Contoh Soal Proper Response to Expressions of Blames, Accusation and Complaints

Contoh Soal Proper Response to Expressions of Blames, Accusation and ComplaintsIn the other session, you have learnt about the expressions of blaming, accusing, and complaining. Now you are going to learn how to respond to those expressions.
  • The expressions of blaming are used when you claim someone to be responsible for doing something wrong.
  • The expressions of accusing are used when you think or say that someone has done something wrong whether or not you know the truth or have any evidence to prove it.
  • The expressions of complaints are usually shown when you feel displeasure that someone has done something unsatisfying for you.

Let's Learn

Think about these situations.
When you are blamed for doing something bad, how do you feel?
When you are accused of doing something wrong, how would you react?
Most people would probably feel hurt when they experience the ‘discouraging’ statements, and respond with rather hurtful feelings. Some may also feel offended and reacting quite harsh on complaints, accusation and blames. There are two ways of responses over the expressions of blames and accusation, namely accepting as or declining.
When we DID something wrong, it is wiser for us to admit it, though sometimes someone who accused of blames or accusation tends to decline it (at first). Here are some responses (accepting and declining) blames and accusation.
For instance:
Leni : It is all because of you Mr. Johan did not want to receive all of our papers. Because of your tardiness he rejected any other student’s paper.
Indra: I am sorry, I couldn’t help it. I forgot the submission date.
Leni : Oh my God, I can’t believe that you did this to us.
In the dialog Leni blames Indra for being late in submitting paper and Indra himself admit his mistake. The bold italic shows the expression he uses.
On a different note, there are two ways of responses over the expressions of complaining: positive response and negative responses. These are almost the same with the responses over the expressions of blaming and accusing; positive responses show that you accept whatever complaints and negative responses are showed when you refuse or reject the complaints.

For instance,
Jay : I want to complain about the personal computer I bought yesterday. The DVD writer did not work.
Shopkeeper : We are very sorry. I suggest you leave it with us and we’ll see what can be done.
Look at the dialog, Jay makes a complaint to the shop about a broken product and the shopkeeper accepts his complaint. The bold italic shows the expression he uses.

Do you understand?

  • There are two ways of responding the expressions of blames, accusation, and complaints: accepting or declining.
  • Accepting the blames, accusation, or complaints means you take responsibility for the thing you have done and you feel sorry for it. e.g.: I am sorry, it was my fault, I cannot tell you how sorry I am, so on ….
  • Declining blames, accusation, or complaints happens when you do not agree with the statements directed to you, and you refuse to admit or take responsibility of it. e.g.: I am not the one to blame, there is nothing we can do about it, etc.

Let's Practice

To deepen your understanding, try practicing with these problems :
  • The following are positive responses over complaints, except:
a. I'm sorry about that.
b. Well, there is nothing we can do about it.
c. I wish it never happens.
d. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
e. I promise that will never happen again.
  • At the lunch-break, Lily left her chocolate bar on the table for a minute. When she got back, her chocolate wasn't there. She said "It must be you who took my chocolate bar"
What your response if:
a. you really are the one who took the chocolate bar?
b. you did not take it?

Contoh Soal Proper Response to Expressions of Blames, Accusation and Complaints

Well, I’m afraid there is not much that we can do about it.

The expression above is used to .…
The following conversation is to answer question 2 to 4.
Handi : I can’t turn on the television. I think the remote is broken. You must be the one who did it.
Fajar : No, I didn’t do that.
Handi : But you were the only last person who used it yesterday. 
Fajar : Yes, but it was not me who broke the TV remote.
Handi : There was no one at home but you all day long yesterday, and all the things you did was watching TV.
Fajar : How dare you accuse me. I will never do such things.
The conversation is about ....
The following conversation is to answer question 2 to 4.
Handi : I can’t turn on the television. It is broken. You must be the one who did it.
Fajar : No, I didn’t do that.
Handi : But you were the only last person who used it yesterday. 
Fajar : But it was not me who broke the TV.
Handi : There was no one at home but you all day long yesterday, and all the things you 
did was watching TV.
Fajar : How dare you accuse me. I will never do such things.
Identify the expression of accusing: .…
The following conversation is to answer question 2 to 4.
Handi : I can’t turn on the television. It is broken. You must be the one who did it.
Fajar : No, I didn’t do that.
Handi : But you were the only last person who used it yesterday. 
Fajar : But it was not me who broke the TV.
Handi : There was no one at home but you all day long yesterday, and all the things you 
did was watching TV.
Fajar : How dare you accuse me. I will never do such things.
The following is not Fajar’s responses to deny the accusation: ....
The following conversation is to answer question 5 to 7.
Irham : what on earth were you thinking loosing that important file?! We cannot follow up the murderer case since we lost the proof.
Bintang : ...., I am sorry.
Irham : Now, how should I show face to our clients? You’re getting on my nerves, really.
Bintang : It is my responsibility, I will admit it.
Complete the dialog with the most appropriate expression ….
The following conversation is to answer question 5 to 7.
Irham : what on earth were you thinking loosing that important file?! We cannot follow up the murderer case since we lost the proof.
Bintang : ...., I am sorry.
Irham : Now, how should I show face to our clients? You’re getting on my nerves, really.
Bintang : It is my responsibility, I will admit it.
Who are in the conversation?
The conversation is probably between .…
The following conversation is to answer question 5 to 7.
Irham : what on earth were you thinking loosing that important file?! We cannot follow up the murderer case since we lost the proof.
Bintang : ...., I am sorry.
Irham : Now, how should I show face to our clients? You’re getting on my nerves, really.
Bintang : It is my responsibility, I will admit it.
During the conversation, Irham is probably feeling .…
The following conversation is to answer question 8 to 10.
Jaya : Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with the new air conditioner I bought yesterday from this store.
Shopkeeper : what exactly did go wrong with the air conditioner?
Jaya : one of the blowers did not work and so does the insect filter
Shopkeeper : We will need a comprehensive check-up, but I’m afraid we can’t help you at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you soon.
The conversation probably takes place in the ....
The following conversation is to answer question 8 to 10.
Jaya : Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with the new air conditioner I bought yesterday from this store.
Shopkeeper : what exactly did go wrong with the air conditioner?
Jaya : one of the blowers did not work and so does the insect filter
Shopkeeper : We will need a comprehensive check-up, but I’m afraid we can’t help you at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you soon.
The response of the shopkeeper is ....
The following conversation is to answer question 8 to 10.
Jaya : Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with the new air conditioner I bought yesterday from this store.
Shopkeeper : what exactly did go wrong with the air conditioner?
Jaya : one of the blowers did not work and so does the insect filter
Shopkeeper : We will need a comprehensive check-up, but I’m afraid we can’t help you at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you soon.
What will probably happen next? Choose the right answer from the option below ....

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