Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Various Narrative Texts
Contoh Soal Reading , Understanding Various Narrative Texts - Narrative text is a kind of text that tells a story that happened in the past. A narrative text can describe a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events. It is made with constructive format by using imaginary, factual or a combination of both. You may often find narrative text in your daily life especially when you read novels, comics, fiction books, or short stories book. There are many types of narrative texts, but the structure of the story is the same. It consists of complication or problematic events and the effort to the solution to solve the problems.
Social Function of Narrative Text
The social function of narrative text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners through the story.
Generic Structures of Narrative Text
In a narrative text, there are several stages that you should pay attention as follows:
- Orientation : It sets the scene and introduces the participants who and what is involved in the story.
- Complication : It tells the problems of the story from the beginning into climax (crisis)
- Resolution : It tells how the problem is solved.
- Re-orientation : It tells the ending of the story which usually contains moral lesson or advice.
Although the types of narrative text are different, but its generic structures and its language features are same.
Language Features of Narrative Text
There are several language features of narrative text.
- Focus on specific participant
- Use active verbs.
- Use past tense
- Use temporal conjunction.
- Use adjective and adverbs
- The first person (I or We) or the third person (He, She, or They).
- Use direct and indirect speech
Types of Narrative Text
Narrative text has various types such as short stories, folktales, legends, myths, fables, novels, science fictions.
1. Legend
A legend is a narrative text which has historical setting. It commonly tells about human history that happened in the past. For examples:
- Sangkuriang
- Malin Kundang
- The story of Lake Toba
Here is an example of legend in narrative text.

2. Fable
A fable is a narrative text which has short allegorical to make a moral point by using animals as the characters which act as human. The examples of fable in narrative text are:
- The smartest parrot
- A mousedeer and a crocodile
- The Ants and the Grasshopper
- The story of monkey and crocodile
Here is an example of fable:

3. Fairy Tales
Fairy tale is a narrative text which has special things in the story such as using fairies, giants, gnomes, dwarves, and goblin as the characters. It also shows magic or something which seems impossible. Sometime it uses exaggerated things. For examples:
- Rapunzel
- Cinderella
- Pinocchio
- Snow white
- The matches seller
Here is the example of fairy tale:

4. Myths
Myth is an ancient story which explains the series of events in a literary way the early history of a group of people or about natural events and facts. For examples:
- The origin of Banyuwangi
- Kebo Iwa
- Lutung Kasarung
5. Science Fiction
Science fiction is fiction story which relates to science and its development in society. Science fiction is that class of prose narrative treating of a situation that could not arise in the world we know. For examples:
- Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein
- A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clark
Here is an example of science fiction.

What is fable? Find the most comprehensive definition of fable ....
Definition of myth is ....
The following are example of fairy tales, except ….
What kind of narrative text is the text above? Choose the right option here ....
The reason why the bear asks the rabbit to come with him to the hill is ....
The characteristic of the youngest bear is ....
Why did the Giant help the farmers? Find the most appropriate reason here ....
The farmer got ... after opening the cucumber.
The sentence that is NOT mentioned in the text: ....
What did happen to the Giant after Timun Mas threw a shrimp paste? Find the next sequence here ....