Contoh Soal Understanding Conversational Texts , Formal vs Informal Offers

Contoh Soal Understanding Conversational Texts , Formal vs Informal OffersLearning how to express and respond to formal and informal offers in daily conversations that use simple structures in various aspects of daily life. The objective of the lesson is: students are able to express and respond to formal and informal offers in various settings.

Learn about it!

       An old woman wants to take a carton of milk in the supermarket, but she can’t reach it. What would you do?

                              A. Pretend that you didn't see her.
                              B. Smile at her and go away.
                              C. Offer your help to take it down.
                              D. Keep shopping, don’t care about her.
What is your answer? Is it A, B, C, or D?
       These days, a lot of people do not care about others as people used to in a long time ago. However, we do not live by ourselves in this world. We live with other people. Human being needs other human beings. We sometimes face problems and need others to help us. We sometimes notice that others face problems and need our help. Thus, we should care about people around us who need our help.
Some people, when they face problems and need help will ask us to lend them our hands. However, on the other hand, some people who face problems do not ask for our help although they really need our help. What should we do?
Now, read the question above, and think about the answer. Would you offer your help for the old lady? If you would, then it is good. You offer a help to someone who needs it. It means that you care about others.
What do you say to offer some help for someone? What will you say to accept an offer of help? In addition to that, when you can handle things on your own and do not need others’ help, how will you refuse an offer of help?
In this lesson, we are learning how to offer to do something for someone? How to accept an offer of help? How to refuse an offer of help?

Offering to do something for someone

Formal Expressions
  • May I assist you?
  • Perhaps I could assist in some way?
  • Shall I take it down for you?
  • What can I do to help you?
  • Would you like any help?
  • Is there anything I can do?
  • Let me open the door for you.
Informal Expressions
  • Need some help?
  • I’ll do it for you.
  • Want a hand?
  • Can I help out?

Accepting an offer

Formal Expressions
  • Thank you.
  • That’s very kind of you.
  • That’s extremely good of you.
  • You are most kind.
  • I’d be delighted.
  • If you are sure it’s no trouble for you.
informal Expression
  • Cheers!
  • Thanks!
  • Lovely!
  • Great!
  • Terrific!
  • Just what I needed!

Refusing an offer

• I’m very grateful for your offer. However, …
• It’s very good of you to offer, but I can do it myself.
• Please don’t trouble yourself about …
• That’s extremely good of you, but …
• Thank you for offering, but …
• No, really, I can …
• No, don’t bother, really. • No, it’s OK, thanks. I can …
• Thanks a lot, but …
• Nice thought, but …
• No, don’t worry.

Do you understand?

Now, read the conversations below, and learn how to use the expressions in our daily conversations.
At the railway station (formal expressions)
A stranger is in the reservation office at the railway station is reading the information on the train schedule. He wants to buy a ticket but looks confused what to write.
Man: Excuse me, Sir. Is there anything I can help you?
Stranger : Thank you. I’m going to Solo tomorrow but I don’t know which train I should take.
Man : Let me check it for you. 
Stranger : You are most kind. 
Man : You can take Pramex at 8 a.m or 10 a.m. and, you can get off at Balapan Station.
Stranger : Thank you very much.
At the library (formal expressions)
A librarian wants to enter the room, but she cannot open the door since she is holding a lot of books.
A student : Shall I open the door for you, Miss?
Librarian : Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.
At school (informal expressions)
A teacher asks a student to take students’ books to the office. The student holds a lot of books on his hands. Another student sees and offers him a help.
Rino : Need some help, John?
John : No, Thanks. I can do it myself.

Contoh Soal Understanding Conversational Texts , Formal vs Informal Offers

Read the following dialogue to answer question 1-4.
Boy: Look Mom, I want that chocolate.
Mother: Which one?
Boy: Over there, near the cashier.
Mother: Go and get it. I’m looking for sugar, milk and eggs on that corner.
Boy: Okay, Mom.
The boy is running to get the chocolate.
Cashier: It seems that you can’t reach the chocolate. ....(3) for you.
Boy: Thank you very much, Sir.
Cashier: You’re welcome.
At the cashier,
Cashier: ....(4) an extra plastic bag?
Mother: No, thanks.
Where does the conversation probably take place? Choose the right setting: ....
Read the following dialogue to answer question 1-4.
Boy: Look Mom, I want that chocolate.
Mother: Which one?
Boy: Over there, near the cashier.
Mother: Go and get it. I’m looking for sugar, milk and eggs on that corner.
Boy: Okay, Mom.
The boy is running to get the chocolate.
Cashier: It seems that you can’t reach the chocolate. ....(3) for you.
Boy: Thank you very much, Sir.
Cashier: You’re welcome.
At the cashier,
Cashier: ....(4) an extra plastic bag?
Mother: No, thanks.
What does the cashier do to the boy? Choose the right setting: ....
Read the following dialogue to answer question 1-4.
Boy: Look Mom, I want that chocolate.
Mother: Which one?
Boy: Over there, near the cashier.
Mother: Go and get it. I’m looking for sugar, milk and eggs on that corner.
Boy: Okay, Mom.
The boy is running to get the chocolate.
Cashier: It seems that you can’t reach the chocolate. ....(3) for you.
Boy: Thank you very much, Sir.
Cashier: You’re welcome.
At the cashier,
Cashier: ....(4) an extra plastic bag?
Mother: No, thanks.
The expression to fill the blank of number 3 is ....
Read the following dialogue to answer question 1-4.
Boy: Look Mom, I want that chocolate.
Mother: Which one?
Boy: Over there, near the cashier.
Mother: Go and get it. I’m looking for sugar, milk and eggs on that corner.
Boy: Okay, Mom.
The boy is running to get the chocolate.
Cashier: It seems that you can’t reach the chocolate. ....(3) for you.
Boy: Thank you very much, Sir.
Cashier: You’re welcome.
At the cashier,
Cashier: ....(4) an extra plastic bag?
Mother: No, thanks.
The expression to fill the blank of number 4 is ....
Mr. Hamdan : ….
Mr. Junaedi : Yes, please. Biology Lab is a bit far from here. And, it’s very heavy.
Mr. Hamdan probably says ....
Diana : My goodness! There are a lot of dirty dishes to wash.
Dody : ….
Diana : Thanks, brother!
The best expression to complete the dialogue is ....
Ms. Lury : You look upset. What’s the matter?
Ms. Nia : I missed the last bus home.
Ms. Lury : ….
Ms. Nia : If you are sure it’s no trouble for you.
The best sentence to complete the conversation is ....
Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue.
  1. English? Sure! It’s a piece of cake.
  2. I’ll do it for you.
  3. No problem! But, please do this English task for me. It’s hard.
  4. I don’t know how to do this math operation.
  5. Really? Thanks!
Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue.
  1. Sending postcards? That’s interesting!
  2. Yes, and I’ll post one this afternoon. I’ll post your letter if you like.
  3. What are you doing?
  4. No, thanks. I can do it myself.
  5. Oh, I like sending postcards to my parents, too.
  6. I’m writing a letter to my parents.
Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue.
1. That’s too bad. Oh, I have an extra raincoat. Would you like to use my raincoat?
2. No, Sir. I’m going home.
3. Yeah… time to go home.
4. You’re welcome.
5. I’d be delighted. I’ll give it back to you tomorrow. Thank you.
6. You have no ex-school activities after class?
7. I really want to go home too. But, it’s raining hard and I forgot to bring my raincoat

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