Contoh Soal Congratulating Others Expressions and Responses

Contoh Soal Congratulating Others Expressions and ResponsesLook at the following illustration. What do you see?
The photo is showing two good friends posing. The girl on the right side is Vera. She is standing and holding a trophy. The boy on the left side is Yogi.
Vera is a junior high school student. She is very talented in giving a speech. She joins English Speech competition as the representative of his school often. Today, she joins an annual speech competition. She delivers her speech well. Therefore, she becomes the winner of Speech Competition.
Yogi is Vera’s friend. He watches how Vera delivered speech. He likes Vera’s speech so much. When the Speech Competition ends, Yogi meets Vera to congratulate and to compliment her. If you were Yogi, what will you say to congratulate Vera? Well, we will learn about that in this section.

Learn about it!

We have friends who get great achievements and do something very good. When we want to tell someone how good they are, we can compliment them. When we have a friend who achieve something, we congratulate them.
There are some expressions to compliment and to congratulate someone. The expressions are in the table below.
Now, listen to the recording. The recording is a conversation showing how Yogi congratulates Vera. Listen to the recording, then find how:
  1. Yogi congratulates Vera
  2. Vera responds to the expression of congratulation
Sometimes, when we congratulate others, we also give some compliments. It means that we praise others’ achievement or hard work. The following expressions are common to use when you wish to praise others after congratulating them for their achievement:
  • Good job!
  • Well done!
  • Way to go!
  • Great job!
  • What a/an .... (e.g. What an amazing speech you delivered on the stage!)
Now, listen to the following dialogue.
Listening Explanation 1
From the conversation, we know that Yogi congratulates Vera’s winning by saying, “Anyway, congratulations on your winning.” As a response to Yogi’s congratulations, Vera says, “It’s nice of you to say so.”

Try it!

Listen to the recording. Then check whether the statements in the table are true or false. If the statement is true tick T column, and if the statement is false tick F column.
Listening Explanation 2

Contoh Soal Congratulating Others Expressions and Responses

Rangga congratulates Adi on....
Adi compliments....
The correct statement according to the conversation is....
The word magical in the conversation has an opposite meaning to....
Identify the difference between the following expressions:

“Congratulations on your winning!”

“I’d like to congratulate you on your winning.”

Find the correct vocabulary to complete the following expression:

“It’s very ... of you saying so.”

People usually says that expression after receiving an expression of congratulation.

A: You look so amazing tonight.

B: ....

The following expressions are suitable to complete the dialogue, except....
Listen to the dialogue, and answer the question.
The following statement is correct based on the dialogue ....
Construct the following sentences into a good dialogue.
  1. Thanks a bunch!
  2. Yes I do. Congratulations on your fifteenth birthday. Wish you all the best thing in life.
  3. Thanks so much for inviting me to your birthday party.
  4. Yes, sure. You are my best friend. I hope you enjoy the party.
Identify the relationship between Tian and Riza. They are ....

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