physically beautiful, and in appearance, Rengganis also had beautiful voice and beautiful heart; what a perfect combination. She was admired by almost all the men in the kingdom, and the men from kingdoms in neighborhood, and from far far away. There came so many proposal.
The word proposal means ....
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 5 and 9.
The man was getting better day after day, and he often took a walk around the palace. He felt grateful to be able to see beautiful people here and there and everywhere he went within the kingdom. Then when he first met Rengganis, he could not take his eyes off her. Then, once again, he came to the king, “I am completely mesmerized by your daughter’s beauty, could you please allow me to know her better, your highness?”
The word mesmerized (last sentence) could be replaced by ....
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 5 and 9.
The man was getting better day after day, and he often took a walk around the palace. He felt grateful to be able to see beautiful people here and there and everywhere he went within the kingdom. Then when he first met Rengganis, he could not take his eyes off her. Then, once again, he came to the king, “I am completely mesmerized by your daughter’s beauty, could you please allow me to know her better, your highness?”
....could you please allow me to know her better, your highness?
The sentence means that ....
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 5 and 9.
The man was getting better day after day, and he often took a walk around the palace. He felt grateful to be able to see beautiful people here and there and everywhere he went within the kingdom. Then when he first met Rengganis, he could not take his eyes off her. Then, once again, he came to the king, “I am completely mesmerized by your daughter’s beauty, could you please allow me to know her better, your highness?”
…. he could not take his eyes off her
The sentence means that ....
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 5 and 9.
The man was getting better day after day, and he often took a walk around the palace. He felt grateful to be able to see beautiful people here and there and everywhere he went within the kingdom. Then when he first met Rengganis, he could not take his eyes off her. Then, once again, he came to the king, “I am completely mesmerized by your daughter’s beauty, could you please allow me to know her better, your highness?”
If the king was going to accept the man’s request, he would probably say ....
The following parts of the story of Kingdom of Fairy is to answer question 5 and 9.
The man was getting better day after day, and he often took a walk around the palace. He felt grateful to be able to see beautiful people here and there and everywhere he went within the kingdom. Then when he first met Rengganis, he could not take his eyes off her. Then, once again, he came to the king, “I am completely mesmerized by your daughter’s beauty, could you please allow me to know her better, your highness?”
If the king was going to refuse the man’s request, he would probably say ....
Once again, the king came to his queen for an advice. Arrange the following statements in order to make a good conversation .…
- How can you tell he is well-mannered?
- I think you are right.
- If not, he would not come to you and asked for your permit just to get closer to our daughter, My Lord. It might be a good idea to let them get to know each other.
- Well, we already knew that he is a real prince with good manner.
- What should I do? The prince asked our daughter out.
The best arrangement is .…