Contoh Soal Asking , Stating Plans (Informally)

Contoh Soal Asking , Stating Plans (Informally)Plans are things that we want to do in the future. That is why when we plan to do something in the future, we usually say "I Will" or " I want to". We ask and state plans almost all the time. When your friends want to know what are you going to do after school, so they’re asking plans. On the other side, when telling your friends that you are going to the bookstore after school, you are stating a plan.
In asking/ stating plans, the use of verbs is very important. Verbs such as, thinkplanguesswant to, and do (as a verb; not as an auxiliary verb) are commonly used in asking/stating plans. We can combine these verbs with WH Questions and Modals in asking/ stating plans.


Common expressions which can be used to ask/ state plans are provided as the example:

Do you understand?

Here are some examples of situation to ask and state our plan. Read carefully on the explanation.
• Situation: It is weekend and the weather is fine.
X: What do you plan to enjoy this weather? (Asking plan)
Y: I guess it is perfect for us to fly kite. I will go and get it. (Stating plan to play kite)
- “What” functions as WH question and “plan” functions as verb (in asking plan).
- “Guess” is the verb that indicates he plans to fly kite because the weather is just perfect to do it (in stating plan).
• Situation: You are home with your brother and you are hungry. You find some shrimps and vegetables in your fridge.
You : What will we make for dinner? (Asking plan)
Brother: We can cook fried rice. (Stating plan to cook dinner)
You : I love it.
Pay attention to the italic words above:
- “What” functions as WH question and “make” functions as verb (in asking plan).
- “Can” functions as Modal and “cook” functions as verb. They express that you and your brother are going to use the shrimps and vegetables to make fried rice (in stating plan).
• Situation: You want to know whether your friend will come to your house to do homework together with you this evening or not.
You : Shall we do our homework at my house this evening? (Asking plan)
Your friend: I think of it. (Stating plan)
- “Shall” functions as is modal and “do” functions as verb (in asking plan).
- “Think” functions as verb that indicates that your friend is planning to come to your house to do the homework with you (in stating plan).

Contoh Soal Asking , Stating Plans (Informally)

A plan is ....
The right way using "do" to state a plan is ....
Nisa : Mom, do we have plans vacation with our relatives for the next vacation?
Mother : ....
According to the illustration, the best response is....

Adam: ....
Eve: I will visit my grandma this Sunday.
According to Eve's response, Adam's question is ....
Study the situation below.
You have three bicycles and you have limited space in your garage. One of your friends asks you that he is interested to buy one of your bikes. If you want to sell one of them, then your response would be ....
Study the situation below:
You are movie lover. Today is Sunday and you have a free to the cinema. One of your friends asks you to go to the bookstore. If you want to decline his request, then your response is ....
Dian: I don't think Bali is a good idea.
Arya: Yeah, I think so.
Bella: Do you have any idea where should we go?
Ryan: How about Lombok?
Dian: That sounds good.
Arya: That's great. I have never been there.
Bella: Okay. So we are going to Lombok on the next holiday.
According to the conversation, we can say that....
The following phrases can be used to state plans except....
The following sentences are asking about plans except....
Carla: What is your plan after graduating high school?
Amanda: I will continue my study in an art college.
Based on the conversation, we know that..

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