Contoh Soal Expressing Ideas

Contoh Soal Expressing IdeasResponding to the meaning in transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (social) officially and continued (sustained) conversation accurately, fluently, and in an acceptable way that uses a variety of languages spoken in the daily life context and involves speech acts: expressing ideas

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In this lesson you will learn about how to express an idea in the daily life context.

Expressing Ideas

What do you think about this picture? What are they doing, and where do you usually find it?
This picture describes a student who is presenting her Biology project about ecosystem. She shares her idea about how to increase quality fish after doing research for a couple of weeks. In this lesson, you will learn about how to express your ideas in English. You can read its definition and the purpose below before learning how to use its phrases in daily life context.

Definition and Purpose of Expressing Idea

Expressing idea is some language function to express someone’s opinion or thought about something that contains comment, argument, and suggestion. For example, you are the leader of a team that receives an assignment to make a group performance. You don’t have any ideas on how to make a good performance. What you will probably do is asking your friends to contribute their ideas.
From the illustration above, giving ideas aims to share and express someone's thoughts, ideas, or plans in a certain situation. Everybody has the right to express their ideas. They also have the right to accept or refuse others’ ideas. However, in the expression of giving ideas, you should pay attention to the following rule:
  • Use positive sentence so that people can accept your idea well.
  • Use the proper phrase in expressing idea based on the context.
There are various contexts of usage and you should know how to use them based on the appropriate contexts. To understand about how the language expressions are used, you can pay attention to the phrases below.
Asking for ideas
  • Do you have any idea?
  • Can you give me an idea?
  • Can you tell me your ideas?
  • What do you think about ….?
Giving Ideas
  • I think ….
  • How if ….
  • I suggest ….
  • In my view ….
  • In my opinion ….
  • Why don’t you ….
  • It would be better if ….
  • I would like to share ….
Responding to Ideas
  • Accepting Response
  • Great!
  • That’s brilliant!
  • It sounds good.
  • I agree with you.
  • That’s a good idea.
  • That’s a good way.
Refusing Response
  • I think that’s not a good idea.
  • I disagree with you
  • I’m not sure with that.
  • No.

Do you understand?

To understand how to use the phrases above, see the following conversation:
Conversation 1
Nita : The traffic is bad recently. I’m almost late to school.
Yuri : Yes. It is so irritating.
Nita : I think the government should make a new rule about using cars.
Yuri : If I worked for the government, I would ban people having more than one car at their family.
  • The underlined sentence in the conversation above shows that Nita gives her idea to solve the problem of traffic jams.
Conversation 2
Indra : What are you doing?
Rifk : I’m thinking about art project.
Indra : Wow, it must be interesting.
Rifki : But, I have no idea how to do it.
Indra : You like painting, don’t you? Why don’t you make a painting?
Rifki : That’s not a good idea when I don’t have much money to buy canvas and the paints.
  • The conversation above tells Rifki’s art project. Indra tries to give him ideas to make painting, (see the italic sentence) but he refuses it because he doesn’t have much money. (see the underlined sentence)
Conversation 3
Dika : Ah, who did smoke in the toilet? The smell was very bad.
Adit : How if we tell it to the teacher. So, the students who are smokers can’t smoke here again.
Dika : That's a good idea.
  • The conversation above tells Dika and Adit feels bothered because of bad smell in the toilet. Adit gives ideas to tell it to the teacher (see the italic sentence) and Dika accepts his friend’s idea (see the underlined sentence).


  • Expressing ideas and opinions is part of everyday’s dynamic. People often share ideas to tell what they think or feel about something.
  • People share ideas and opinions in various social contexts, such as at school, at home, and when they are at work.
  • The way people express their ideas and opinions vary in the degree of formality.
Contoh Soal Expressing Ideas

