Contoh Soal Understanding Movie Review

Contoh Soal Understanding Movie ReviewA movie review is a brief information (read: overview) of the description and story being told in the movie. The purpose of giving a movie review is to provide the readers a quick description of the movie that they can read at a glance while exploring some strong and weak aspects of the movie. In some cases, a move review can also contain criticism about the movie, the process behind the seen, the impact of the movie to the public, the quality of acting, and also discussing about more aspects of a film. The aim of providing a review of a movie to the readers is to make them interested to watch the movie after reading it. Moreover, this will make the readers able to guess what kind of movie that they are going to watch.
"The purpose of giving a movie review is to provide the readers a quick description of the movie."
The following aspects are the common things to be written in a movie review. They are listed as follows:
  • Title: The title of the movie
  • Director: The man who directed the movie
  • Time released: The place & year of the movie production
  • Duration: The length of time that we need to watch the movie
  • Genre: The type of the movie
  • Stars: The actor and the actress
  • Characters: The characters who are played in the movie
  • Setting: The place of the story
  • Synopsis: The essence of the overall story

Contoh Soal Understanding Movie Review

This exercise is based on the text of the movie review above.
The actor playing Denias’ character is ....

According to the story, the type of education that Denias has when he is studying in his village is ....
The genre of the movie is ....
What is actually Maleo? Choose the right word that describes this character:
The theme of the movie is ....
The setting of the film is ....
Denias wants to visit the town because ....
When going to town, what might happen if Denias is seen by the army? Choose the correct answer:
The moral value of the story being performed in the movie is ....
Choose a reason why a poor village boy like Denias deserves to have a good education in a good school:

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