Contoh Soal Exploring Adjectives for Exposition Text

Contoh Soal Exploring Adjectives for Exposition TextRespond to meaning and generic structure in written essay in accurate and fluent ways within daily life contexts to be able to access scientific texts such as: report, narrative, analytical exposition.
Learning Objective(s)
  • Identify objectives in expositional texts correctly
  • Define some adjectives in expositional texts accurately
  • Analyze the base words for some adjectives correctly

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Hello, how long have you been using Quipper? Are you new to this? Or you have been using this website for quite long? Either way, how do you find it? Is it useful? Are the materials easy to understand? Is it fun?
Take a look at the bold words. What are they? The following table shows you the part of speech. There is a noun, verb, and an adjective
So, the bold words are adjectives.
What does an adjective do and when do we use adjectives?
Adjectives are words that describe nouns and pronouns by providing more information about the nouns they describe. An adjective describes words that can be used to tell us how something looks, feels, sounds, smells, and behaves.
We use adjectives many times. In writing we have been learning to use adjectives to make our writing more interesting and descriptive. 
Traditionally, adjectives were called "describing words". Adjectives are words that modify nouns.
For examples:
  • the lion
  • the fierce lion
  • the fierce female lion
In this lesson you will explore adjectives which are used in a text. For this time, you will explore exposition texts.
The adjectives in the text are the words in blue. Now, let’s explore the meaning.

Contoh Soal Exploring Adjectives for Exposition Text

Based on the text, the adjective which also mean ‘essential’ is ....
The adjective which describes the present time is ....
A student who can produce unusual ideas is ....
The word foreign (p.3) means ....
The base word of ‘beneficial’ is ....
The word annoying in paragraph 1 means ....
The word hazardous (p.2) has a similar meaning with ....
The word which is NOT the synonym of aware (p.2) is ....
The word high-risk(p.2) means ....
The word plentiful (p.3) can be replaced with ....

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