Contoh Soal Dialogues of Suggesting, Requesting and Instructing In a Context

Contoh Soal Dialogues of Suggesting, Requesting and Instructing In a Context Simply, a suggestion refers to ideas or opinion that you propose to someone.. There is no force to do as exactly as told. Suggestion could happen that the person accepts your ideas without necessarily wanting to do so. Meanwhile, a request is a formal act of asking for something. However, it does not necessarily mean that your request will be fulfilled. Instruction, on the other hand, is a powerful request; it is rather forceful. The act of instruction takes place when you tell someone to do something without exception, it is just like an order. The person being instructed have to perform what s/he heard.
In the other topic, you already learned some expressions to use when expressing suggestion, request, and instruction. Now is the opportunity to speak them up. Here are some examples, providing the use of expressions to help you later.
Dialogue 1
Why did not you come to school yesterday? Mrs. Sonja was looking for you.
I went to visit my grandparents yesterday. My grandpa was seriously ill. Why did she look for me, anyway?
I have no idea. I just heard she said about ‘score’, and ‘math exam’, and that’s all.
Oh my God. I should have taken my math remedial exam yesterday, and I ended up forgetting it and being absent. Oh, what should I do?
Wow, I reckon you should go and see her immediately, and ask for another chance for a remedial exam.
I think you are right. Then I will go looking for him now. Thanks for the information, man.
Dialogue 2
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. How could I help you?
I would like to buy two VIP tickets for Taylor Swift concert next month.
I am really sorry but all tickets for VIP seats are already sold out.
What? How come?
The response is just unexpected. There are so many fans hunt for the tickets and want to watch her from a closer point of view. We only provide ten thousands VIP seats.
But I want to see them from a close distance too.
If so, I would recommend you to take VVIP tickets. You will have seats in the same rows as VIP’s, but there is a special treat for VVIP ticket holders, you will be able to have dinner with her after the concert.
Sounds like a fabulous idea! I will take two VVIP tickets then.
Compare the two dialogues. What are the similarity and difference between them?
Both dialogues contain the expressions of giving suggestion (look at the part in bold), and those are different in terms of the context; the first one is in the informal context, and the second one is in the formal one.

Do you understand?

Let’s have a look at other examples below.
Imagine you are having lunch in a restaurant.
You: I would like to have chicken stew and banana milkshake, please.
The waitress : I am sorry, but banana milkshake is not available at the moment.
You: It is okay. I will have strawberry milkshake then.
The waitress : Sure. Your order will be ready shortly.
Now, compare to this one.
Imagine you are a boss asking your assistant.
You: I want chicken stew for my lunch, and bring banana milkshake too.
Your assistant: Yes, Sir. I’ll go get them. Is there anything else you want?
You: No, thanks. Don’t forget to buy lunch for yourself. Take whatever you want.
The intention of the last two dialogues is the same; you order for the same thing, but in different contexts. In the first dialog, you are making a request. Note that your first request (the banana milkshake) did not succeed, but then your second request (the strawberry milkshake) is being fulfilled. Meanwhile, the second dialog clearly shows how you are giving instruction to someone (your assistant). The tone of an instruction is strict. Instruction could be given formally or informally. Above is rather in informal context, and the following is the example for the formal one.
Imagine you are a receptionist, and having a guest come to see your co-worker.
The guest : I’d like to meet Mr. Johan, please.
You : Would you please sit down. I will call Mr. Johan for you.
The guest : Thank you.


  • When you give suggestion, you propose your idea or opinion to someone. Some expressions to use: ‘I think you should’, ‘I would strongly advise you to’, ‘it might be a good idea to’, etc.
  • When you make a request, you ask for something to someone politely. Some expressions to use: ‘Can/could you please’, ‘Please’, ‘Will/would you’, etc.
  • When you give instruction, you order someone to do something and which they must do so.

Contoh Soal Dialogues of Suggesting, Requesting and Instructing In a Context

“Come here.”

The expression is used ….

"Bring those books to my office.”

Who does probably give the instruction? The instruction is most probably from….

“You should ... of my cat when I am away.”

The best phrase to complete the clause is ….
The following situation is to answer question 4 and 5.
Situation: You are enjoying your weekend with your friends at a café. The singer at the café has a beautiful voice, and you request to her to sing your favorite song.
What expression is the best to make the request?
You are requesting a song, so you will probably say ….
The following situation is to answer question 4 and 5.
Situation: You are enjoying your weekend with your friends at a café. The singer at the café has a beautiful voice, and you request to her to sing your favorite song.
If she accepts your request, the singer will probably say ....
The following statements are not in the correct order.
  1. Have you checked it in your bag?
  2. My phone is not with me. I don’t know where it is.
  3. Thank you very much. I will try that.
  4. Why don’t you try to call your phone then. Here use my phone.
  5. Yes, and it is nowhere in my bag. I wonder if it was left in my house or got stolen on my way here.
The following dialog is to answer question 7 to 9.
Andi : My phone is not with me. I don’t know where it is.
Roni : Have you checked it in your bag?
Andi : Yes, and it is nowhere in my bag. I wonder if it was left in my house or got stolen on my way here.
Roni : Why don’t you try to call your phone? Here use my phone.
Andi : Thank you very much. I will try to do so.
What does Roni suggest to Andi?
Roni suggests that Andi ….
The following dialog is to answer question 7 to 9.
Andi : My phone is not with me. I don’t know where it is.
Roni : Have you checked it in your bag?
Andi : Yes, and it is nowhere in my bag. I wonder if it was left in my house or got stolen on my way here.
Roni : Why don’t you try to call your phone? Here use my phone.
Andi : Thank you very much. I will try to do so.
What situation does follow the dialog?
The dialog is about ….
The following dialog is to answer question 7 to 9.
Andi : My phone is not with me. I don’t know where it is.
Roni : Have you checked it in your bag?
Andi : Yes, and it is nowhere in my bag. I wonder if it was left in my house or got stolen on my way here.
Roni : Why don’t you try to call your phone? Here use my phone.
Andi : Thank you very much. I will try to do so.
What will Andi probably do later?
He will probably ….
A: ....
B: I’d love to, but I will be working overtime today.
The appropriate expression to complete the dialogue is ....

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