Contoh Soal Expressing Persuasion

Contoh Soal Expressing Persuasion In this lesson, you will learn how to persuade people. In daily lives, we often face conditions where people do not agree to us, or they have their own opinions on something. Sometimes, we need to say some words to get them agree with us or at least, agree to accept our opinions towards something. Getting common understanding is basically the reason why persuasion takes place. What is persuasion actually? Is it hard to do?
Persuading people means you are making people to believe in something/ doing something. In order to do that, we often give reason or fact to support our idea. We do this in expressing both formal as well as informal persuasion . We call the supporting ideas as ‘reasons’. What makes formal and informal reasons different is:
* Informal persuasion is somehow ‘illogical’; people tend to persuade using emotional attachment or based on feelings.
* Formal persuasion that takes place in a more formal setting and also in written forms is always based on ‘data/ facts/ empirical information’ or logical reasons that have strong evidence as the base of reasons. Furthermore, we can add an opinion when expressing informal persuasion even though it is optional.
Below are the examples Look at the following table. It shows the examples of some common expressions of persuasion that we can use both in formal and informal conversations or settings. They may differ under various situation but the basic expressions are the same.

Contoh Soal Expressing Persuasion

According to this topic, how can we convince people easily?
Choose the most appropriate expression from the following options ....
Which expression is considered informal persuasion?
Choose the most appropriate expression from the following options ....
*Situation: *
Your best friend thinks that the homework is very difficult.
To convince him finishing the home work, you would say ....
Romi, the captain of the class, will celebrate his birthday.
To persuade your classmates that you have an idea to give him a gift, you would say ....
Son: Dad, I really think you should stop smoking.
Dad: Well, I’m doing okay so far, aren’t I?
Son: ....
Choose an option that the son is likely to say to his dad:
What would you say to your little brother that throwing rubbish into river is bad?
Choose the most appropriate persuasion
Dragonfly has special eyes that are very sensitive to detect her surroundings. You won’t be able to catch it bare hands. ....
Choose the most appropriate persuasion to complete the above text.
Do you think we can catch this insect and play with it? Choose the right answer to the question from the options below ....
Rina: Look, I have a little puppy.
Yulia: I notice that she looks pale.
Rina: Really?? What should I do then?
Yulia: ....
Rina: OK I will serve it .
Find an option that will complete the above conversation, choose one from the following options: ....
Shopkeeper: What can I do for you Sir?
Customer: I need a mosquito net.
Shopkeeper: Ohhh… you come into a right place. We have a brand new product and this is the best. It is made from the imported fabric.
Customer: Why should I buy this brand?
Shopkeeper: ....
Customer : OK I will take one.
The shopkeeper will likely to respond as follow ....

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