Contoh Soal Writing Narrative Text to Amuse and Entertain Readers

Contoh Soal Writing Narrative Text to Amuse and Entertain ReadersThe purpose of writing narrative is to amuse or entertain the readers. The story is a light-thinking story. Most people love narratives, both children and adults. It is because narratives can bring you excitement through unlimited imagination.
       To write a narrative, the writer needs to build the storyline, settings, and of course the characters. Writing narratives is different with academic writing. In academic writing, the text has to be based on empirical evidences or real facts; whereas narrative writing is based on the writer’s imagination.
       In writing narratives, the writer must be aware of the generic structure and the linguistic features. The generic structure involves orientation, compilation and resolution.

The Generic Structure of Narrative Texts


The function of orientation is to introduce the characters and the settings of the story. Characters are those who are involved in the story. They can be human, animal or creature.
Settings are the introduction of the environment and situation in the story. Setting of place describes the environment that sets the story. And setting of time is the description of the time that sets the story.


The function of compilation is to make to add spirit to the story by giving conflict that appears within the characters. The conflict might be followed by rising problem that leads to the climax.
The easiest way to create conflict can be seen as follow:
  • The main character versus himself.
  • The main character versus another character.
  • The main character versus several characters.
  • The main character versus a group of people.


The function of resolution is as the problem solving. It provides the solution of the problem. This is the ending of the story. It can be happy ending or sad ending.

The Language Feature of Narrative Texts

The linguistic features concern on the use of the Noun and the tense of the language that is simple past.
  • The use of noun to show the characters, such as the cats, the deer, the monkey, the crocodile, etc.
  • The use of action verbs in form of past tense. It is because usually the story took place in past time, such as lived, ate, drank, thought, said, asked, answered, and so on.
  • The use of to be in form of past tense (was and were)

Contoh Soal Writing Narrative Text to Amuse and Entertain Readers

In writing narrative texts we have to understand its generic structure. What is the generic structure of narrative text? Choose the right set:
These are some words that indicate the setting of time, except ....
This paragraph is for number 3 - 10
I. After praying, the clever Robin found a brilliant idea to use salt. He knew that snake was afraid of salt. His skin could not stand of it so Drago would move away by himself without fighting. Robin asked the soldiers to bring a cart of salt in the front tunnel and filled it there. Since water was always flowing through the higher place to lower place, the salt was driven by itself to where Drago lived. The salty water was very irritating and painful to Drago. His skin could not stand of it. He ran very quickly leaving the tunnel into forest looking for fresh water river to wash and heal his pain.
II. On the next day, Robin investigated the tunnel. He used a very bright flashlight to see the situation there. There he saw the bumpy Dragon who was very fat and almost took all the space in the tunnel. He began to think the most effective way to get rid of Drago from there. He thought that fight would be useless because he could fight against him; even all the soldiers in the helped him, the victory would not be achieved. He must the most effective way to work on his plan
III. The kingdom held a big party to celebrate the victory. The King Rat gave Robin an honor medallion for his clever idea.
IV. Once upon a time in an animal kingdom there lived a clever mouse called Robin. One day he was asked to come to the palace by the king. There he was asked by king Rat Kong to maintain the main water tunnel in the palace. The king told that in the tunnel, there lived a beast snake called Drago. He was not supposed to live there because when the rainy season came the water could not freely. The king was afraid of flood would ruin his kingdom. He promised to Robin to provide everything that he would need to make Drago left the tunnel.
The best arrangement of those paragraphs will be ....
How many main characters were there in the story? Read the story well and find the right answer by choosing an option below:
The main characters in the story are ....
There are two main places as the setting of the story, ....
“The clever Robin found a brilliant idea….”
If we paraphrase this sentence, the correct sentence will be ....
How does Drago look like? Choose the most vivid description of Drago here:
The nature of water you can learn from the story is ....
The climax of the story is ...

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