Contoh Soal Reading , Analytical Texts

Contoh Soal Reading , Analytical TextsThe term ‘agree to disagree’ mean when people accept or decline opinions about something. This term is said to resolve the conflict when two opposite sides have different opinion.
In life, you will find that people have different point of view on a certain thing. When you read an article in a newspaper, internet, book, or magazine, there will be pros and cons towards a certain issue. Having different opinions towards something is common. The important thing is, you must have a convincing argument for your case. In this lesson you will find this type of text in which the writer analyzes a certain case and states their opinion on the case that they analyze, while they also provide the arguments for their analysis. This type of text is called an analytical text.
In reading analytical text, you have to pay attention to the writer’s opinion as this will be the one that guides you through the whole text. Thus, in order to gain full understanding of the text you should know where the writer stands and what their opinions are towards the case. In the following is an example of analytical text. Read the text carefully.

Language is a communication tool. There are thousands of languages spoken by people from many different countries. Therefore, in order to facilitate the needs of communication between people who speak different languages, international language is the solution. In this case, English has an important role as an international language that is mostly used by people from all over the world.
There will be so many advantages that we can get from mastering English language. Here are some reasons:
If we can speak English, we will have the opportunity to make friends with people from all over the world. Being friends with people from different cultural background will lead us to be more open minded. It will make us understand other cultures better, make us to be more tolerant of the differences, and make us appreciate the diversity even more.
Furthermore, English is also a key to open the doors towards the knowledge. We will find that many of the most up to date researches, articles, books, or other literature are written in English. In addition, no matter where we go, we will see the sign or instructions are written not only in their first language but also in English. Thus, wherever you go in this world, you do not have to worry about getting lost if you can speak English.
In this new global era, English has become even more important as many of job opportunities require English as one of the abilities that you have to master if you want to be employed. Job applicants who master English are more favorable by many companies.
The facts stated above prove the importance of English in this era. In order to be able to be part of the global community, we have to learn and master English language.

In the first paragraph, the issue of the text is introduced and the writer’s opinion towards the issue is outlined. The first paragraph talks about the importance of English as international language and the writer argues that English is important. The next paragraphs talk about the arguments that support the opinion. In the text above, the reasons why English is important are stated in the second, third, and fourth paragraph. Then, the last paragraph is the conclusion of the whole text.


The main purpose of the analytical text is to examine, analyze, or develop arguments on a certain thing.
Generally, the analytical text consists of three main parts:
  1. Thesis:
    This part is the introduction of the topic and the preview of the writer’s position (pros or cons) on the issue. In this part, the writer’s opinion on the issue is outlined.
  2. Arguments
    This part explains the writer’s analysis as well as the arguments that support the analysis.
  3. Conclusion:
    This last part is the part where the writer explains the relation between the case that has been analyzed and the presented arguments.
Contoh Soal Reading , Analytical Texts

The statement that is NOT TRUE according to the text is ….
According to the research, the number of people died as the result of the diseases caused by smoking is ….
According to the text, smoking can cause the following diseases, except …
The topic of the text is ….
From the text we know that ….
According to the text a lot of harmful gases in the atmosphere are emitted from ….

“Motor vehicles are one of the biggest contributors to this appalling condition.”

The underlined word has similar meaning with the following words, except ….

“In a certain case, it can be the cause of suicidal act.” (First paragraph, last sentence)

The word ‘it’ in the sentence refers to ….
According to the text, the statement that is true about bullying is ….
From the last paragraph, we can conclude that ….

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