Contoh Soal Review , Caring and Complimenting in Various Contexts

Contoh Soal Review , Caring and Complimenting in Various ContextsWhen one of your friends is going through a bad day or an unfortunate situation, should you give them compliment or should you express your care to them?
How about this situation: you saw your friend’s drawing and it was beautiful. You want to let her know that her painting is amazing. What should you say?
In the previous lessons, you have learnt about expressing care and compliment. Do you still remember how to show care or give compliment to other people? Let’s refresh your mind!
When someone is going through a tough time, what you need to give them is your care, not compliment. Therefore, in the first case, you should express your care. In the second case, you want to appreciate what your friend does. So, complimenting them is the right response to the second situation.
Now, let’s take a look at the following dialogue. Analyze the situation that they are involved in and then highlight the expression(s) that the speakers say in that situation.

Contoh Soal Review , Caring and Complimenting in Various Contexts

Anna: You look so gloomy. What’s wrong? Did something happen?
Bella: My brother got into an accident this morning. He is in the hospital right now.
Anna: Oh, dear. I’m so sorry to hear that. Is he okay?
Bella: I hope so. I haven’t had the chance to visit him.
The dialogue contains expression of …

In the conversation, the woman …. the man.

In the dialogue, the speaker expresses her care by saying…

Ersa: Hi, Hikmah. What did you want to tell me?
Hikmah: Oh, right. Two days ago I saw this cute bag at the mall. I really like it and there was a fifty-percent discount, but I didn’t bring any money with me that day. So, the next day, I went back to the store. Guess what?
Ersa: What? Was it sold out?
Hikmah: No, it wasn’t.
Ersa: Then, did you get the bag?
Hikmah: No, I didn’t.
Ersa: Why?
Hikmah: When I went back to the store the next day. There wasn’t any discount anymore. So, I didn’t buy it because my money wasn’t enough to buy it. The bag was really expensive without the discount.
Ersa: That’s too bad. You should save more to be able to buy it.
Hikmah: I guess so.
The following statement is true according to the dialogue ….

Fahmi: Iqbal! What an entertaining performance, buddy! Congratulations!
Iqbal: _____________________. Did you come here alone?
Fahmi: No, I came here with a friend. She was over there, talking to her friend.
Iqbal: I see. Anyway, I have to get ready for the next performance.
Fahmi: Sure, of course.
Iqbal: Thank you for coming, Fahmi.
Fahmi: It’s a pleasure.
Choose the appropriate response to fill the blank.

"Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?"
"My sister passed away. It was so sudden."
"Oh, dear. Please accept my condolences."
The underlined sentence can be replaced with the following expressions, except ….

You receive a text message from your mother:
“Hi, sweetheart. Your teacher called me. She said that you won the first place in the competition. Congratulations, darling! You are great! I am so proud of you. Can’t wait to see you at home!
According to the dialogue, we can conclude that ….

You receive a text message from your mother:
“Hi, sweetheart. Your teacher called me. She said that you won the first place in the competition. Congratulations, darling! You are great! I am so proud of you. Can’t wait to see you at home!
Define the appropriate reply to your mom.

You come to your friend’s house, but she is not at home. The house is empty. No one is home. Then, you call her cell phone. It is her mother who picks up the phone. She tells you that they are in the hospital right now because your friend suddenly collapsed.
The appropriate response to say is …

  1. Petra: I know. Thanks for reminding me.
  2. Petra: I didn’t bring my wallet with me today. I completely forgot about it.
  3. Rere: No problem. That’s what friends are for.
  4. Rere: What’s wrong, Petra?
  5. Rere: That’s terrible! You should be more careful next time.
Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph.

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