Contoh Soal Functional Text , Narrative Text , LOVE STORIES
Contoh Soal Functional Text , Narrative Text , LOVE STORIES - Important Facts About Narrative Texts
* Narrative text consists of some series of events.
* It can be fiction or nonfiction.
* The examples of fiction narrative are novels and short stories.
* The examples of nonfiction are biographies and autobiographies.
* The purpose of narrative text is to entertain the readers.
* In narrative text, we use past tenses as we retell some events happened before.
* It can be fiction or nonfiction.
* The examples of nonfiction are biographies and autobiographies.
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* In narrative text, we use past tenses as we retell some events happened before.
Generic structure of narrative text
• Orientation:
this opening paragraph tells you the characters you will find in the story. Besides, it also tells you the time and place setting where the story takes place. The writer uses this paragraph to introduce the main characters and settings.
• Complication:
complication is the main part of the narrative text as it tells the readers what happen to the main characters of the story. Commonly, this paragraph tells the readers about the conflict between the characters. The writer tells how the conflict appears and develops through this paragraph.
• Resolution:
it is the last paragraph where the writer tells the readers how the conflict solved. It can be a happy ending or bad ending.
• Orientation:
this opening paragraph tells you the characters you will find in the story. Besides, it also tells you the time and place setting where the story takes place. The writer uses this paragraph to introduce the main characters and settings.
• Complication:
complication is the main part of the narrative text as it tells the readers what happen to the main characters of the story. Commonly, this paragraph tells the readers about the conflict between the characters. The writer tells how the conflict appears and develops through this paragraph.
it is the last paragraph where the writer tells the readers how the conflict solved. It can be a happy ending or bad ending.
Aspects of narrative text
• Setting. It tells you when and where the story happens
• Characters. People involved in the story
• Events. Actions by the main characters to develop create, develop, and end the conflict.
• Setting. It tells you when and where the story happens
• Characters. People involved in the story
• Events. Actions by the main characters to develop create, develop, and end the conflict.
What is a love story?
One example of a narrative text that we commonly find is a love story. It is a kind of story that tells the romance of a couple, some people conflicting with love triangle case, murder because of love, etc. It can be a happy or sad story.
One of the most famous classic love stories is Romeo and Juliette by Shakespeare. As you may have known, it involves various conflicts, and the love story ends tragically with the death of the couple. In Indonesia, a non-fiction, inspirational love story example is Habibie & Ainun. The story was filmed and became one of the most recommended drama movies in Indonesia’s film history.
Example of a love story
Read the following example of a fiction love story.

From the story above we learn that orientation is found in paragraph 1 and 2. Complication begins in paragraph 3 and continues to paragraph 4. The resolution is found in paragraph 5.
From the story above we learn that orientation is found in paragraph 1 and 2. Complication begins in paragraph 3 and continues to paragraph 4. The resolution is found in paragraph 5.
The purpose of a narrative text is ....
Choose a statement that is not very important aspects of a narrative text: ....
A paragraph where the writer introduces the characters and the settings of the story is called .…
A paragraph where the writer tells how the conflicts solved is called ….
The sentences below are not in order. Read them carefully and arrange them to a good paragraph, and choose the option that shows the best composition.

Based on the previous story, the resolution took place ....
What is the time setting of the story when the complication took place?
Choose the right answer from the following options: ....
Choose the right answer from the following options: ....
Read the following paragraph carefully.

There are ... characters involved in the story.
An example of a narrative text is the following, EXCEPT ....

The conflict of the above story is ....