Contoh Soal Learning the Expressions of Blames, Accusation and Complaints

Contoh Soal Learning the Expressions of Blames, Accusation and ComplaintsIn this session you are going to learn three ‘discouraging’ expressions: blaming, accusing, and complaining. Why are these expressions considered as discouraging? The reason being, those expressions may cause some negative feelings to the person who experience it as well as to the person who is saying it. To begin the lesson, learn these following situations.
Have you ever feel disappointed to someone for not doing well in some important matter and fail to finish it or the results was not that satisfying? What did you do back then? Probably you would put the responsibility for that matter on him or her; you came to blame him or her.
In other situations, have you ever thought that someone probably did something bad, though you did not have any evidence to prove it? When you thought that someone has already done something unkind, illegal, or morally wrong, how did you react? Well, you most probably accused him or her for doing that.
Learning the situations, I believe you can differentiate between the expressions of blaming and accusing. The expressions of blaming are used when you claim someone to be responsible for doing something wrong.
For example:
Anwar : So, who was late submitting the paper?
Bobi : it was me.
Anwar : It is all because of you Mr. Johan did not want to receive all of our papers. Because of your tardiness he rejected any other student’s paper.
Bobi : I am sorry, I couldn’t help it. I forgot the submission date.
Anwar : Oh my God, I can’t believe that you did this to us.
Could you recognize the situation in dialog above? Yes, Anwar blames Bobi for being late in submitting paper that causes their teacher rejected all of students’ works. Look at the bold italic clauses; those express blaming.

Contoh Soal Learning the Expressions of Blames, Accusation and Complaints

“Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with the netbook I bought from this shop few days ago.”

What expression is shown?
The statement is the expression of ….
The following is the expression you will probably show when you are accusing someone .…
The following dialog to answer question 3 and 5
Amber : Hey, you there. Stop!
Jo : What’s up?
Amber : You and your bikes damaged the flowers and grasses. .... . The owner will be really angry.
Jo : But I did not intend to.
The best expression to complete the dialog is .…
The following dialog to answer question 3 and 5
Amber : Hey, you there. Stop!
Jo : What’s up?
Amber : You and your bikes damaged the flowers and grasses. .... . The owner will be really angry.
Jo : But I did not intend to.
What has Jo probably done with his bike? He ....
The following dialog to answer question 3 and 5
Amber : Hey, you there. Stop!
Jo : What’s up?
Amber : You and your bikes damaged the flowers and grasses. .... . The owner will be really angry.
Jo : But I did not intend to.
What did Jo imply in the end of the dialog? He ...
The following conversation is to answer question 6 and 7.
Handi : I can’t turn on the television. It is broken. You must be the one who did it.
Fajar : No, I didn’t do that.
Handi : But you were the only last person who used it yesterday. There was no one at home but you all day long yesterday, and all the things you did was watching TV.
What did Handi accuse Fajar for?
Handi accused Fajar for .…
The following conversation is to answer question 6 and 7.
Handi : I can’t turn on the television. It is broken. You must be the one who did it.
Fajar : No, I didn’t do that.
Handi : But you were the only last person who used it yesterday. There was no one at home but you all day long yesterday, and all the things you did was watching TV.
Why did Handi accuse Fajar as the one breaking the television? Because ....
The following conversation is to answer question 8 to 10.
Brian : Hallo, Brian’s here!
Caesar : Brian, it is Caesar. I’ve got a problem here, you see, the water 
heater you installed last week did not work well.
Brian : What is the problem exactly?
Caesar : I had to wait for over an hour just to get hot water for my bath, 
whereas in the manual said it only takes fifteen minutes.
Brian : I am afraid there is a slight problem with the electrical 
installation. I will go check it to your home when I finish here.
Caesar : Okay, I’ll wait for you. Thank you.
What did Caesar complain about?
Caesar complained about .…
The following conversation is to answer question 8 to 10.
Brian : Hallo, Brian’s here!
Caesar : Brian, it is Caesar. I’ve got a problem here, you see, the water 
heater you installed last week did not work well.
Brian : What is the problem exactly?
Caesar : I had to wait for over an hour just to get hot water for my bath, 
whereas in the manual said it only takes fifteen minutes.
Brian : I am afraid there is a slight problem with the electrical 
installation. I will go check it to your home when I finish here.
Caesar : Okay, I’ll wait for you. Thank you.
Brian is ....
The following conversation is to answer question 8 to 10.
Brian : Hallo, Brian’s here!
Caesar : Brian, it is Caesar. I’ve got a problem here, you see, the water 
heater you installed last week did not work well.
Brian : What is the problem exactly?
Caesar : I had to wait for over an hour just to get hot water for my bath, 
whereas in the manual said it only takes fifteen minutes.
Brian : I am afraid there is a slight problem with the electrical 
installation. I will go check it to your home when I finish here.
Caesar : Okay, I’ll wait for you. Thank you.
What will Brian probably do after the call?
Brian will probably ….

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