Contoh Soal Review , Stories

Contoh Soal Review , Stories Did you read story books when you were a kid?
Do you have favorite childhood stories?
If yes, what kind of story did you like?
One of the interesting ways to learn English is through stories. The more you read English stories, the more new words you know. As you may already know, a story can be true or just imagination. The stories based on imagination are called fictions.
In English subject you learn at school, you can read stories from narrative texts. A narrative text can be in form of legend, fairy tale, fable, classic, adventure or fantasy. Those stories aim to amuse or entertain the readers. There is a moral value that we can learn from every narrative.

A narrative text usually has a beginning, middle and ending. It has the following structure.
  1. Orientation: It is at the beginning of the story. It tells us the story setting and the main characters. The characters are usually people, animals or other creatures.
  2. Complication: It is in the middle of the story. It is when the problem arises and develops.
  3. Resolution: It is the part where the problem is solved.
  4. Reiteration: Not every narrative text has this, but it tells what happens after the problem is solved and it usually has the oral value.
To enhance your understanding, read the following story.

The Red Feathers

(An American Folk Tale)
Once there lived a hen whose feathers were all read. She was called Red feathers. One day when she walked in the farm, a fox saw her. The Fox ran to his home and asked his wife to boil some water. “I’ve found our dinner,” he said to his wife. The Red feathers didn’t know what happen, she tripped and fell over and found herself snapped up inside a sack. She couldn’t even call for help.
Her friend, the Dove, saw this and pitied her. He lay on the ground, pretending to be injured. The Fox saw this and thought she had a broken wing. “Hmm I’ve got an appetizer and main course at the same time,” he said. While the Fox was delighted, the Dove cleverly hopped further and further away. It gave the Red feathers time to slip out of the sack and put a stone in her place then ran off.
The Fox still thought that the Red Feathers was still inside the sack. He went back to pick it up and got home. In the kitchen, the Fox tripped the sack into a pot of boiling water. The stone then splashed the hot water all over him, and he burned his greedy paws.
The purpose, often called the social function of a narrative text, is to entertain the readers. The parts of a narrative text are called ‘generic structure.' They are orientation-complication-resolution. In a story, it is possible to have more than one problem and a solution for each problem.

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You have red the story above. Now, answer the following question.
  • What is the story about?
  • Where and when did it happen?
  • How many characters are in the story?
  • How is the characteristic of each person?
  • What can you learn from the story?
You usually find the questions about when you do a narrative text test. Let’s answer the questions!
  • It’s a fable. It tells a story of animals. The story is about a hen that was helped by her friend when a Fox aimed to hunt her.
  • It happened on a farm in the dinner time. We know it from:
    “One day when she walked in the farm, a fox saw her. The Fox ran to his home and asked his wife to boil some water. “I’ve found a dinner,” he said to his wife.”
  • There are three characters in the story: the Hen, the Dove, and the Fox.
  • The Hen was clumsy. She tripped and fell over. The Dove was kind. She willingly helped her friend. The Fox was greedy. He had the Hen, but he also wanted the Dove.
  • Don’t be greedy! The Fox was greedy, and he ended up getting nothing and hurting himself.

Contoh Soal Review , Stories

Identify the correct statement based on the beginning part of the story.
Identify the major problem in the story.
The word managed in the text has a similar meaning with ....
Identify the setting of the story. The story takes place ....
Listen again to the recording, then identify the main characters of the story. They are ….
Listen again to the recording. The theme of the story is ….
Analyze the characteristic of the people in the story. The king was ….
The statement which is NOT true based on the story is ….
“’If I do it for you, what will you give me?’ asked the manikin.”
The other words for the underlined phrase are ….
At the end of the story, Rumpelstilskin was ….

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