Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Past Tense II (Simple and Continuous)

Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Past Tense II (Simple and Continuous) -

Past Tense

Past tense is used to talk about past event or action. Basically, the verb in a past tense sentence should use its past form. There are several types of past tense: simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous. In this lesson we will only talk about simple past tense and past continuous tense.

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to tell an action or a series of actions that happened in the past. For example:
  • wrote the story two years ago.
  • stayed there several times.
Past tense is the tense that is usually used in a story, for example:
  • The frog went to the forest looking for his friend.
Past tense is also used to define states, circumstances, or conditions in past, for example:
  • He was very sick at that time.
  • The Incas had great civilization.
The Form
There are two types of verb form: regular and irregular. Most verbs are regular. For regular verb, you only need to add -ed at the end of the word. For instance:
  • The cat walked around the jungle.
    Some verbs are irregular, which means it has completely different form from its base word (we do not add –ed for irregular verb), for instance:
  • The ant spoke to his commander.
  • The boy had an idea to have some fun.
Note that be (is, am, are) is considered as irregular verb. Past form of the verb be is was/were.
The Negative Form
The negative form of past tense uses did and its base form, for instance:
  • The frog did not go to the forest.
    However, for was and were, the case is different. Did is not used in a sentence with was/were. For instance:
  • The bird was not there.
The Interrogative Form
The interrogative form is not really different from the negative form, only the structure of the word changes. For instance:
  • Did the frog go to the forest?
  • Was the bird there?

Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense is used to tell that we were in the middle of something at a certain time in the past. The activity could happen at a certain time or around another activity, for example:
  • He was cooking at eleven o’clock.
  • The fox was trying to climb the tree when she saw the goat.
The Form
The structure of past continuous is the past form of be (was/were) and the –ing form of the verb, for instance:
  • The fox was walking away
  • We were going to the beach when we met them.
The Negative Form
The negative form of past continuous tense is the past form of be and the –ing form of the verb, for instance:
  • The farmer was not lying at that time.
  • They were not running into the forest.
The Interrogative Form
This form is not that different from the negative one. The only difference is the word structure.

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  • Was the fox walking away?
  • Were you running into the forest?

Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Past Tense II (Simple and Continuous)

One day, a fox was ________ around the dark forest.

The correct verb to complete the sentence is ….
Unfortunately, he ______ into a well. He ______ all that he ______ to come out of the well, but he ______ get out. There was no choice except for staying there until morning. 
The next day, a goat walked in that way. He peeped into the well and saw the fox. The goat asked, “What are you doing there?”
The fox replied, “I came down here to drink. The water in this well is the best I’ve ever tasted. Come and try it.”
The goat jumped into the well without thinking. He drank the water. After that, he looked for a way to get out. However, he found himself trapped there without being able to get out.
The correct verbs to complete the sentences are ….
There was no choice except for staying there until morning.
The sentence is written using ….
Choose the sentence that indicates someone was in the middle of something at a certain time in the past.
The Lion and the Little Mouse*
One day, a Lion fell asleep and a little mouse started to run upon him. This has made the lion to wake up. Surprised by the little mouse, the lion placed his pawn upon the little mouse and he was ready to swallow the little mouse.
Why did the lion wake up?
One summer day in a field, a Grasshopper was leaping over and chirping. Then, an ant passed by, carrying an ear of corn. The ant was collecting food for the winter.</u>
The negative form of the underlined sentence is ….
The dialogue implies that ….
The correct answer to the question is ….
Arrange the words into a good sentence.

think1 – the tortoise2 – what3 – challenged4 – did5 – when6 – him7 – the hare8 – ?

Identify the error in the text.

The Fox and the Goat

The goat jumped into the well without thinking. He drank the water. After that, he looked for a way to get out. However, he found himself trapped there without being able to get out.
Then, the fox said, “I have an idea. You can stand on your hind legs and then I’ll climb on your head and get out. After that, I will help you come out.”
The goat was not know the slyness of the fox. He did exactly what the fox told him to do and the fox got out of the well. However, instead of helping the goat like he said he would, the fox was walking away and said, “Had you been clever enough, you would never have gotten in without knowing how to get out.”

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