Contoh Soal How to Respond Offers (Accepting versus Declining)

Contoh Soal How to Respond Offers (Accepting versus Declining) In daily conversation you will face situations where someone offers you some help, or food, or invite you to visit their house or to go to some events like a concert or movie. When someone offers you assistance and you need or want to accept, remember to thank them. If their assistance makes them sacrifice a significant amount of time, energy and other resources, ask them if you can return the favor. This is a polite way to return somebody’s good effort for you.
Read the following illustration to make it clearer.
       Take for an example, a situation when you are ill and your friend offers to take you to the doctor. This friend arranges a transportation for you, accompany you in consulting with the doctor, get you the medicine and take you home. What your friend did to you, of course consumed her/ his time, cost and energy. In return, you can offer to accompany her/ him when she/ he needs you. If the assistance makes someone have to pay some money, compensate him or her. For example, if you accept a ride from a friend, offer him or her to spare the gas cost.

How to say it?

       There are various expressions that you can use to accept an offer. When talking to older people or to strangers, you will need to use formal sentences. However, when speaking to close friends you can use more casual way.
Here are examples of how to accept an offer formally:
Thank you for your offer. I would be delighted to.
Thank you. I would love to.
Yes, thank you. That would be great/ wonderful.
Do you know? Sometimes contractions make formal phrases sounds more casual but still polite:
Thanks for your offer. I’d be delighted to.
Thanks. I’d love to.
Yes, thanks. That’d be great/ wonderful.

Let's think!

Read and study these following situations.
Situation 1: a conversation between a taxi driver and a client
Driver: Shall I carry your suitcase?
Ms. Anna: Yes please. That would be very kind of you.
Situation 2 : a conversation between colleagues
Mr. Dean: Would you like me to print the report?
Mr. Hans: If you wouldn't mind. Or If you could.
Situation 3 : a conversation between friends
Hanna : Good morning, Ajeng. Coffee?
Ajeng : Oh, great! I’d love one.
       When someone offers you assistance and you do not need or want it, decline politely and be firm when necessary. In western culture, it is not offensive to politely decline offered assistance. Just say to them that you “get it” or you “want to try it on your own.” If someone offers you food and you do not want it, you can just say “No, but thanks for offering.”
Here are some examples on declining an offer:
No thank you.
No, but thanks for offering.
The following examples are for specific situations:
Declining assistance
It's OK, I can do it.
Don't worry, I'll do it.
Declining foods
I'm really full. Thanks anyway.
Looks delicious, but I'll have to pass.
Here are some more examples:
Situation 1: a conversation between a waiter and a consumer in a restaurant
Waiter : Would you like another piece of cake?
Mr. Brown : Yes please, that would be nice.
Situation 2: a conversation between friends
Mia : Do you want some strawberries?
Tanya : I am good. Thanks.
       When someone says, “I am good.” It means that she or he does not need an offer. Accepting and declining offers politely may depend on what you are asked.

Contoh Soal How to Respond Offers (Accepting versus Declining)

Read the conversation
Shopkeeper: Can I help you?
Radi : ...., I'm just looking.
The correct phrases to complete the conversation is ....
Read the conversation
Driver : Shall I open the window for you?
Mira : Yes please ....
The right phrase to fill in the blank is ....
Read the following dialogue
Waiter : Would you like another coffee?
Harris : I am good. Thanks.
From the conversation we know that ....
Study the following conversation
Will: Would you like a cup of tea? I'm just making some.
Adam: ....
Will: How do you take it?
Adam: With milk and sugar please.
The correct response to complete the dialogue is ....
Learn the dialogue below
Mr. Evans : Would you like me to answer the phone?
Ms. Murphy : If you wouldn’t mind.
Mr. Evans : Not at all.
The statement which is true based on the conversation is ....
Arrange the jumbled conversation between Dimas and a train station officer below.
(1) Officer : Can I help you?
(2) Dimas : Yes, please. That would be very helpful.
(3) Officer : Which train would you like to know?
(4) Dimas : Yes, please. I'd like to know what time the train leaves.
(5) Officer : Would you like to print all train schedules for you?
(6) Dimas : I am not sure. I am looking for the suitable schedule for me.
The correct arrangement is ....
The following conversation is for question 7 and 8.
Frans : Do you want some waffles?
Nina : It looks delicious, .... (7)
Frans : Why? It is really delicious.
Nina : I'm really full. Thanks anyway. By the way, how about going cycling this weekend?
Frans : All right. When and where?
Nina : This Saturday. We start from my home.
Frans : Saturday? I don’t think I can..... (8)
Nina : Well, let me think. Next week?
Frans : Yeah. Good idea.”
The right phrase to fill in the blank no 7 is ....
The following conversation is for question 7 and 8.
Frans : Do you want some waffles?
Nina : It looks delicious, .... (7)
Frans : Why? It is really delicious.
Nina : I'm really full. Thanks anyway. By the way, how about going cycling this weekend?
Frans : All right. When and where?
Nina : This Saturday. We start from my home.
Frans : Saturday? I don’t think I can..... (8)
Nina : Well, let me think. Next week?
Frans : Yeah. Good idea.”
The right phrase to fill in the blank no 8 is ....
The following conversation is for question 9 to 10.
Brenda : Mom, do you want me to go shopping for you?
Mother : Sure. That’s very kind of you. (a)
Brenda : OK. Have you seen my blue dress? I am going to wear that.
Mother : It’s in my closet. .... (9)?
Brenda : If you could. I have to take a shower first. (b)
Mother : Do you have money for the gas? (c)
Brenda : Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll do it. (d)
Mother : OK. I’ll leave you money on the dining table. (e)
The correct words to fill in the blank no 9 is ....
The following conversation is for question 9 to 10.
Brenda : Mom, do you want me to go shopping for you?
Mother : Sure. That’s very kind of you. (a)
Brenda : OK. Have you seen my blue dress? I am going to wear that.
Mother : It’s in my closet. .... (9)?
Brenda : If you could. I have to take a shower first. (b)
Mother : Do you have money for the gas? (c)
Brenda : Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll do it. (d)
Mother : OK. I’ll leave you money on the dining table. (e)
The part which doesn’t belong to the dialogue is ....

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