Contoh Soal Identify the part of speech of a word in context

Contoh Soal Identify the part of speech of a word in contextEnglish grammar traditionally divides words into eight main parts of speech. In this lesson we will consider the first four – the other four will be considered in the next topic, Topic 279.
The first four main parts of speech are noun, verb, pronoun, and adjective. There are also some other names that come under these main headings.
  •  A noun is a naming word - it represents a person, thing, or place, like house, father, or pen.
·         A  Proper Noun is a noun that requires a capital letter, such as the name of a person, or a                                          town, or country. So James, India and New York are all proper nouns.
·         A verb  is a ‘doing’ or ‘being’ word. It describes an action, or a state of being, like walk, think, push, be, sleep. Verbs often end in  –ing: walking, sleeping, pushing.
  • pronoun is a word that goes in place of a noun.  Examples of pronouns are: I, me, she, her, he, him, it, you, they, them. So instead of saying ‘Rajesh is …’, you could say ‘He is…’ where ‘he’ goes in place of the name Rajesh.
  • An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Some adjectives are:  wonderful, lazy, green, huge, hot.
·         One particular type of adjective is a determiner or article, which is a word that introduces a noun. In English, the indefinite articles are a and an, the definite article is the.
So if you were talking about cars in general, you might say ‘a car’. But if you were talking about a particular car, you would say ‘the car.’ Here both and the are determiners. Other determiners are my, his, hers, your, their, those, some, many.

Each part of speech explains not what the word is, but how the word is used. In fact, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or adjective in the next.
Consider:  I have a blue coat; and
 He decided to coat the cake in chocolate.
In the first sentence, coat is a noun. In the second, coat is a verb.

This lesson will use nonsense, or made-up, words. You will need to work out which part of speech the word is using, even though you won’t understand what the word means. In this way you will know that you can recognize the way a word is being used, even when it's a word you don't know.
Contoh Soal Identify the part of speech of a word in context

Read the text and identify the nonsense word. 
The car is making awful noises – I think the alternator is scrinding against the battery connections.
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

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Read the text and identify the nonsense word: 
The leprechaun had painted his neat and tidy little house a vactulous shade of green.
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

Read the text and identify the nonsense word: 
The coat was very smart, and woven in wool. It had six buttons, a tie belt and was patterned with the Pinkerton tartan.
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

Read the text and identify the nonsense word:
I love it when I hear that piece of music – it’s so mimsical, I find it captivating and it makes me feel so happy!
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

Read the text and identify the nonsense word. 
There were several oranges, a few bananas, many pears, some grapes and cravan apples on the market stall.
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

Read the text and identify the nonsense word:
High court judges have answered the question ‘What constitutes a newspaper?’ by posticating that it does not have to be a particular size or shape, or made of paper, but does have to contain news.

Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

Read the text and identify the nonsense word: 
The recipe called for shallots, capers, leeks and parsley to be herbinged into butter and used as a tasty sauce for a cold terrine.
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?        

Read the text and identify the nonsense word. 
Hurry up! The party will be starting soon! If we don’t leave now ve will start without us!     
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?        

Read the text and identify the nonsense word: 
When my folks moved house last year, some of their boxes went missing. They lost some of their books, some of vesun photographs, and a few of their favorite pictures.
Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

Read the text and identify the nonsense word: 
Rupert was beginning to suspect that Portia was suffering from ankhelism, due to the fact that on their travels she insisted on going to every museum to see the Egyptian relics, and at home spent her time researching King Tutankhamen and his wife Ankhesenpaaten.

Which part of speech is the nonsense word using?

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