Contoh Soal Writing Movie Reviews

Contoh Soal Writing Movie ReviewsIn this lesson, you will learn about how to write a movie review based on its social function, generic structures, and language features.

A Movie Review

Do you like watching movies? How often do you watch movies in a week? Some of you may be confused to decide what movie you are going to watch. You may ask your friends’ recommendation to get some ideas on which movies are worth watching. But, there is another way to find out what movie selection is reccommended to watch especially if your friends have no idea about it, you can read some movie reviews in internet to make sure whether the movie is great or not. It really may help you to get great movie. Therefore, in writing a movie review you should know its definition, social function, generic structures, and language features.
Definition of Review
A review is a kind of texts that aims to criticize the work of arts in the various forms such as books, movies, performances, music, songs, etc. However, in this lesson you will only focus on a movie review. The review commonly determines the quality of the movie, its strengths and weaknesses. After watching movie, you may discuss it with your friends or even give a comment.
Social Function of Review
The social function of a movie review is to analyze, evaluate, and criticize some movies. It also informs the readers about its strengths and weaknesses. Reading movie reviews helps you to decide what movie you are going to watch.
The Generic Structure of Review Text
Every genre of text has a generic structure. In writing a review text, you should pay attention to its generic structures as follow:
  1. Introduction
    This part contains an overview of the movie in general and particular context. It may consist of movie title, its author or director, and so forth.
  2. Interpretative Recount
    This part contains a short description of the movie that was reviewed. It tells the plot of the story in summarizing the plot, but you don’t need to tell the entire plot until the end.
  3. Evaluation
    When you want to give your point of view, you can write in this part. It provides an opinion, a judgment, an evaluation, or recommendation of the movie. You can also describe how far you assess the movie and its content.
  4. Summary
    This is the last part which provides the whole evaluation towards the movie. It sums up the reviewers’ opinion of the movie. You can give the reader the conclusion of the movie that has been reviewed. You can also persuade the readers to watch the movie or not.
Language Features of Review Text
In writing a movie review, there are several language features which should be noticed as follow:
  • Using persuasive language.
  • Using the present tense.
  • Using the adjective such as great, bad, good, amazing, touching, etc..
  • Using complex sentences.

Contoh Soal Writing Movie Reviews

The social function of the review text is ....
The following items are content that should be available in a review movie, except….
The text mainly tells about ….
The main idea of paragraph 2 is ....
The third paragraph mainly told ….
In the first paragraph, the writer....
“Even though it is like a remake from previous series.”
The word “remake” (paragraph 3) closest in meaning to ....
“Doraemon disagrees with his decision”
The above sentence means ....
In general, the writer ….
According to the text, Doraemon can get back to the 22nd century through ....

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