Contoh Soal Factual Reports , Human and Society

Contoh Soal Factual Reports , Human and SocietyReport in genre text is a kind of text that explains about an object in general ways. A report text contains a series of logical facts which is NOT based on personal or individual opinion.
A report is irrefutable because it is based on deep analysis and systematic observation, it could be proved scientifically; and that is also the reason why it could be generalized. It can be said that report is kind of scientific writing. Mostly it informs the reader about the symptoms of nature, living beings, and objects scientifically.
Report functions to describe something in most broad ways. Report only provides facts and information that are undoubtedly true about the object. The report could be about what are on this earth; either the animals, human, or social phenomena happened around us. Look at the two groups of topics as follows. Identify which group are topics for reports.
Could you tell which group is consisted of the topics for reports? If you choose the latter, you are correct. The first group is just too specific to be the main topics of report; they could do better in kinds of descriptive text. Meanwhile the topics in the second group are broad enough to put in reports.

Let's think!

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish report from descriptive text, but somehow report provides a very broad or general scope of discussion. For instance in a report of mountain, the readers will find the explanation and discussion about what mountain is, characteristics of mountain, types of mountain, kinds of mountain, and the other facts about mountain in general. Whereas in a descriptive text of mountain, the readers will find about particular mountain, mount Sinabung for example, and there would be the discussion about where ‘the’ mountain is or ‘its’ location, the characteristics of the mountain, and the other specific information referring to that particular mountain.
The generic structure of report is similar with any other descriptive text:
General classification/ general information; this part tells general information of the object. It includes brief statements that classify the subject of report.
Description; this part tells the discussion of the phenomenon of the object in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors. Simply, this part contains bundles of factual information about the object. 
The language features of report as well the same as descriptive text:
  • Mostly in simple present tense (the use of other tenses is needed occasionally).
  • Use common noun (mountain, human, school)
  • Use action verbs (develop, establish, rise)
To make a report, firstly you have to decide the object, and then collect some facts about it. Sort those facts using some key headings. It will help you manage your writing. Construct full sentences using the facts and make them into paragraphs according to the key headings. For example, you are going to make a report text about school. Then you need to provide some key headings regarding the subject. These key headings might help you: definition, types, categories, elements, and components. The following table will help you ease your understanding and guide you to make proper report of school.
The following is the example of the report about school based on the key headings in the table.

Every human needs to learn. In order to get the same quality and quantity of knowledge they are going to school. School is the institution where people as the students learn something and get to be educated by already educated people called teachers.
School is commonly leveled from elementary, middle, and high school. The elementary school is the first stage particularly for beginners or young learners. After succeeding in their elementary school, the students continue study in middle school and later high school.
Further, there are important elements that operate the school. Every school has a principal; he is the one to take responsibility of all school activities. Under the principal, there are school administrators and assistants who maintain the school facility and regulation. Most elements of school are teachers and students. There will not be any of school if there are no teacher and student.
There are some key headings from the table that are not discussed in the text as you may elaborate some later. You could also provide other key headings and add them to your own report.

Contoh Soal Factual Reports , Human and Society

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Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D

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