Contoh Soal Asking for Opinions to Solve Problems

Contoh Soal Asking for Opinions to Solve Problems The reason why the above questions are asked is because we wanted to know about your thoughts or opinions on something. The opening questions above opens our today’s discussion at Quipper on the topic of asking opinion to solve problems. Before we jump into it, can you point which question is the expression that we can use to ask for opinions?
The answer to the question is BOTH expressions can be used to ask for opinion. “What do you think about .…?’’, “Do you find it .…?”These types of expression are usually asked to someone’s opinion towards something. However, they are not the only expressions you can use. There are plenty of expressions that you can say to ask for opinion, such as in the following example.
Student A: Hey, I heard that the newest school policy would ban us to bring our cell phone into the classroom. What’s your opinion on that matter?
Student B: I agree with the policy. I think it will be good for us. It will allow the students to be more focused on the lesson.

In the dialogue above, Student A asks Student B’s opinion on the new school policy. The underlined sentence is a way to ask for someone’s opinion about something. Another way to ask for opinion is in the following examples.
Example 1
Woman: Do you believe that the red team is going to win this match?
Man : To be honest, I’m not really sure.
Example 2
Man : I’ve just finished writing my article. Can you give me your thoughts on it?
Woman: Sure, what is it about?
Based on the examples above, can you guess which expressions are used to ask for opinion?
In the first example, the woman asks the man by saying, “Do you believe that the red team is going to win this match?” She asks for the man’s opinion using the expression, ‘Do you believe that ….?’ and then the man expresses his opinion by saying, **“To be honest, I’m not really sure.” ** It means that you can also say, “Do you believe that ….?” to ask for opinion.
In the second example, can you find the expression or the sentence that asks for opinion?
Yes, it is the sentence said by the man. He asks the woman about her opinion on the article that he had just finished writing, using the expression, “can you give me your thoughts on it?”
It also means that you can say, “Can you give me your thoughts on it?” to ask for opinion.
Here are some other expressions for you.

Do you understand?

We can also use the above expressions in problem solving. We face problems almost every day. Sometimes, we can solve it independently but there are times when we need somebody else’s opinion, especially those we trust and look up to. Read the following situation:
You are in a dilemma. You are invited to join a national speech contest but at the same time, the date of the contest clashes with your school outing program. You cannot decide which one to join and talk to your Dad.
You : Dad, I just received an invitation to join a national speech contest but at the same time, there will be a school outing program. What are your views on the matters, should I join the contest or outing?
Dad : I believe you should talk to your class teacher, Darling. Getting a national invitation for a 
contest is an achievement because not every student has such opportunity. Why don’t you discuss if it is possible to make up the outing program some other times or compensate it with an individual project. This way, you could still join the contest and get the grade you need.
You : Thanks a lot Dad! I will consult the class teacher tomorrow.


  • From the above conversation you can see that the expressions we use to ask others’ opinion can fit several situations, including when you are facing some problems and need someonelse’s opinion to help you solve the problems.
  • In problem solving, asking others’ opinion is useful to give you broader perspectives on something.
  • The most common expressions are including:

Contoh Soal Asking for Opinions to Solve Problems

Anita: What do you think about shopping online? I need some stuffs but don’t feel like going from shop to shop, it’s just too tiring.
Bahar: I don’t really trust online shopping because when I really need to buy something I have to see it, touch it and then I believe the product is good.
The underlined sentence expresses ....
One of the following expressions is the question to ask for someone’s opinion .…
The following are the sentences used to ask for opinion, except ….
Question 4
Lina : ... about social media like facebook, twitter, path, or such?
Arni : Well, I think social media make it easier for us to connect with people or to get real-time information.”
The most suitable expression to complete the sentence is ….
Son: Hey, dad, look! I bought a new baseball cap. What do you think?
Father: It looks good on you. You look like a professional baseball player.
In the dialogue, the son ….
Complete the following dialogue.
Dion : .... 
Tika : I think the key to end the poverty is education. Education could help us to have a better life.
Dion’s line will likely be ....

have – on – any – do – opinion – matter – you – this – ?

The correct arrangement is ….
The dialogue is for Question 8 to Question 10
Fani : It looks like many people are always busy with their phone, even when they are WITH PEOPLE.
Aldo : I agree with you.
Fani : Do you know that there is even a research that proves this situation?
Aldo : I heard about the research, but I haven’t got any chance to read the details.
Fani : Well, based on the research, it seems like many people think that they cannot live without their phone. Do you have any thoughts on this matter?
Aldo : Nowadays, many people think that phone is one of the most important things they should bring with wherever they go. They become addicted to their phone. They always look at their phone most of the time. It is really annoying when you talk to someone who is busy with their phone. It is impolite to do always look at your phone while another person is talking to you. I think we should try to put our phone once in a while, especially when we talk to someone.
Fani : Couldn’t agree more.
The statement that Fani says to ask for Aldo’s opinion is ….
The dialogue is for Question 8 to Question 10
Fani : It looks like many people are always busy with their phone, even when they are WITH PEOPLE.
Aldo : I agree with you.
Fani : Do you know that there is even a research that proves this situation?
Aldo : I heard about the research, but I haven’t got any chance to read the details.
Fani : Well, based on the research, it seems like many people think that they cannot live without their phone. Do you have any thoughts on this matter?
Aldo : Nowadays, many people think that phone is one of the most important things they should bring with wherever they go. They become addicted to their phone. They always look at their phone most of the time. It is really annoying when you talk to someone who is busy with their phone. It is impolite to do always look at your phone while another person is talking to you. I think we should try to put our phone once in a while, especially when we talk to someone.
Fani : Couldn’t agree more.
One of the following statements is TRUE according to the dialogue.
The dialogue is for Question 8 to Question 10
Fani : It looks like many people are always busy with their phone, even when they are WITH PEOPLE.
Aldo : I agree with you.
Fani : Do you know that there is even a research that proves this situation?
Aldo : I heard about the research, but I haven’t got any chance to read the details.
Fani : Well, based on the research, it seems like many people think that they cannot live without their phone. Do you have any thoughts on this matter?
Aldo : Nowadays, many people think that phone is one of the most important things they should bring with wherever they go. They become addicted to their phone. They always look at their phone most of the time. It is really annoying when you talk to someone who is busy with their phone. It is impolite to do always look at your phone while another person is talking to you. I think we should try to put our phone once in a while, especially when we talk to someone.
Fani : Couldn’t agree more.
Aldo thinks that ….

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