Contoh Soal Analytical Exposition , Social Issue

Contoh Soal Analytical Exposition , Social IssueAnalytical exposition text is a type of text which is usually used to persuade readers to agree and to support the idea of the writer about a phenomenon/issue. This text usually contains the writer’s idea about a phenomenon/issue, whether it is social, economic, environment, politic, and any of other issues. In the analytical exposition text, the writer will show which position of the issue the writer takes, pro or contra. The writers will deliver arguments to support their stands so that the readers will be persuaded to agree and to support the writers’ idea.
Social issue is one of the issues that is usually writen in an analytical exposition text. The following is the example of the analytical exposition text about a social issue, especially the bullying act. Read the text first, then:
1. Try to give opinion about the act of bullying
2. Find the reason why the writer chose words coward and great in the text
Bullying: A Cowardly Act
The act of bullying seems to be an unnoticed act we commonly find in our society, especially in school environment. Bullying as the act to dominate the subordinate person as a mean to harass and to belittle the person is an urgent issue to be overcome. The act of bullying will bring a great damage to the targeted persons which impacts on their future and even results in suicide act.

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The action to prevent and to stop the act of bullying must be taken for two reasons. First, bullying must be stopped as it would psychologically damage the target person. The victim would perceive the destructive behavior as the acceptable and normal act. The continuous harassment and physical abuse to a person, especially children and teenager, will impact on their self-esteem, self-hatred, and long-term traumatic impact. The damage grows in the victim, if not seriously taken care under professional therapy (which costs a lot), would damage the quality of living of the victim. In some cases, the victims of bullying commit suicide. Second reason to take precaution and to stop bullying act is that bullying can escalate to violence that can be considered as a crime. This is not only permanently damaging the victim’s psychological aspect, but also has become the crime issue. The bullying act leads the children and the teenager to construct destructive behavior. This is obviously a serious problem for our society. 
Bullying phenomenon is a common act that we can find in our society, especially in school. The act of bullying to elevate the self-esteem by continuously harassing the victim is a cowardly act that could damage one’s future. Therefore, we should commit to ourselves to take action to prevent and to stop the bullying act from our closest surrounding.
Well, after reading the text, what comes into your mind? Do you agree with the act of bullying or not? If you agree to stop the bullying act, it means that the text has delivered its message well. Moreover, the writer chose the word coward and great in the phrase ‘great damage’ to give the most suitable nuance to readers about bullying. Therefore, the readers’ awareness is possible to raise.
An analytical exposition text has different generic structure and language features in comparison with other texts. The following is the generic structure of an analytical exposition text:
1. Thesis: introducing the outline of writer’s idea about an issue.
2. Arguments: elaborating arguments to support the thesis.
3. Reiteration: restating the writer’s position on an issue.
Besides the distinctive generic structure, an analytical exposition text is also different in the language features used in the text. The following are the language features that are usually found in an analytical exposition text:
  1. Focuse on an issue
  2. Use simple present tense
  3. Use relating verbs such as ‘it is essential..’
  4. Use thinking verbs such as ‘people thought that...’
  5. Use connectives such as ‘first, second, ...’
  6. Use modals such as ‘might, must, ...’
  7. Use evaluative language ‘crucial, important, ...’

Contoh Soal Analytical Exposition , Social Issue

The act of bullying seems to be an unnoticed act we commonly find in our society, especially in school environment. Bullying as the act to dominate the subordinate person as a mean to harass and to belittle the person is an urgent issue to be overcome. The act of bullying will bring a great damage to the targeted victims which impacts on their future and even results in suicide act.
From the paragraph above, we can infer that the purpose of the text is....
“Bullying as the act to dominate the subordinate person as a mean to harass and to belittle the person is an urgent issue to be overcome.”
The statement above concludes that the definition of bullying is....
The victim would perceive the destructive behavior as the acceptable and normal act. The continuous harassment and physical abuse to a person, especially children and teenager, will impact on their self-esteem, self-hatred, and long-term traumatic impact. If the damage grows in the victim is not seriously taken care under professional therapy, the trauma would destruct the victim's life. In some cases, the victims of bullying would commit suicide.
From the passage, we know that professional therapy to the victim of bullying would...
“Second reason to take precaution and to stop bullying act is that bullying can escalate to violence and be considered as a crime. This is not only permanently damaging the victim’s psychological aspect, but also has become a criminal issue. A bullying act leads the children and the teenager to construct destructive behavior. This is obviously a serious problem for our society.”
Choose the correct statement according to the passage.
“Bullying phenomenon is a common act that we can find in our society. It is an irony that most of this kind of acts happen in school. The act of bullying to elevate the self-esteem by continuously harassing the victim is a cowardly act that could damage one’s future. Therefore, we should commit to ourselves to take action, to prevent and to stop the bullying act from our closest surrounding.”
The passage contains an irony. The irony emerges in the passage is...
The first paragraph of the passage concludes that....
“Television has become a widely used electronic device to entertain the viewer. Almost everyone from different level of age can access various program of television.”
According to the statement above, the viewers of the television are....
Choose correct statement from the following that is in line with the second paragraph.
Look at the second paragraph. According to the passage, TV programs that should be taken under evaluation are....
“As the media to give both entertainment and information, television can be accessed by many people. The inappropriate programs will shape wrong mindset and behavior. ... ”
Choose from the following statement that completes the passage above.

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