Contoh Soal Expressing Regret

Contoh Soal Expressing RegretLearning objective: In this lesson you will learn how to express regret in English both formally and informally in daily life context.

Expressing Regret

            How do you feel when you made a mistake?
            How do feel when you’re failed in the exam because you did not study hard?
            Did you feel guilty when you are in those situations?
That kind of feeling is called regret. Regret is an unhappy feeling about what have you done or decided in the past. It is like saying sorry to yourself or someone else. When expressing regret, people commonly put a good intention or attitude to do better and to not make the same mistake anymore. For example, they will say:
o I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.
o I regret on what I did.
There are so many phrases you can use to express regret. However, you should pay attention to the situations. The way we express our regret shows determination in our apologizing. We can just say “Sorry!” when we bump into someone in the street. In the other hand, it is not appropriate to say “Sorry!” when you have done something very wrong. Remember that the more serious our regret, the more formal we express it.

Contoh Soal Expressing Regret

In what situation do we express regret? The best answer to this question is….
Gina : This t-shirt is red. I asked you to buy a pink one, didn't I?
Fika : ....
What is the suitable phrase to complete the conversation? The best sentence to complete the dialoge above is....
Bella: Doni, you sit on my chair. Could you move, please?
Doni: ....
According to the situation, the expression of regret that is least formal to complete the dialogue is....
Which one is the expression of regret? Choose the best answer of the following:....
The following sentences are the expression of regret, except …
Sani: Did you watch the talk show last night?
Jamal: ....
Choose the expression of regret from the following.
I am sorry I should not have skipped the class.
The phrase above means that....
Study the situation to answer the question
You forgot that yesterday was your mother's birthday. All of your family gathered at your house to celebrate the moment. Your grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, and all relatives were there except you; because you were hanging out with your friends. Your mom has not said anything about it. She does not look angry, nor talks to you. To show your regret, what would you say to your mom?
According to the situation, the best expression is....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 9 and 10 .
(Situation: Ayu is waiting for Riki to come. She is getting upset because he is late.)
Ayu: You told me that you will come on time. I've been waiting for you!
Riki: ....(9) My mom needed me to take her to the hospital.
Ayu: Oh my God. What happened?
Riki: She fell in the bath room, so I had to take her to the ICU.
Ayu: ....(10)
Riki: That's okay. I should have called you earlier.
The best expression to fill the blank no 9 is....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 9 and 10 .
(Situation: Ayu is waiting for Riki to come. She is getting upset because he is late.)
Ayu: You told me that you will come on time. I've been waiting for you!
Riki: ....(9) My mom needed me to take her to the hospital.
Ayu: Oh my God. What happened?
Riki: She fell in the bath room, so I had to take her to the ICU.
Ayu: ....(10)
Riki: That's okay. I should have called you earlier.
The peoper expression to fill the blank no 10 is....

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