Contoh Soal Expressing Intentions

Contoh Soal Expressing IntentionsStudy the following dialogue.
Lian and Lala are talking on the mobile phone.
Lian : Hello, Lala. I heard you are going to Jakarta.
Lala : Yes. Who told you?
Lian : I met your sister today at the post office. She told me this.
Lala : Oh, okay. Yes, I am going to Jakarta at 16.00 today.
Lian : My flight is also at that time. What about going to the airport together?
Lala : Of course. That’s a good idea. 
Lian : Fantastic. See you then.
Lala : See you.
The dialogue above is about Lala telling her intention to Lian. What is intention? Intention is a plan that you want to do or something to do in the future. How should you express yourself when telling about intention? To state a plan or plans in the future, you can use will, would, want, be going to, and would rather.
Please refer to the following examples.
  • I will go to several offices in Jakarta to meet my brother.
  • I would like to meet my in laws.
  • I want to have many children in the future.
  • I am going to Jakarta for taking an English course
  • I would rather stay at home than hiking.
How do you exactly use those types of intention? To get the answer to this question, let us make the pattern from the examples given above.
I will go to several offices in Jakarta to meet my brother.
1. (+) Subject + will + Verb 1 + Object/Complement + (I will do something)
2. (-) Subject + will + not + Verb 1 + Object/Complement + (I will not do something)
3. (?) Will + subject + Verb 1 + Object/Complement + (Will you do something?)
I would like to meet my teachers.
1. (+) Subject + would + Verb 1 + to infinitive + Object (I would like to do something)
2. (-) Subject + would + not + Verb 1 + to infinitive + Object (I would not like to do something)
3. (?) Would + subject + Verb 1 + to infinitive + Object (Would you like to do something?)
I want to have a good job in the future.
1. (+) Subject + want + to infinitive + object /complement (I want to do something)
2. (-) Subject + do not + want + to infinitive + object/complement (I don't want to do something)
3. (?) Want + subject + to infinitive + object/complement (Do you want to do something?)
I am going to Jakarta tomorrow early morning.
1. (+) Subject + be + going to + object + complement (I'm going to do something)
2. (-) Subject + be + not + going to + complement (I'm not going to do something)
3. (?) Be + subject + not + going to + complement (Are you going to do something?)
I would rather stay at home than go hiking.
1. (+) Subject + would + rather + verb 1 + than + Gerund (I would rather do something than doing something else)
2. (?) Would + subject + rather + verb 1 + than + Gerund (Would you rather do something than doing something else?)

Contoh Soal Expressing Intentions

The meaning of intention is ....
Which is not the expression of stating your intention?
Complete the following dialogue.
Ani : When are you going to Jakarta?
Tia : I ... to Jakarta at 12.00.
the suitable word to complete the blank is ....

They ... (4) go to the cinema tonight.

The suitable phrases to complete the sentence above is ....

I am go to buy ticket to Jakarta at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

Which part of the sentence is incorrect? Choose one of the following:

We will going to the central mall to buy discount clothes.

The incorrect part of the sentence is ....

think my brother will won the singing contest next month.

Choose the correct sentence for the following pattern: ....
Subject + will + Verb 1 + Object/Complement + (Adverb)

Choose the correct sentence for the following pattern: ....
Subject + would + Verb 1 + to infinitive+ Object
Which formula fits the sentence below?

I am not going to tell you about her.

Choose one of the following .... 

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