Contoh Soal Understanding a narrative text

Contoh Soal Understanding a narrative text - DESCRIPTION: understanding the meaning of oral and written narrative text legend shaped, simple.
OBJECTIVE: In this topic, you will learn to n this topic, you will learn to understand the meaning of oral and written narrative text legend shaped.

Narrative text is writing in which a story is told; the details may be fictional or based on fact. Typically, the events described in narrative text are written sequentially. The primary purpose of narrative writing is to entertain. Novels depict numerous episodes of action. Short stories may only contain a few or even one episode. Nevertheless, both relate a causal chain of events: each event in the story leads to another, as the protagonist, or main character, tries to reach a goal or solve a problem. Elements that are basic to narrative text include: setting, characters, plot, conflict, and theme.
Some literary experts label these elements "story grammar." That is, just as sentence grammar is used to explain and specify how sentences are constructed, story grammar delineates the basic parts of a story and how those work together to create a well-constructed tale. Narrative is central of learning. They use it as a tool to help them organize their ideas and to explore new ideas and experiences.
Composing stories, whether told or written, involves a set of skills and authorial knowledge but is also an essential means for you to
express themselves creatively and imaginatively. Many powerful narratives are told using only images. ICT texts tell stories using
interactive combinations of words, images and sound s. Narrative poems such as ballads tell stories and often include most of the
generic features of narrative. Narrative texts can be fiction or non-fiction. A single text can include a range of text types, such as
when a story is told with the addition of diary entries, letters or email texts. The essential purpose of narrative is to tell a story, but the detailed purpose may vary according to genre. For example, the purpose of a myth is often to explain a natural phenomenon and a legend is often intended to pass on cultural traditions or beliefs.
Specific features and structures of some narrative types You can write many different types of narrative from fable, legend to myth. Although most types share a common purpose (to tell a story in some way) there is specific knowledge children need in order to write particular narrative text types. While there is often a lot of overlap (for example, between myths and legends) it is helpful to group types of narrative to support planning for range and progression. For example: genre (traditional tales), structure (short stories with flashbacks and extended narrative), content (stories which raise issues and dilemmas), settings (stories with familiar settings, historical settings, imaginary worlds) and style (older literature, significant authors)
Language features vary in different narrative genres.
Presented in spoken or written form; may be augmented/supplemented/partly presented using images (such as illustrations) or interactive/multimedia elements (such as hypertext/ images/ video/ audio); told/written in first or third person (I, we, she, it, they); told/written in past tense (sometimes in present tense); chronological (plot or content have a chronology of events that happened in a particular order); main participants are characters with recognizable qualities, often stereotypical and contrasting (hero/villain); typical characters, settings and events are used in each genre; connectives are widely used to move the narrative along and to affect the reader/listener: to signal time (later that day, once); to move the setting (meanwhile back at the cave, on the other side of the forest); to surprise or create suspense (suddenly, without warning)
Decide on your intended style and impact.
Plan before writing/telling to organize chronology and ensure main events lead towards the ending.
Visualise the setting and main characters to help you describe a few key details.

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Rehearse sentences while writing to assess their effectiveness and the way they work together.
Find some different ways of telling what characters think and feel, e.g. describe what they did or said.
Use some strategies to connect with the reader/listener e.g. use repetition of the same phrase or the same language pattern; ask them a question or refer to the reader as ’you’. 
What on earth was happening? Who do you think it was? Show how the main character has changed or moved on in some way at the end.
Read or listen to the whole text as if you are the reader/listener or try it out on someone else: check that it makes sense and change anything that could work better
Title : Timun Mas
Long long time ago, there was a farmer couple. They were staying in a village near a forest. They lived happily. 
Complication 1:
Unfortunately, they hadn’t had any children yet. 
Resolution 1:
Every day they prayed to God for a child. One day a giant passed their home. He heard what they were praying. Then the giant gave them a cucumber seed. "Plant this seed, then you’ll get a daughter,” said the giant. “Thank you, Giant,” said the couple. “But in one condition, in her 17-th birthday, you must give her to me,” said the Giant. The couple wanted a child so much that they agreed without thinking first. Then the couple planted the cucumber seed. Each day they took care the growing plant so carefully. Months later, a golden cucumber grew from the plant. The cucumber was getting heavier and bigger each day. When it was ripe, they picked it. Carefully they cut out the cucumber and how surprised were they when they found a beautiful baby inside. They were so happy. They named the baby Timun Mas, or Golden Cucumber

Complication 2:
Years were passing by and Timun Mas had grown into a beautiful girl. Her parents were very proud of her. But their happiness turned to fear when her 17th birthday came. The giant returned to ask for their promise. He was going to take Timun Mas away. 
Resolution 2: 
The farmer tried to be calm. “Just a moment, please. Timun Mas is playing. My wife will call her,” he said. Then the farmer came to his daughter. “My child, take this,” as he was giving her a little bag to Timun Mas. “This will help you from the giant. Now, run as fast as you can,” he ordered. So Timun Mas ran away. 
Complication 3: 
The couple was very sad about her leaving. But they didn’t want the giant to eat Timun Mas. Meanwhile, the giant had been waiting for too long. He became impatient. Somehow he knew that the couple had lied to him. So he destroyed their house and ran for Timun Mas. The giant was chasing Timun Mas and he was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then took a handful of salt from her little bag. She spread out the salt behind her. Suddenly a wide sea appeared between them. The giant had to swim to reach her

Resolution 3:
Timun Mas was still running, but now the giant almost caught her. Then she took some chilly and threw them to the giant. The chilly suddenly grew into some trees and trapped the giant. The trees grew some thorns as sharp as a knife. The giant screamed painfully. At the mean time, Timun Mas could escape again. 
Complication 4: 
But the giant was very strong. Again he almost caught Timun Mas. So Timun Mas took the third magic stuff, the cucumber seeds. She threw the seeds and suddenly they became a wide cucumber field. The giant was very tired and hungry so he ate those fresh cucumbers. He ate too much that he felt sleepy and fell asleep soon
Resolution 4: 
Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But soon she was very tired herself. To make things worse, the giant had woken up! Timun Mas was so scared. Desperately she then threw her last weapon, terasi (a kind of shrimp pasta). IT did a miracle again. The pasta became a big swamp. The giant fell into it but his hands almost reached Timun Mas. Suddenly the lake pulled him to the bottom. The giant panicked and he couldn’t breathe. At last he was drown
Resolution 4:
Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But soon she was very tired herself. To make things worse, the giant had woken up! Timun Mas was so scared. Desperately she then threw her last weapon, terasi (a kind of shrimp pasta). IT did a miracle again. The pasta became a big swamp. The giant fell into it but his hands almost reached Timun Mas. Suddenly the lake pulled him to the bottom. The giant panicked and he couldn’t breathe. At last he was drown
Timun Mas was very relieved. She was safe now. Then she returned to her parents’ house. Her parents were of course very happy to see their daughter safe and sound. “Thanks God. You have saved my daughter,” they cried happily. From then on, Timun Mas lived happily with her parents with no fear anymore.

Contoh Soal Understanding a narrative text

What kind of punishment did the thief get for his crime?
Why did the thief bit his mother’s ear?
Which of the following statements do you agree with ?
The farmer’s new hut was….
What do we learn from the text?
What is the main information discussed in the third paragraph?
The word “discovered” (p3) means….
What destroyed the homes of all rats?
What helped the elephant’s herd free?
The word “ summoned” means .....

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