Contoh Soal Understand common prefixes

Contoh Soal Understand common prefixes A prefix is a letter or letters added to the beginning of a word which have a specific meaning. Knowing common prefixes can help you understand the meaning of new words and help you expand your vocabulary.

A good example of a prefix is un-. These letters give the root, or basic part of the word, the opposite meaning. So for example, unhappy means “not happy,” unhealthy means “not healthy, and unwise means “not wise.” Therefore, if you know that equal means “the same amount, “ you can correctly guess that unequal means “not the same amount.” If you know the meaning of the root word and the prefix, it is possible to guess the meaning of a new word.

It is important to know that all words that begin with certain letters do not use the same prefix. For example, you know that un- is a prefix that means “not.” However, under does not mean “not der.” Under is a separate word that does not have a prefix attached. Therefore, it is good to look up the new word in a dictionary to check that you guessed the correct meaning.

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There are hundreds of different prefixes in English. It is impossible to know them all, but learning common ones is a good tool for understanding new words. You can find lists of prefixes on the internet, and also in many dictionaries. Some common prefixes and words they are used in are:
  • uni-: meaning is “one,” used in unicycle, uniform
  • bi-: meaning is “two,” used in bicycle, bisect
  • tri-: meaning is “three,” used in tricycle, triangle
  • re-: meaning is “again or back,” used in revise, review, reform
  • mega: meaning is “great, a million,” used in  megabyte, megaphone
  • sub-: meaning is “below,” used in subnormal, submarine, subway
  • super-: meaning is “above,” used in superior, supermodel
How can you use these prefixes to guess a meaning? One way is to search the new word for a root that you recognize. For example, look at the sentence:  Jack rewrote his essay.  What does the word rewrite mean? You can find the root word wrote, which is the past tense of to write, plus the letters re- at the beginning. The prefix re- means “again.” So the meaning of rewrite might be “to write again.” Try reading the sentence with the possible new meaning in place of the word you do not know: Jack wrote his essay again. That makes sense; if you look up to rewrite in the dictionary, you will find it is the correct meaning.

Learning about prefixes is a good way to expand your vocabulary and understand the meaning of new words when you find them.

Contoh Soal Understand common prefixes

What is a prefix?

Which word does NOT have a prefix?

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Which is NOT a fact about prefixes?

If standard means “a required level,” what is the best way to rewrite the following sentence?  
The product was substandard quality.

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What is the best word to fill in the blank in the following sentence?  
Sally did not understand the meaning, so she __________ the paragraph three times.

If the prefix multi- means “many,” what is the best definition for multipurpose?

If terra is a root word meaning “earth,” what is the best meaning for the word in bold in this sentence? 
The cave was made by subterranean water.

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