Contoh Soal Grammar Focus , Adverbial Clause of Time

Contoh Soal Grammar Focus , Adverbial Clause of TimeAdverbial clause of time states when an action happens. It is usually shown through the use of adverb of time in the clause. To show adverb of time, you can use subordinate conjunctions:
          Words that introduce adverb of clauses are called subordinating conjunctions. Those subordinate conjunctions cannot stand alone, on their own. They must be attached to an independent clause. An adverb clause of time can come before and after the main clause. When it comes before the main clause, it is usually separated with comma. It does not need comma, when the adverb clause goes after the main clause.
Example 1:
  • When Snow White was staring at the sky, the evil witch came across. (with comma)
  • The evil witch came across when Snow White was staring at the sky. (no comma)
In the sentence, the clause “When Snow White was staring at the sky” indicates the time when the evil witch came.
Example 2:
  • Cinderella finished her work before she came to the party.
  • Before she came to the party,** Cinderella finished her work.
In this sentence, the clause “before she came to the party” indicates the time when she has successfully finished her work.
Example 3:
As soon as he finished his homework, he went home.
* He went home as soon as he finished his homework.
The clause “As soon as he finished his homework” reveals the time when he went home.
The bold clauses are adverb clauses. They are dependent clauses because they cannot stand alone as a sentence. They need other sentences which are called independent clauses (see the italic sentences)

Contoh Soal Grammar Focus , Adverbial Clause of Time

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I. The Butterfly and the Flower
II. The butterfly asked, “I don’t steal it. This is my way to help you meet with your soul mate. You just need to wait.” Then he went by.
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