Contoh Soal Debate , Expressing Opinions and Stating Arguments

Contoh Soal Debate , Expressing Opinions and Stating ArgumentsDebate in General
A debate is a process of communication in which the participants argue for (agree) and against (disagree) a certain topic. The simplest form of debate is in daily conversation, conveying the following functions:
Look at the following examples:
Issue :
Tax for cigarettes should be increased to reduce the number of active smokers
For (+) : I believe that increasing tax for cigarettes will reduce the number of active smokers because only few can afford to buy cigarettes when the price is really high.
Expressing opinion: I believe that increasing tax for cigarettes will reduce the number of active smokers
Stating argument: only few can afford to buy cigarettes when the price is really high
Against (-) : I don’t see that increasing tax for cigarettes will reduce the number of active smokers because when they are already addicted to something, no matter how hard it is, they will keep trying hard to consume cigarettes.
Expressing opinion: I don’t see that increasing tax for cigarettes will reduce the number of active smokers
Stating argument: when they are already addicted to something, no matter how hard it is, they will keep trying hard to consume cigarettes
Debate for Competition
There are some terms in a debating competition:
  • Affirmative team: positive side
  • Negative team: negative side
  • Proposition (resolution or motion): the debate topic
  • Judges (or critics or adjudicators): sometimes give comments and advice so that debaters can improve their speeches.
  • Manner, matter, method: these are realated to three elements that adjudicators use as indicators to judge the team or speaker’s performance.
Language Features of Debates for Competition
In a competition, debate is a formal argument, a structured discussion in which opposing sides of views presents their arguments. Below are the language features:
  • Arguments have to be clear, consisting of convincing reasons and strong claims.
  • Give real, factual examples.
  • Develop some common sense that is logical and acceptable.
  • Provide experts’ opinions that are usually based from the findings or research.
  • Present statistics data taken from research to support the arguments.
Look at an example below

Contoh Soal Debate , Expressing Opinions and Stating Arguments

A debate is ....
There are many benefits of debates, and one of them is ....
In a debate, you will likely to find an expression of ....
A strong argument should be supported with the following, EXCEPT ....
Look at the text below.
Young people should be encouraged to travel more. People who travel are more likely to be open-minded and to have broad knowledge. Furthermore, they tend to be more independent that is a very essential factor for their academic study, and according to recent research, it will contribute to the happiness. As a psychologist named Dr. Thomas Gilovich put it, “our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods”.
The debate motion is ....
Look at the text below.
Young people should be encouraged to travel more. People who travel are more likely to be open-minded and to have broad knowledge. Furthermore, they tend to be more independent that is a very essential factor for their academic study, and according to recent research, it will contribute to the happiness. As a psychologist named Dr. Thomas Gilovich put it, “our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods”.
The word ‘essential’ can be best replaced with ....
Look at the text below.
Young people should be encouraged to travel more. People who travel are more likely to be open-minded and to have broad knowledge. Furthermore, they tend to be more independent that is a very essential factor for their academic study, and according to recent research, it will contribute to the happiness. As a psychologist named Dr. Thomas Gilovich put it, “our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods”.
The importance of travelling is argued as ....
Look at the text below.
We have to stop educating employees, instead creating entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur education is an important factor in a country’s economy; as the number of entrepreneur increases, the economy of the country will also develop well. As stated by Scott Shane (2010), Gine and Mansuri found that receiving business training reduced business failure.
The debate motion is ....
Look at the text below.
We have to stop educating employees, instead creating entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur education is an important factor in a country’s economy; as the number of entrepreneur increases, the economy of the country will also develop well. As stated by Scott Shane (2010), Gine and Mansuri found that receiving business training reduced business failure.
The argument is ....
Look at the text below.
We have to stop educating employees, instead creating entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur education is an important factor in a country’s economy; as the number of entrepreneur increases, the economy of the country will also develop well. As stated by Scott Shane (2010), Gine and Mansuri found that receiving business training reduced business failure.
The supporting research to the argument states that ....

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