Contoh Soal Functional Text - Discussion Text , Analizing Debate Scripts

Contoh Soal Functional Text - Discussion Text , Analizing Debate ScriptsRead the following debate script:
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the house, I am the first speaker of the government team. Today’s motion is about whether *a child adoption should be banned by the government,** and our team believes similarly. The recent news about a murder of an adopted child has made public shocked and terrified. The girl was violently killed by her adopting mother and the motive was just money. It triggers our mind how could a baby be given away to a potential murderer easily? Was the process correct? Could this risk happen to any child?*
The law on adoption has apparently needed review and the process of adoption has to be strictly supervised. Children have to grow up with their parents in order to make sure that their psychological and emotional developments are taken care well. Pappas (2010) stated that according to earlier studies, the risk of adoption disruption increases with age, from less than 1 percent in infants to up to 26 percent for kids adopted after age 15. Based on all the above consideration, a child adoption should not be allowed.
The above script is an example of how a simple note is composed before performing. Now, discuss with your friend(s) the following:
  1. Identify the motion of the debate script above.
  2. Separate argument(s) from facts and supporting data.
  3. Notice how the script is started and ended.
The debate script that you read at the beginning of the lesson has a motion ‘Government should ban a child adoption’. The composition of the script is:
  • Greetings and salutation
    Ladies and gentlemen, members of the house, I am the first speaker of the government team.
  • Statement of the motion
    Today’s motion is about whether a child adoption should be banned by the government, ....
  • Statement of the position (for or against)
    .... and our team believes similarly.
  • Statement of arguments

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    The law on adoption has apparently needed review and ....
  • Supporting facts and data/ research
    The recent news about a murder of an adopted child .... 
    Pappas (2010) stated that according to earlier studies, ....
  • Persuasion & Closing 
    Based on all the above consideration, a child adoption should not be allowed.
Adjudicators will pay attention to how well a presentation of ideas delivered. Not only arguments, supporting data and facts that matter, but also method of delivery. Organization of ideas should be sorted out well and composed coherently.

Do you understand?

Now, it’s time for you to individually analyze the following debate script. Read carefully and discuss the points below:
  1. What is the motion about?
  2. What arguments are used to support the motion?
  3. How does the debater compose the script?
  4. Why does the debater include quotation from Thomas Gilovich?
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the house, and respected adjudicators, I am the first speaker of the affirmative team. We strongly support the policy that young people should be encouraged to travel more. People who travel are more likely to be open-minded and to have broad knowledge. Furthermore, they tend to be more independent that is a very essential factor for their academic study, and according to recent research, it will contribute to the happiness. As a psychologist named Dr. Thomas Gilovich put it, “our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods”. Considering how traveling brings so many benefits in improving a young person’s life quality, there is no doubt that they should be encouraged to explore and travel more.
The motion is about ‘Encouraging Young People to Travel More’
  • The arguments used to support the motion are: a. People who travel more tend to be open minded b. Traveling encourages independency of an individual c. Traveling contributes to the level of happiness d. People who often travel are more experienced
The composition is divided into: 
a. Greetings and salutation
b. Statement of motion
c. Statement of position
d. Arguments
e. Quotation of a famous person
f. Closing & statement of persuasion
  • The quotation of a psychologist is used to strengthen the arguments and convince the audience.

Contoh Soal Functional Text - Discussion Text , Analizing Debate Scripts

Read the following debate script. Which option lists the arguments appropriately?
The option that lists the arguments appropriately is ....
Can you find the research to support the arguments in the following debate script?
The research support is....
Compare the following arguments.
a) I can say that I couldn’t agree more that nuclear power plant might be dangerous.
b) I will show you why we should not hold the right of illiterate people to vote.
The difference is ....
Choose the right option to restate the following sentence:
An entrepreneur education is an important factor in a country’s economy; as the number of entrepreneur increases, the economy of the country will also develop well.
The suitable paraphrase is ....
The option with classification of expressions that is FOR a motion is....
Look at the following list. Separate negative team’s expressions from affirmative team’s expressions.
  • I don’t think that....
  • I’m sure that....
  • We doubt that....
  • I am convinced that....
  • We are convinced that....
  • We are unsure that....
The negative expressions are....
The argument that is for the motion is likely to be....
Situation: You are one of the affirmative team debaters and the following is a rebuttal from your opponent.
My rebuttal is that the government team never takes into account the fact that children also learn from society and environment. Their argument is invalid because they don’t take into account other important variables.
Defend your argument by saying....
Assess the following script, and find the misplaced sentence.
(1) Actually, besides in smoking areas provided by the government, people still can smoke at their own house. (2) It is out of the question that smoking should be limited. (3) In the current status quo, smoking is not allowed in the public space. (4) Those who want to smoke are given space called smoking area. (5) We believe that smoking should not be made free.
The misplaced sentence is....
Recommend a solid argument for the following motion.
Government team first speaker: 
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the house, I am the first speaker of the government team. We support today’s motion: this house would criminalize parents whose children commit crimes.

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