The definition of expression of ideas is ....
The purpose of expressing ideas is ....
The following are expressing ideas, except ....
Read the conversation below to answer question number 4 and 5.
Read this! A student was found died because of smoking.
Really? It is unbelievable.
The smokers should think about their selves and the government should also ban people to smoke.
But the government already put pictures in cigarette pack.
In my view, that's not enough. The government should close the cigarette factories to stop smoking.
That's impossible. They give the highest tax for the government income. We will bankrupt if it happen.
But smoking is too harmful for our life. It does not only threaten smokers, but also the secondhand smokers.
I see. In my opinion, the government should think hard how to handle this problem.
They are talking about ....
Read the conversation below to answer question number 4 and 5.
Read this! A student was found died because of smoking.
Really? It is unbelievable.
The smokers should think about their selves and the government should also ban people to smoke.
But the government already put pictures in cigarette pack.
In my view, that's not enough. The government should close the cigarette factories to stop smoking.
That's impossible. They give the highest tax for the government income. We will bankrupt if it happen.
But smoking is too harmful for our life. It does not only threaten smokers, but also the secondhand smokers.
I see. In my opinion, the government should think hard how to handle this problem.
Why did Tiara suggest the government to close the cigarette factories?
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 6 and 7
Fanny : What happen to your face? That’s look so bad.
Ardi : I was hit by three people in front of school.
Fanny : How come?
Ardi : I was trying to help a student who was bullied by them. But when I tried to help him, they hit me.
Fanny : You should not get involved.
Ardi : I just can't stand for watching him got bullying.
Fanny : ....
The statement that is suitable to complete the conversation is ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 6 and 7
Fanny : What happen to your face? That’s look so bad.
Ardi : I was hit by three people in front of school.
Fanny : How come?
Ardi : I was trying to help a student who was bullied by them. But when I tried to help him, they hit me.
Fanny : You should not get involved.
Ardi : I just can't stand for watching him got bullying.
Fanny : ....
Ardi was hit by three people because ....
Read the conversation below to answer question number 8-10
  • Gita: What are you doing?
  • Dina: I'm writing a draft for our school project.
  • Gita: Have you decided the theme?
  • Diana: Yes. I took environment theme. But I'm still confused about the topic. Do you have any idea?
  • Gita: No idea. What have you already written?
  • Dina: It is about how to reduce bottle garbage entitled “bring your own bottle”. So, you should bring your own bottle then refill it with mineral water and we can reduce bottle garbage.
  • Gita: That's brilliant idea!
  • Dina: But I'm not sure the teacher will accept this idea. It costs a lot.
  • Gita: I have an idea. In my opinion, we can ask our friends to collect trash bottles and give them to people especially students in CFD.
  • Dina: I'm not sure that's a good idea. Used bottles won't be accepted. We need new bottles.
  • Gita: We can select bottle which looks new to share.
  • Dina: Alright.
How is Gita's response about Diana's idea? Her response shows that ....
Read the conversation below to answer question number 8-10
  • Gita: What are you doing?
  • Dina: I'm writing a draft for our school project.
  • Gita: Have you decided the theme?
  • Diana: Yes. I took environment theme. But I'm still confused about the topic. Do you have any idea?
  • Gita: No idea. What have you already written?
  • Dina: It is about how to reduce bottle garbage entitled “bring your own bottle”. So, you should bring your own bottle then refill it with mineral water and we can reduce bottle garbage.
  • Gita: That's brilliant idea!
  • Dina: But I'm not sure the teacher will accept this idea. It costs a lot.
  • Gita: I have an idea. In my opinion, we can ask our friends to collect trash bottles and give them to people especially students in CFD.
  • Dina: I'm not sure that's a good idea. Used bottles won't be accepted. We need new bottles.
  • Gita: We can select bottle which looks new to share.
  • Dina: Alright.
They are talking about ....
Read the conversation below to answer question number 8-10
  • Gita: What are you doing?
  • Dina: I'm writing a draft for our school project.
  • Gita: Have you decided the theme?
  • Diana: Yes. I took environment theme. But I'm still confused about the topic. Do you have any idea?
  • Gita: No idea. What have you already written?
  • Dina: It is about how to reduce bottle garbage entitled “bring your own bottle”. So, you should bring your own bottle then refill it with mineral water and we can reduce bottle garbage.
  • Gita: That's brilliant idea!
  • Dina: But I'm not sure the teacher will accept this idea. It costs a lot.
  • Gita: I have an idea. In my opinion, we can ask pur friends to collect trash bottles and give them to people especially students in CFD.
  • Dina: I'm not sure that's a good idea. Used bottles won't be accepted. We need new bottles.
  • Gita: We can select bottle which looks new to share.
  • Dina: Alright.
Dina does not agree with Gita's idea because ....

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