Contoh Soal Expressing Prevention

Contoh Soal Expressing Prevention n this lesson, you will learn some useful daily conversation, understand, and how to use expressions of prevention.
There are many kinds of expressions in every language, for sure. There are many useful expressions that someone can use every day.
Using English as a communication tool also requires a speaker, whether you are an English native speaker or students who learn English as a foreign language, to use various language expressions. For instance, the expressions of agreement, regret, and prevention. You may have learned most of them in your school, you may have heard those in movies or songs, or perhaps you may have used the expressions to communicate with your friends of families.
The language expressions that we are going to learn in this lesson is, the expressions of prevention. Expressions of prevention are used for preventing, stopping something to happen or someone from doing something or going somewhere. Preventing means anticipating. Although it may sound strict to teenagers, anticipating or preventing something unwanted to happen is just a matter of being cautious or careful. Take for an example, the traffic rules that are intended to prevent accident, such as wearing helmet when riding motorcycle and buckle up when driving.
People, especially in English-speaking environment, are very familiar with these expressions, especially children. Children have been exposed to these since they are little kids. Take for instance, when their parents always say, “be careful” in many kinds of situation. They also have heard these expressions at school where many rules are applied, for example, it is forbidden to bring any dangerous stuff such as knives or chain.
There are some useful expressions to express about prevention, such as:
• You can’t .… 
• You mustn’t ….
• You’d better not .…
Look at the example of using the expressions of prevention on the dialogue below:
Bagas : Andi, have you prepared for the test tomorrow?
Andi : No, I haven’t. Perhaps I’ll copy someone’s answers in the test.
Bagas : You mustn’t do that! That’s not a right thing to do.
Andi : But I don’t have any time to study.
Bagas : You’d better not try to cheat. Study now, there is still time to prepare.
In the dialogue above, you can see some expressions of prevention when Bagas try to prevent Andi to cheat on the test. In doing so, he said “you mustn’t…” and “you’d better not…”. There are some other expressions of prevention you can use:
* You’re not supposed to…
* I don’t think you should…
Too see the use of the expressions mentioned above, study the dialogue below:
Sarah : I think I need to skip school today.
Risa : I don’t really think you should do that without any reasons.

Contoh Soal Expressing Prevention

What will you do when someone is breaking a rule? Choose the most proper action: ....
I need to prevent him going out. It is raining heavily.
The synonym of the bold word above is ....
Which one is an expression of prevention? Choose one correct answer from the following options ....
Which one is NOT an expression of prevention? Choose the right option ....
Read and complete the dialogue below to answer questions 5-7
Situation: Sasha and Yasmin are visiting an art exhibition full of amazing ceramics.
Sasha : Yasmin, what are you doing? Don’t (5) ....
Yasmin : I’m just touching. That’s okay, I think. What’s the problem?
Sasha : Excuse me? Watch out! It’s so fragile.

Yasmin : I guess, I’m just curious. Did I do something wrong? 
Sasha : It is (6) ... to do that. Read the notice over there. If it breaks, you will have to buy it, and it costs a lot of money. Do you understand the consequence?
Yasmin : (7) ... I’m sorry.
Sasha : Okay, good then. Just stay away from these ceramics.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Read and complete the dialogue below to answer questions 5-7
Situation: Sasha and Yasmin are visiting an art exhibition full of amazing ceramics.
Sasha : Yasmin, what are you doing? Don’t (5) ....
Yasmin : I’m just touching. That’s okay, I think. What’s the problem?
Sasha : Excuse me? Watch out! It’s so fragile.

Yasmin : I guess, I’m just curious. Did I do something wrong? 
Sasha : It is (6) ... to do that. Read the notice over there. If it breaks, you will have to buy it, and it costs a lot of money. Do you understand the consequence?
Yasmin : (7) ... I’m sorry.
Sasha : Okay, good then. Just stay away from these ceramics.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Read and complete the dialogue below to answer questions 5-7
Situation: Sasha and Yasmin are visiting an art exhibition full of amazing ceramics.
Sasha : Yasmin, what are you doing? Don’t (5) ....
Yasmin : I’m just touching. That’s okay, I think. What’s the problem?
Sasha : Excuse me? Watch out! It’s so fragile.

Yasmin : I guess, I’m just curious. Did I do something wrong? 
Sasha : It is (6) ... to do that. Read the notice over there. If it breaks, you will have to buy it, and it costs a lot of money. Do you understand the consequence?
Yasmin : (7) ... I’m sorry.
Sasha : Okay, good then. Just stay away from these ceramics.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Look at the sign below to answer questions 8-10
The sign is about ....
Look at the sign below to answer questions 8-10
You can find this kind of sign ....
Look at the sign below to answer questions 8-10
What is it for? Find the purpose below: ....

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