Contoh Soal Giving Suggestions and Comments

Contoh Soal Giving Suggestions and CommentsIn this lesson, you will learn about how to express suggestion and comment

Suggestion and Comment

You may often hear about suggestion and comment. They relates to problem. When you have a problem and you can’t think clearly, some friends or parents may give you suggestion to solve it. Or when you show your skill in playing instrument, they may give you comment about your performance and suggestion for what you should improve for the next show. Can you imagine when there is none gives you suggestion or comment? Yes, you won’t know how good or bad you are. Thus, getting suggestion and comment from others are important to make someone acts better.
  • Definition
Suggestion is an expression to express an idea which is suggested to someone for a particular purpose.
Comment is an opinion towards something which can be followed by explanation or reasons.
  • Purpose
Suggestion is commonly used to give an idea towards acts that someone should do, while comment is an opinion which is stated personally. Some people may accept suggestion. It has usually a good purpose for solving a problem or being better. But, comment probably has two side of views; good or bad.

Giving Suggestion

To understand how to use suggestion expression in the daily life, you should pay attention to the following context:
Formal Context
  • I suggest ….
  • You should ….
  • Maybe you should ....
  • May I suggest that ….
  • I would recommend that you ….
  • I suggest you to bring laptop.
  • You should go now before you miss the meeting.
  • Maybe you should check the computer to the service center or it will get worse.
  • May I suggest that you need to come earlier in the final exam?
  • I would recommend that you don’t need to ….
Informal Context
  • Why don’t you ….
  • I think you should ….
  • If I were you, I would ….
  • Why don’t you take English course?
  • I think you should sleep earlier
  • If I were you, I would participate in the competition

Responding to Suggestion

To respond to someone suggestion, pay attention to its context:
When you accept the suggestion, use these phrases:
  • Yes, I suppose I should
  • I think good way
  • Thanks, I’ll do it
  • It sounds good
  • I guess yes
  • Yes, I will
  • All right
When you feel that the suggestion is not good enough for you, use these phrase:
  • Oh, I don’t think it’s necessary
  • I don’t think so
  • I guess not
Example Conversation
Giana: What’s going on? You look so sad?
Dimas: I didn’t sleep last night?
Giana: What did you do?
Dimas: I had to finish Biology task.
Giana: Biology task? Why didn’t you work it on weekends? 
Dimas: Yes. I planned to work it on weekends but I just remember last night.
Giana: I think you should take a note on your phone to remind you for any kind of tasks.
Dimas: Yes, I suppose I should.

Giving Comment

To understand how to use comment expression in the daily life, you should pay attention to the following context:

Formal Context
  • I firmly believe ….
  • Well, personally ….
  • I personally think ….
  • I personally consider ….
  • My own view of the matter is ….
Informal Context
  • I think ….
  • I don’t think ….
  • In my opinion ….
  • If you ask me, I feel ….
  • From my point of view ….
  • The way I see is that ….
Example Conversation
Edwin : I heard that you went to Cinema yesterday. What movie did you watch?
Nada : Yes. I watched Fast and Furious 7?
Edwin : What do you think about it?
Nada : In my opinion, it is the best movie I’ve ever watched.


  • When people discuss their problems, suggestions and comments are commonly shared.
  • Suggestions are statements that people say in order to solve certain issues or problems.
  • Comments are statements that people say in response to certain issues, problems, ideas, and other topics of conversation.

Contoh Soal Giving Suggestions and Comments

A suggestion is ....

The sentence that is NOT an example of giving suggestion is ....
The following are examples of expressions to give comment, except ....

“Your performance last night was really awesome. .... you will be a famous singer.”

Choose a phrase that is correct to complete the statement above ....

“The teacher asked me to tell you about the exam next week. .... ”

The most proper expression to complete the above statement is ....

"Why don’t you take English course? You have a lot of money.”

Find the phrase that is suitable to refuse to the above statement ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 7 and 8
Amy : Hi, you look so pale. What’s the matter?
Ray : I’ve got stomachache. I don’t know why.
Amy : Have you taken some medicine?
Ray : Sure. But, I think it doesn’t work.
Amy : ....(7)
Ray : But I have an exam this noon.
Amy : If I were you, I would ask for permission to the teacher.
Ray : ....
Which statement is suitable to complete the conversation above?
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 7 and 8
Amy : Hi, you look so pale. What’s the matter?
Ray : I’ve got stomachache. I don’t know why.
Amy : Have you taken some medicine?
Ray : Sure. But, I think it doesn’t work.
Amy : ....(7)
Ray : But I have an exam this noon.
Amy : If I were you, I would ask for permission to the teacher.
Ray : .... (8)
Which statement is suitable to complete the conversation above?
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 9 and 10
Wina : What do you think about drugs?
Nico : Drugs is like medicine, but you need doctor’s prescription if you want to consume it.
Wina : How about antibiotic? Can we consume it without doctor’s prescription?
Nico : That’s not a good idea. You should ask the doctor.
Wina : But, my mom often gives it to me when I get flu.
Nico : ....(9) that it has side effect to your body if you take it without right prescription.
The phrase that is suitable to complete the conversation above is ....
Read the conversation below to answer questions number 9 and 10
Wina : What do you think about drugs?
Nico : Drugs is like medicine, but you need doctor’s prescription if you want to consume it.
Wina : How about antibiotic? Can we consume it without doctor’s prescription?
Nico : That’s not a good idea. You should ask the doctor.
Wina : But, my mom often gives it to me when I get flu.
Nico : ....(9) that it has side effect to your body if you take it without right prescription.
They are talking about ....

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